A Story of the Planet Venus
Looking For The Planet Venus Prior to 1200 BC
by John M. Collins Sarnia, Ont., Canada 2021
Appendix 4
Reading the Ice
Development of Venus Comet Orbiting Data And Assessing Celestial Motions
Understanding Passage of Time
Mapping the Sky
Pathways in the Heavens
Tracing Those New Pathways
Creation of a Sky Map
Significant Dates
Methodology of Fixing the Orbit Cycles
Carving the Sighting Stones
Sunrise Changes
Four Known Reversals
Dates and Directions
Venus Comet is Tamed
Earth and Mars Final Bout
Origin of Venus ?
Ideas in the Ice Before the Calamity of 11,053 BCE
The symbols on the Tiahuanaco "Gate of the Sun"
Table 4-1 Temperature Peaks Prior To 13,000 YA Catastrophe
43,343 BCE to 42,390 BCE
50kYA BP to 45kYA BP
Preparing for the Inevitable
And in the End
When beginning his writing of this Venus Story on the history of the planet Venus, the author worked to understand the movements of the Earth and the Venus Comet. He was focused on the period after the Younger Dryas (ended about 8200 BCE), to after the Trojan War (about 1184 BCE when the Venus Comet ceased to be a threat to the Earth). In this work, he encountered great confusion in his own mind as well as in the views of others. While he has a technical background and inclination, he has never studied celestial motions nor has he computer programs on those motions nor the skills to perform those tasks. What follows are his efforts to gain some insights. This Appendix is intended to supplement the main story line with helpful insights. It is not a stand-alone essay on these events.
Understanding the Passage of Time in this Story
In this Story, the author used the basic way of defining the term "year", and then discovered that it was used in two ways when discussing "how many days were in a year". In this Appendix, he will provide his explanations.
The basic definition of a "year" is one complete orbit by the Earth around the Sun. In that time period the Earth makes multiple revolutions on its polar axis, each being called a "day". Currently there are 365.24+ "days" in a "year".
If the orbit of the Earth came closer to the Sun, which indicated a smaller yearly orbit, and if the Earth's speed through space did not change (which is thought to be the case), the orbit would be completed in fewer days and likewise the year would have fewer days. Conversely going further away meant a longer orbital path and required more days. The Earth's daily rotational speed did not change and therefore neither did the length of a day. In the calculations that follow, he has used the "Earth Day" as the standard unit of time.
He determined from a detailed assessment of the NOAA data(1) that the Venus Comet had a seven (7) "year" orbiting period around the Sun on an elliptical orbit. These "years" were each equivalent to 360 Earth Days equaling 2520 Earth Days per single Venus Comet orbit. This value of 360 Earth Days per Comet year is described in the Mayan calculations.
The Comet orbit was on the same plane that the Earth travelled on, then and now. The Comet, using the Sun as a focus of its ellipse, passed between the Earth and the Sun relatively closely to the Earth and at a greater speed than the Earth was travelling. It was moving in the same direction as the Earth and in effect "overtook and passed" the Earth on the "inside" of the Earth's orbit. After having passed around the Sun, the Venus Comet headed out of the Sun's vicinity on its elliptical orbit towards the outer planets on another seven Earth Years year circuit.
Depending on the size of the orbit of the Earth, the Comet might not encounter the Earth on a particular Comet orbit. It might be travelling ahead of the Earth when circling the Sun, and be gone from the Sun before meeting our planet. Conversely, it might be too far behind the Earth to catch up before departing for the outer planets.
On those times when the Comet passed the Earth, those two bodies interacted to some degree. The best that could be hoped for was that they did not get drawn close towards one another. Having the Earth's atmosphere get dusted and a little dimmed by the Venus Comet cloud, was acceptable. The worst might include our atmosphere burning briskly, gravitational forces causing buildings to be thrown down or seas to flood over the land, a massive thunder-bolt striking the Earth near you plus the deaths of multitudes of people and animals. Such events left their mark in the Greenland Ice layers (varves) on a year-by-year basis. The addition of the dust clouding and cooling of the ice layers was readily discerned in the NOAA data. It provided an essentially year-by-year calendar against which notable physical Earth events and calamitous historical events could be compared. (See Appendix 1 - Dates of Temperature Drops in Greenland Ice Data and Noted Mentions of Destructions) This author has been amazed at how close the matching has been.
