A Story of the Planet Venus
Looking For The Planet Venus Prior to 1200 BC
by John M. Collins Sarnia, Ont., Canada 2021
While we will try to keep the website current, the most recent edits of the book and the appendices will be available here for download
Book Venus; The Late - Arriving Planet
Appendix 1 Dated Events - Temperature Changes in Greenland Ice Data and Noted Mentions of Destructions
Appendix 2 Serpent & Dragon Lore - Descriptions of the Venus Comet by Various Cultures
Appendix 3 Ice Age Puzzle - What You See is a Part of What You Got
Appendix 4 Reading the Ice - Development of Venus Comet Orbiting Data and Assessing Celestial Motions
Appendix 5 Venus and Platinum - A Telling Combination ?
Appendix 6 Creation of the Zodiac - Mapping and Reading the Skies
Appendix 7 Coming to America - Long Before Columbus
Appendix 8 Pre-13,000 Years Ago Latitudes
Appendix 9 Garden of Eden
Appendix 10 Venus & Uranus ?
Appendix 11 What Happened 13,000 Years Ago?
Appendix 12 Red Sea Passage
Appendix 13 Sphinx, Pyramids and Other Alignments