A Story of the Planet Venus
Looking For The Planet Venus Prior to 1200 BC
by John M. Collins Sarnia, Ont., Canada 2021
The Planet Venus is my Designated Culprit
The points I use to support the idea are:
- Multiple Cultures had a major female war goddess who attacked the Earth violently in the period. - They have female human-like forms with human-like names when worshipped on Earth but are depicted as serpents or dragons when crossing the sky. Inanna of Sumer, Shaushka of the Hittites, Ishtar of the Hatti, Assyria & Babylonia, Athena of Greece, Anahita or Angra Mainyu of Persia/Iran, Anath associated with Semitic Ba'-al, Ankt, Sakhmet and Menhit of Egypt, Astarte of Canaan, Durga and Kali of India, Mórrígan of Ireland. On Earth, many of these are associated with lions (symbol of royalty), most have long hair (comet-like) and they have several types of weapons. Most have a title connected to seas or salt water. In all cases, later writers (post-600 BCE) claim that these goddesses have an equivalence with today's planet Venus.
- Having drawn the above thoughts together, the author realised that he had forgotten a well-known reference to a Serpent .... the one in the Garden of Eden story at the beginning of the Bible (Genesis chapter 3 and following). This was the Venus Comet but it is never mentioned as being in the sky, nor as having any connection to the planet Venus.
- Adam and Eve accepted this "Serpent" as a helpful god and personified it. The Bible story referred to it as being "crafty". Like most civilisations in the years that arose, mankind, represented by Adam and Eve, began worshipping it, doing what they thought it wanted or required. If the Comet came close to the Earth, the Garden of Eden was damaged and they had to go elsewhere. That forced departure was deemed "punishment by the Lord God" for having done what the serpent told them. (See Appendix 2 - Serpent & Dragon Lore, Bible for an in-depth assessment of this event. Also see Appendix 9 - Garden of Eden)
- Big Matters ! - Today we know Venus is over 80% of the size and mass of the Earth.(1) It is large enough to have a strong interaction with Earth. A “rule of thumb” in celestial effects says that if two bodies interact, the smaller one needs a mass equal to 10% or more of the larger one before it has much effect at all on the larger one. From a great distance, Venus plus the debris field, would appear as a very large comet with a big tail. Up close, flaming wildly and blotting out the rest of the sky as it passed through our atmosphere, it would be terrifying! Try visualising it !
- If the errant planet had been the smaller Mercury or Mars, it very likely would have been badly broken by the repeated pulling by Earth's gravity, and the pieces thrown out of the Solar System or into the grasp of the Sun or one of the larger outer planets. A standard comet would likely disintegrate on an approach close to the Earth and its parts burn up in our atmosphere. Anything striking the Earth might make a smallish pock-mark or ruin a small city.
- Venus Details - This planet rotates on its axis in the opposite direction to all other solar system planets except Uranus. If Venus originally rotated as Earth does but got "inverted" 180 degrees by an encounter with Earth, then its axial rotation direction would appear reversed as we see it now. Substantial damage on both Venus and Earth should have occurred, as it did. Considering that the Earth got inverted four times in the known past, it is quite possible that Venus also suffered in those actions. (See Appendix 11 - What Happened 13k YA?)
- Being twisted so as to "invert" could be expected to break up the crust of Venus and churn the planet's magma so that it flowed onto the surface. This would create a very hot surface, with the present atmosphere of carbon dioxide and sulphur vapours. Any free oxygen gained from Earth's atmosphere, would have been reacted. The carbon dioxide is the result of the combustion on the Venus Comet, not the cause of it being so hot.
- Venus, being hot, is unlike the other planets. Some researchers, surprised that it had not cooled down and solidified since its formation, have questioned if perhaps it may have suffered from an interaction with one of the large planets. This author has taken note of the condition of Uranus and wondered if Venus had been involved at some time. (see Appendix 10 - Venus & Uranus ?)
- Later generations thought of a flying, fire-breathing dragon when they saw it and its cloud up close, or spoke of it.(2)
- In the period 11,000 to 1200 BCE, the various items related to astronomy and mythology make reference to Venus Comet names, more often than the names of all the other planets together. It was of very special interest to those watching the skies. The vast majority of these references express fear of the planet/comet combination and/or its goddess. They invariably reference it as something threatening or causing damage. If the planet Venus was in a benign orbit, as it is now, this would not have been the case.
Large Stones and Lines to Stars
Over the years, I have also been an interested reader of the many articles describing prehistoric sites with large stones arranged in various patterns. A common aspect of these articles is “the discovery" or “the proving" of the orientations of the stones and their markings relative to the stars and their movements.
Those authors go to great lengths to determine what lines up with which stars, and when. To account for the huge effort that must have been expended by the builders and observers, they invariably attribute it to carrying out the religious beliefs of the time. The author found none who discussed or tried to document what those beliefs might have been, and how the erection of the large stones along with their markings, fitted into those beliefs. Those writers simply avoided discussing the topic.
He questioned whether the “assumption of religious beliefs” was paramount to understanding the use of these stones. Did the creation of such sites at multiple locations worldwide, imply the same religious beliefs worldwide? Unlikely! If it was not a religious belief, what else might give rise to this "passion" for building pyramids and high mounds, and setting up large stones on end in wide-open spaces and marking them? We must keep in mind that this "passion" was in vogue from well before 11,000 BCE to 1200 BCE.