The Earth and the Comet might come close enough at one of those intervals to influence the orbit of the Earth. A larger miss might show a small change in the rate of change of the ice- freezing temperatures. If the Earth was orbiting further from the Sun, the Venus Comet encounters would be further apart in increments of seven years. These details were consistent with the biblical details in that Leviticus passage(2).
In the year 4876 BCE [see Appendix 1 - Dated Events (above) ], Earth and the Venus Comet met severely. Earth appears to have been overturned and its orbit changed to a year of 360 Earth days, which was reported. The Comet is shown to be interacting with the Earth on a 49 year cycle at a singular sky position. Trouble was guaranteed! It was just a question of "How Severe" ! The author lacked the calculation skills for celestial motions to find the number of Earth years and orbit sizes associated with the other "timings of intersections" such as 42, 56, 63, 70, 77, 84, and 91 years, that he encountered in this work on the Venus Comet.
Data from the Tiahuanaco, Bolivia "Gate of the Sun"(3), seem to indicate that a smaller 290-day Earth orbit of unknown diameter, existed sometime prior to the catastrophe of 11,053 BCE. Calculations by the author show that the orbit of the Venus Comet took 2520 Days (7 years of 360 earth days) between arrivals at the Sun. The symbols on the Tiahuanaco "Gate of the Sun" are thought to indicate a 290 day calendar for the Earth. Solving this puzzle required finding the number of Earth Days (rotations of our planet) on a 290 days year basis, that matched the length of time in days that the Venus Comet took to arrive at the interception point. That number had to be evenly divisible by the above 2520 Days per Comet orbit.
By a trial and error process, the author determined that the Venus Comet had intercepted the Earth at 73,080 Days. That number, divided by 360 days per year, was 203 Venus Comet years which was exactly 19 orbits of the Comet. In that length of time, 73,080 Earth Days, the Earth orbited the Sun (a year) exactly 252 times on its exactly 290 days-equals-a-year cycle. It must be noted that NONE of these numbers are rounded-off values. We speak of complete days and multiples of days. He is confident that there are no smaller values that fit. He has been unsuccessful in finding larger values that fit.
These values associated with the Tiahuanaco "Gate of the Sun" indicate that the Earth's orbit was distinctly closer to the Sun. The North Pole then oriented the Earth 250 (degrees) differently than today. (See discussion in Appendix 3 - Ice Age Puzzle?) An expected result would be that the Earth was generally warmer, particularly in some locations. Today's Arctic Siberia was likely very verdant and lush, and filled with people and animals. Canada's north where it was not ice covered, would be boreal. Argentina's south was much warmer and verdant, and perhaps the Antarctic Peninsula was inhabitable. Heat and rainfall would be distributed by ocean flows and air flows, both being governed by the then position of the equator. (See Appendix 8 - Pre-13kYA Latitudes)
It would have been a much different world.
The author's use of the Venus Comet motions derived after the 13kYA event in this Venus story, and his work on its motions prior to that date, confirm that no matter how devastating the effect on the Earth, the orbit of the Comet was not altered. The Greenland Ice Data1 show that the Venus Comet was leaving its marks on the Earth by 50,000 Years Ago, on that same orbit of seven years of 360 Earth-days each.
Mapping the Sky - Pathways in the Heavens
Following the great disturbance of the 13kYA encounter between the Venus Comet and the Earth, the ice-freezing temperatures plummeted. The author believes that two factors were in play. Our planet was enshrouded by thick debris from the Comet that blocked much of the radiated warmth from the Sun. Secondly the orbit of the Earth was greatly enlarged which also markedly further reduced the warmth from the Sun. Plant growth would suffer affecting the animal life, including humans, that depended on it. As tabulated in Appendix 1 - Dated Events, identifying the indications of peoples and their actions has been very difficult for the next 3000 years.
At the end of the Younger Dryas, the Earth had come into a somewhat smaller and therefore closer orbit around the Sun. The Venus Comet appears to have remained in its drawn out elliptical orbit around the Sun. Having caused the calamities of 11,053 and 9,585 BCE, the Venus Comet still continued to threaten Earth.
The NOAA Greenland Ice Data1 show that the Venus Comet came near Earth on multi-year cycles. It seems to have been particularly threatening to the Earth every 49 years1 for many periods of years in that data. Closer examination identified the multiple periods mentioned above. [see Appendix 1 - Dated Events]
A case can be made that, with Venus moving on the same plane as the Earth, our planet would pass through the debris-fouled orbital pathway of the Venus Comet multiple times while that planet itself was elsewhere on its orbit. These places on the Earth's orbit might provide showers of debris plunging through our atmosphere. At infrequent intervals, the Earth and the Venus Comet would be at or very close to the same place at the same time. These were where some of the Venus Comet / Earth interactions took place.
Tracing Those New Pathways
Discovering and tracking that new orbit of the Venus Comet, which would not have been its current one, would have been an ongoing task for aspiring astronomers. At this time I know of no proof of their skills, except they seem to have succeeded in doing it! Being able to forecast a celestial interaction in time to take a defensive position worldwide, was a major achievement.(4) The vast majority of people today lack that knowledge or skill.
The earliest available records, ca 5,000 BCE, indicate that astronomy likely was viewed differently than today. Did those ancient astronomers use an Earth-centred view of the sky, rather than our current Sun-centred one? Apparent celestial motions as seen by those ancients, would then be understood much differently from those we visualise today.
Additionally we must not assume that astronomy prior to the 13,003 BP date (11,053 BCE) catastrophe used either of those understandings of celestial motions. We must also accept that the stories of many world-wide communities, stated that they were warned prior to that date, and then took defensive actions.
Creation of the Map of the Sky - Why?
Was the Venus Comet coming from different places in the sky on each orbit? When departing the Sun, did it leave in different directions? There would be a great need to know where to look in the sky for the next entrance by the Venus Comet. It is a reasonable idea that the creation of a sky map, with its various stars and planets as recognisable patterns and locations in the sky, would be a useful step. Jane and Joe Average might come to associate certain identifiable star-patterns with good or bad events from the sky. This would in time morph into astrology with its Zodiac. (See Appendix 6 - Creation of the Zodiac)
Significant Dates
The author's assessment of the dates of the changes in the frequency of Venus Comet/ Earth encounters, is included in Appendix 1 - Dated Events. The various patterns of dips in the temperature at which the surface of the Greenland Ice Cap glacier ice froze in particular years, are given. I have determined that there were cycles in those dates.
My methodology was to minutely examine the original data looking for years when a maximum peak temperature (a high temperature) was followed by a sharp multiyear decline. These were tabulated as they indicated an event where the Comet interfered with the warming of the Earth’ s atmosphere. The reader will note that the TEMPERATURE scale in the plot vs DATEs, correctly indicates temperatures BELOW FREEZING as negative values. The larger the negative number is, the colder the temperature was.
The number of years between these peaks (warmest points) were determined. Through a "trial and error" number handling, it was assessed whether they shared a value that when divided into the peak-to-peak total of years, resulted in whole numbers of cycles. ie. From 1786 to 1702 BCE gave a span of 84 years which when divided by a 42 year cycle, resulted in exactly 2.0 cycles, showing an excellent fit. It also was divisible by 7. It must be realised that those year dates are about +/- 12 years due to the temperature span required to get the volume of ice sample needed to do analyses of the freezing temperatures.
A second type of data point of interest was when the ice freezing temperature was getting larger (getting colder) and suddenly the rate of enlargement increases. This adjustment in temperature change indicates that the incoming sunlight, that has been hitting the ice, has become partially shielded, by an encounter with the tail of the Comet.
A third variety of data point is found "off-schedule" and is linked to an apparently very small change in the Venus Comet path that brings it close to the Earth. It frequently is found with a distinct drop in ice-freezing temperatures and many times a change in the cycle of meetings, i.e. from 49 years to 63 years. Severe damage was often associated with this third variety of data point.
A fourth change noticed is a relatively short-lasting ice-freezing temperature rise, a warming, in the midst of a cooling trend. This is thought to be a Venus Comet intercept, usually on a cycle, where the cloud wrapping the Earth catches fire and burns strongly for a period. The ice-freezing temperature is raised briefly and then reverts to the cooling trend that was in progress earlier.