Those stone arrangements suggested, that for that period of time, monitoring the heavens was an all-consuming task for a select group of the people, ones we now call astronomers. Later other people believed that by "reading" the motions of the wandering stars (planets), they too could predict the future for people. We call them astrologers. I believe that their assumptions, based on their “readings”, may provide a clue as to what was happening.
The author has come to understand that the common element around the globe was not a religion of some sort, but "FEAR" of what could come from the sky. The “readings” began as attempts to predict future episodes of destruction from the sky. Religion may have been invoked in an attempt to modify or explain the FEAR. This book examines the start of that period of FEAR and then its last 10,000 year extent in the lives of our ancestors. Very little of this, our history, has been passed on in detail or book-learning. It has remained with us in multiple, so-called “unbelievable myths". It's reality has been denied by most people who claim to be experts. The truth is that the future is not knowable. Control of space events like those of our past is, as yet, not possible. This Venus Story provides the details on this FEAR, its place in our history and its conclusion.
Cochno Stone, Scotland
Considering another aspect, there is a large, flat stone, 13m x 7.9m, at Cochno in Faifley, West Dunbartonshire, in the Clyde Valley of Scotland (3). It seems, to this author, to present a piece of the puzzle (see below). He believes that it is a star map from long ago with the Pleiades and Betelgeuse in the upper left corner and Sirius in the right centre. The "cup and ring" design, thought by other researchers to be just a design, perhaps with some religious significance, locates the cups as the stars and shows their brightness by size and multiple rings. Those stars would be overhead in late June and early July.
Map of the petroglyphs on the Cochno Stone. Image: The Modern Antiquarian
The basic unanswered question is Why was it created? The author's view is that it was used to keep track of the Venus Comet in the sky (The topic of this story! ). Astronomers of that day could place a moveable marker on it to show the Comet's moving position as it returned to our Sun from the dark void beyond Jupiter. They were trying to learn if the "thing in the sky" was going to hit or damage them.
In today's 21st Century CE, a skilled astronomer drawing a "length-wise" path on a star-map, would orient it lengthwise on his drawing pallet. He would include something to indicate a beginning and an end, and put details along that path. Assuming a similar level of skill by the astronomers of old, then we might consider that the Comet becomes visible in the vicinity of either Betelgeuse or Sirius. Its path turns near the other location. Where it disappears is not relevant as it is leaving Earth's vicinity and is no longer a threat, for seven years. Those major stars would give an astronomer a lead-in as to where he should look for the first speck of light from the incoming Comet.
The author also recognised that there are several lines on this rock which likely are cracks in the base rock. There is one smooth arc that begins below Betelgeuse and passes up and to the right between that star and another before moving towards Sirius. It ends with several "cups" and has about 10 dots along its length. Might it have been a path?
The amount of work put into making this "sky map" suggests to the author that it likely was used multiple times. That suggestion requires that the Comet reappear in the same area of the sky on each visit. The observer sitting on our orbiting planet was, in reality, moving in a small orbit relative to the massive distances to those two stars. Consequently they would appear to stand still in their field of stars. The ancient astronomers would soon learn more exactly where in the sky the threat would appear. That important piece of knowledge would be passed on from generation to generation, and very likely between astronomers and perhaps even cultures around the world. This exactness fits with the continuing exactness of the Venus Comet's cycles for more than 48,000 years as shown in the Greenland ice research by NOAA7.
The Cochno Stone in Scotland until 13k YA, may have been under the ice age glacier and not available for engraving, let alone in a place where people might live. By 1200 BCE (3200 YA), such a design would no longer have a use. Site alignments (See Appendix 13 - Sphinx, Pyramid and Other Alignments - Scotland) suggest that this property was being used during the Intermediary North Pole period (6500-5800 BCE). Currently it has been covered to protect the images from weathering and vandalism.
The author recognises that the Earth's orbit was altered multiple times.(4) He expects that the ancients, recognising those changes, would broaden their search for its next approach. They could use the same diagram and put their Comet marker in different spots as it came nearer. How long it was used and in what periods of time, would be of interest.
See Appendix 4 - Reading the Ice Tiahuanaco "Gate of the Sun" on pg 12 and review "Reading the Ice Record" above on pg 14.
(1) NASA Masses of Earth, Venus & Mars vs asteroids and Halley’s Comet in terms of 1020 kg
Earth 59,724, Venus 48,675 (By diameter, Venus is 95% of the size of Earth.), Mars 6,417;
Ceres (largest asteroid) 9.39, Vesta (2nd) 2.59, Pallas (3rd) 2.05, Eugenia (4th) 0.61; // Halley’s Comet 0.0022
(2) See Appendix 2 Serpent & Dragon Lore - China & Japan”
(3) "Will the Secrets Behind the 5000-year-old Cochno Stone Finally Be Solved?" April Holloway, ancient-origins.net 2018-09-08, noted 2019-11-28.
See also Appendix 13. Sphinx, Pyramids and Other Alignments - Scotland entry