In many cases the cooling effects of the one cycle may not be distinguishable from the carry-on effect of the previous one. It appears to just extend it.
The ice data also shows points of lowest (coldest) ice-freezing temperature. These are believed to occur when the residual dust and vapour clouds shielding the ice from the sun, become thinned. Warming begins quickly. The Venus Comet is not directly involved.
Carving the Sighting Stones
Having explained my methodology, I will include my thoughts on the methodology that I suspect the ancients used in making their sightings and recordings. Why they carved lines on those stones, had left me wondering. I assumed that they would have used wooden posts which would be much more easily marked with lines and their variations. These posts would be worked on for perhaps a period of a few months while the Venus Comet was in sight. Seven years later, the Comet again comes into sight but in a different part of the sky. After a brief assessment they can see that it will not threaten them.
In fact it will be 42 years or 56 years or possibly 91 years before the next threat is expected. Will that wooden post, out in the open, still be standing firm and erect? I now understand that they likely erected and engraved a stone duplicate of the original wooden post in order to have their marker available to them at the next expected threat by the Venus Comet. They would watch for its return on the seven year frequency and mark where it appeared. This may have allowed them to then estimate when and where it would appear on its path and whether it would threaten them. Whether their data allowed them to make comparisons over multiple Venus Comet orbits is unknown, but is within the realm of possibility. Such a comparison would require passing along knowledge across generations of astronomers!
Sun Rise Changes - My Thanks to Herodotus
The ice data revealed that from time to time on an irregular basis, the interaction between the Venus Comet and Earth changed from one cycle of years such as 49 years to another multiple of "seven" such as 42, 56, 63, 70, 77, 84, and 91 years. Changes from one cycle value to another were not gradual but sudden at one date. This was taken to indicate that the Earth had its orbit altered. It had a greater or lesser number of Earth Days in a year (one orbit around the sun). Astronomers had to recalibrate their "instruments", such as they were, and make new observations of the stars to redetermine days in a year, days in a month and months in a year. And we wondered why they had many stone monuments with markings that they kept changing! The Venus Comet continued regularly in an orbit that took seven years to complete, showing that it had not been altered.
Thinking through these Earth and Venus Comet interactions that are recounted in the next pages left the author puzzling over the damage that seemed to be associated with four of the major calendar changing events. Why were they so much more damaging than the in-between ones? In the interaction with the Venus Comet in 4876 BCE, it is the author's belief that there was a polar reversal of the Earth's axis of rotation so that the Sun's apparent rising changed from the West to the East. This was the fourth such reversal mentioned by the ancient writers(5).
Four Known Reversals
My mind focused on comments by several cultures, including by Herodotus of the Greeks. Each mentioned that in their past, the Sun had risen twice in the East and twice in the West. All of these references specifically pointed to four changes. The Aztecs in Mexico told the Spanish that they were living in the "fifth sun", meaning that they knew of four changes. Historians, who mention these items, considered the stories as either distorted by translation, or fanciful mythological story telling, or due to people less knowledgeable than themselves trying to talk about history. One even said that Herodotus was just an "addled old Greek".
Talk about "advertising one's ignorance" !!!
At that 4876 BCE date, the Greenland Ice records show that the Venus Comet / Earth intercepts that inflicted damage, changed from every 63 years to every 49 years. As shown for this date, and 100 years later, in Appendix 1 - Dated Events, there are multiple evidences of the destruction of widespread civilisations followed later by "first appearances" of new ones.
Dates and Directions: Those four severe interactions between the Earth and the Venus Comet, are the answer as to why sunrise on the Earth was changed four times. The earth got tipped over end for end (inverted) on its North-South polar axis each time. Its speed of rotation on that axis remained unchanged, and the axis alignment on a celestial basis, while reversed, stayed the same. The forces involved were distinctly less than the catastrophic event of 11,053 BCE, but enough to get the job done. The "silence" in the records at that earlier time, was likely due to a loss of people as well as a following period of cold weather and starvation.
The pattern:
Before 11,053 BCE, sunrise in the East "would be first sun per Aztecs."
11,053 BCE, Catastrophic encounter with the Venus Comet
that "flipped" the Earth and resulted in the Flood.
From 11,053 to 6493 BCE, sunrise in the West
6493 BCE, Earth is "flipped" a second time.
From 6493 to 5870 BCE, sunrise in the East
5870 BCE, Earth is "flipped" a third time.
From 5870 to 4974 BCE, sunrise in the West
4974 BCE, Earth is "flipped" a fourth time.
After 4974 BCE, sunrise in the East "... living in the fifth sun per Aztecs."
The NOAA ice-freezing temperature values in 11,053 BCE show that the Earth was spun into a larger orbit much farther away from the warmth of the Sun. Those temperatures plunged and in fact the whole Earth would have cooled to much colder temperatures. We call it the Younger Dryas Period, and wonder how people survived. The likely devastation of the growing cycle of plants combined with cold temperatures, may have killed off many of those who lived away from the new equator. See Appendix 8 - Pre-13kYA Latitudes.
The ice-freezing temperature appears to bottom out by 10,700 BCE and to begin a slow warming. 8161 BCE, indicates the end of a warming rise of the Earth from the deep cold of the Younger Dryas period. It was followed by a series of interactions between Earth and the Venus Comet causing temperature peaks and drops. No records from that period are known and may well never have been made. The Sun rising in today’s West would have been normal for 4500 years.
The reader must keep in mind that we are using the surface freezing temperature values of some of Earth's high-altitude glaciers as indicators of the Earth passing through the Venus Comet. The more dense the debris particles, smoke and other clouds in the comet, the more dramatic and prolonged the drop in those temperatures. Each encounter has unique results. As noted later on, there are many small drops to those temperatures. These are thought to be when the Earth has passed through the remnants of the debris stream of an earlier Comet orbit. Additionally, a change from cooling to warming indicates that the debris cloud had thinned enough to allow the Sun to warm the ice.
The temperature data show that in 6493 BCE, a second "flipping" of the Earth again reversed its pole orientation, this time back to an east-rising Sun. A multi-century drop in the ice- freezing temperature took place. It was followed by the beginning of the well-known "8.2k Yr Event" temperature rise, which continued for 400 years. This was "real Global Warming"!
In 5870 BCE, that rise was stopped by an Earth-Venus Comet interaction and 126 year decline in temperature occurred. In 5744 BCE the pole of the Earth again appears to have "flipped" to a west-rising Sun. Ice-freezing temperatures dropped over the following 500 years in two stages and then took about 300 years to recover.
In 4876 BCE the fourth interaction and likely Polar Axis reversal brought us to the east-rising pattern of sun rises that we now consider to be standard. Earth and Venus Comet cycles decreased to 49 year intervals. There was a calamitous temperature drop. It is thought that our calendars were changed to 360 days per year and 12 months each of 30 days. Calendar mentions by the Sumerians in approximately 3000 BCE and later, specifically refer to those values. This set of values was easy to figure out and use. It was thought of as good because " the gods made it" and was therefore sacred to many cultures until 687 BCE.
Venus Comet is "Tamed"
Between the 1299 BCE and the 1250 BCE approaches, the wandering Venus Comet seems to have been disturbed on its orbit and then again about 33 years later. The reasons for those orbit disturbances are not known, On both of those dates, parts of the eastern Mediterranean Sea area and the Near East were badly damaged (See Appendix 1 - Dates of Events). In 1184 BCE the Venus Comet and Mars met as reported in Homer's "Iliad". Although written about 350 years after the event, it has the attributes of an "eye-witness" report. Thereafter the Venus Comet (Athena, the Greek Goddess of War) was no longer feared by Earth dwellers. Ares (the Greek god of War) became exalted under various names in virtually all cultures. It became their "God of War" who had stopped the destruction by that evil Goddess in the sky. You should note that Earth's motion at that time, was NOT affected by these changes to Venus and Mars.
Earth and Mars Final Bout
After 1184 BCE, Mars and Venus both apparently then followed paths different from today. Greek mythology (see Appendix 2 - Serpent & Dragon Lore, Greece) describes Athena's interaction with Zeus (Jupiter) likely about 800 BCE and its change in appearance and attributes. (See below in Origin of Venus?) Later they called it Aphrodite, an equivalent to the Roman Venus. Greek writers after Homer gradually relegated "Athena" to stories of long before their time.
About 700 BCE the new Venus planet tangled with Mars. Venus then seems to have settled into today's orbit. As discussed in the Venus Story, Mars went on to encounter the Earth in early 687 BCE when the Assyrians were outside Jerusalem and demanding tribute. More eye-witnesses, both Judean and Assyrian!
The result was two-fold. Mars settled down and astronomers then had to determine and create the new calendar of 365.24+ days that we still have 2700 years later. By about 626 BCE, the Babylonians were using the regular motion of Venus to get a handle on our "new calendar".
Origin of Venus?
The above "solution" still leaves us with the question as to when and from where the Venus Comet appeared in the Solar System.
The Greek Creation Myth says that Athena, their name for their Goddess of War, "emerged fully arm'd (in shiny body armour) from the head of Zeus", their creator king-god. All of their major gods were represented in the sky as stars, constellations and planets. This ensured that these gods were an integral part of their culture and daily lives. They had identified the planets Hermes (Mercury), Ares (Mars), Zeus (Jupiter) and Cronus (Saturn) but they did not have a planet in the sky between Hermes and Ares where we would expect Athena (Venus) to be found. The reader must keep in mind that the Greeks considered all creation to be Earth-centred with the Sun, planets and stars going around us.
Only after Athena was tamed over Troy, stripped of her Comet by Zeus (Jupiter) about 800 BCE, and joined with the other planets about 700 BCE, did her fame, in Grecian lore, fade. She eventually became known as Aphrodite, the Morning and Evening Star, the equivalent of the Roman Venus. The Comet portion had disappeared.
Being sourced out of Zeus, raises another question. The reader is referred to Appendix 2 - Serpent & Dragon Lore, the Grecian section, for the author's comprehension of that real event. That event did not mark Athena's birth but her transformation into a new goddess. It took place between the 1184 BCE event of Athena throwing her spear at Ares, and Ares' 687 BCE decimation of Sennacherib's army before Jerusalem. The author's guess is that this change took place about 800 BCE, after Homer's time. Homer did not mention such a memorable event. Hesiod may have witnessed it and did describe it.
Ideas in the Ice from Before the Calamity of 11,053 BCE (13,003 YA)
A second approach that was taken, was to examine the NOAA Greenland Ice Data1 for signs of the same sort of peaks and drops in the ice-freezing temperatures in the years before
11,053 BCE. Table 4-1 below gives an assessment of the NOAA data looking for orbiting cycles in that time period.
The end of the last Ice Age is documented in Appendix 1 - Dated Events as 24,098 BP (22,148 BCE), the date of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) at an ice-freezing temperature of -53.40 C.
The author looked at the NOAA data back a further 7000 years to about 18,600 BCE as a quick assessment of that question. It showed similar signs of Earth and the Venus Comet encounters on cycles of 49, 56, 63, 70 and 77 years indicating that the Venus Comet was even then on that seven year orbit around the Sun. Inspection of the Table 4-1 below shows the variations.
This earlier data supported the author's view that the Venus Comet was in existence before 48,000 BCE. Seemingly the Earth was encountering its cloud of debris, confirming that the Comet was even then moving on the same plane around the Sun as was the Earth. These details support the ideas that a pre-catastrophe civilisation was cognisant of the comet's behaviour, and very possibly had developed quite sophisticated astronomical skills. They had a means of following it in the sky and being able to forecast its pathway and timing. They would be the persons who warned Noah and the other Flood survivor heroes to build ships, climb mountains and dig caverns.
The symbols on the Tiahuanaco "Gate of the Sun".(6)
In the course of his research on the Venus Comet, the author examined publications and opinions on the "Gate of the Sun" engraved stone artifact at Tiahuanaco, Bolivia. The general consensus is that it indicates that the calendar year at some time had 290 days divided into 10 periods (months?) of 24 days plus two periods of 25 days. He endeavoured to see if this was possible within his theory of the Venus Comet's movements. To do this, he had to determine the Comet and Earth orbits that produce an Earth year of exactly 290 Earth days.
- The Venus Comet orbit is unchanging at 7 "Comet years" of 360 Earth days each = 2520 Earth Days. An Earth Day is a single rotation of our planet on its polar axis.
- Earth's axial rotational speed stays constant. Its distance from the Sun can be altered by changing its linear speed.
By checking various lengths of Earth orbit times and frequency of Venus Comet intercepts with the Earth, the author determined the following values:
- The Venus Comet with its orbit that took 2520 Earth Days (7 years of 360 Earth Days each), had intercepted the Earth at 73,080 Earth Days.
- That was exactly 203 Venus Comet years which was exactly 29 orbits of the Comet.
- In that length of time, 73,080 Earth Days, the Earth orbited the Sun (a year) exactly 252 times on its exactly 290 days-equals-a-year cycle.
- The author suspects that the Tiahuanaco "Gate of the Sun" dates from the 29,669 BCE entry given in Table 4-1 above. It would have come out of use after 27,237 BCE.
Further work failed to find that this combination of data could apply to a period of time less than the above 73,080 Earth Days. It could, of course, apply to double that time, 146,160 Earth Days. Application between those two values is very doubtful, but was not evaluated.
- The data at the beginning of Table 4-1 suggests that about the earlier date above, the orbit of the Venus Comet or the Earth got changed just enough so that it no longer interfered with the other one. At the latter date another adjustment put them on interfering orbits. The causes for those changes are not apparent. The data for the period in between shows "smooth sailing" with no interactions for 2,432 years.
The above "exercise" of examining the earlier Venus Comet actions in the NOAA data gives the author a possible answer to a long-time puzzle. The Flood stories found in most mythologies and the Noah Story in the Bible state that the "hero", Noah or whatever name he is given, was told to prepare for bad times. Someone, thought of as a god, told the hero to build a boat or to climb a mountain or to excavate a cavern. The hero did what he was told and survived. I have always wondered how the informant knew of the threat in advance.
From the above details, we can believe that the informant knew from history, that destruction could come from the skies, AND his culture had the means to identify it. I believe that the date 27,237 BCE marked such an event that was remembered by posterity. The movements of the Venus Comet prior to 11,053 BCE triggered survival preparations. This book sorts out the records on those preparations, and then examines the results of the catastrophe itself. Records and memories of the earlier one, have not been distinguished by this author with perhaps the exception of the Tiahuanaco Gate of the Sun.
43,343 BCE to 42,390 BCE
The author thinks that enlarging this review to examine the NOAA data to its maximum scope (within the limits of the data back to 50,000 BCE) could prove quite enlightening to our view of world history. It might lead us into significantly expanded fields of history and knowledge. As a "teaser" test of this idea, he looked at some of the oldest ice cap data in that NOAA publication, and found the following information. In 43,343 BCE the ice-freezing temperature was at a maximum (warmest) of -43.26 °C. It dropped substantially (got colder) and then rose to the next maximum of -40.12 °C in 42,390 BCE.
Testing the various cycles of Earth and the Venus Comet meetings, that I had previously developed, I found that over that 953 year period, the 56 year cycle timing showed 17.01 encounters should have taken place. The 63 year cycle was a poor second choice. As previously mentioned, the result of an almost exact full number of encounters, gives confidence in the results. This definitely indicates, that at that time, the Earth and the Venus Comet interacted on every 8th orbit of the comet's 7 year Sun orbit (56 years).
50K to 45K years BP
In the period between temperature peaks in 49,922 BP and 45,321 BP, a span of 4601 years, a cycle of 63 years is better than any other. It indicates 73.03 encounters should have taken place. This would be a planetary interaction on every 9th orbit of the comet's 7 year Sun orbit. We therefore have a record of the Venus Comet threatening the Earth from before 50,000 BP to 3134 BP, effectively a period of 47,000 years. Neither of the assessments above indicated severe cooling taking place after the event, but the results suggest that the obit of the Earth came closer to the sun between them. Following on that thought can lead to the idea that the Venus Comet was viewed in those times as a “sky event” but not a necessarily a threat.
Whether ancient mankind was able to understand what was going on, is unknown. Based on reports in ancient mythology and in the Flood story, it appears that some of those people took an interest in it to the extent that they could make forecasts of it's returns. How might it link in with our current views on Neanderthal and Homo Sapiens cultures? A reassessment of prehistoric cave art appears to be in order to see if ancient man's drawings depicted these sights in the sky.
Extending this thinking requires us to consider if astronomers of that time, had invented the means to magnify their viewing. Later astronomers seem to have had an appreciation for the forces and measurements involved in the movements of the planets. This knowledge allowed them to recognise before 13,000 BP that the orbit combinations of the Earth and the Venus Comet, had been altered from one that did not threaten them to one that did.(7)
Doomsday!!! Venus Comet approaching! What could they do?
Preparing for the Inevitable
These details are mentioned as an aside in the World-Wide Flood stories. The individual survivors, like the Noahs, reported that a person told them far enough in advance to get ready and either build a boat or climb a mountain or dig a deep cave. Farmers took their families, animals and seeds in an ark. In Indian lore, savants climbed skyward with their knowledge in their heads. Elsewhere, in the Zoroastrian Avesta stories, their god Ahura Mazda told their "first man" Yima, to prepare a Vara or hypogeum, as an underground refuge. (see Appendix 2 - Serpent & Dragon Lore, Persian )
In Turkey’s Cappadocia region there are a number of very large ancient underground structures hewn out of solid rock(8). Usually, they consist of multiple levels stacked one below the other, analogous in reverse to the levels that Noah built in the Ark. These underground ‘cities,’ as they are known, are found under existing modern cities, and are joined to the surface. Sometimes they have deep underground tunnels connecting to another Vara below another city. Some had space for perhaps 20,000 people plus animals, food storage, running water, ample air circulation, hearths for cooking and heat, and waste disposal. They are known to having been "enlarged" over the past 3000 years or more. Being in mountainous areas, they likely were above the flood levels, and would provide shelter during the frigid Younger Dryas Period that followed and from the hail of rocks from the sky
Of the forms of destruction that might come upon them, water debouching from the oceans, was the only one about which they had a hope of doing something that might aid their escape ........ so prepare for that. There was no remedy for an impact, extensive fire, earthquakes or orogeny, destruction of the oxygen atmosphere or severe heating or cooling by our planet's orbit changing substantially.
In addition this knowledge of an upcoming disaster was passed around the world in some manner, and quickly enough, that all stories include that detail. Of course, we do not have the stories of those who did not survive. Were they not told? Did they not believe that they should prepare? Were they too slow? Not enough time? Lacked resources? Boat sank? Just bad luck where they lived? But people did survive!
And in the End
In summation, we have a strong signal that there was a competent civilisation with a world-wide spread and extensive knowledge, but it failed to remain intact. To date no markings have been "identified", let alone translated, as the writing of this civilisation. The author believes that like ourselves today, they had come to rely on their "technology and inter-connectivity". This suggests that most of their knowledge was in a form that could not be replicated by the survivors. What did survive was incomprehensible to the finders.
Many of the people and their leaders as well as skilled workers, likely lived in cities, a large number of which probably were on or near the coasts of the continents. As urban dwellers today, they would have relied on food supplies provided by the efforts of people outside of those communities. The over-whelming effect of the worldwide flood would obliterate their systems and them. Rising sea levels would forever submerge most of those locations. Others, further inland, would be swept over by walls of salt water, physically destroyed and their salt water soaked surrounding areas rendered uninhabitable for many years. Food supplies and fresh water likely became slim to non-existent.
Saving the records of your civilisation was not your first concern. Might it be that analogous to ourselves today with much of our communication and knowledge in electronic devices or on paper, their inscriptions became unreadable? When those resources were destroyed, they had no "old time skills and tools" to fall back on. The rule of laws and regulations, would disintegrate. Chaos would take over as people tried to subsist on their own physical abilities. Finding food and fresh water would be all that mattered. Last week's valuables were discarded. You can't eat gold jewelry.
The cultures of 9000 BCE, two thousand years later, that are being found, seem to be primitive hunter-gathers, the ones who still knew how to do things the old ways. The "techies" had likely starved before many of them copied the old ones. Their skills with technology never got passed on to the younger generations as they were no longer useful.
Having said that, I must add that our very, very old personal ancestors were SURVIVORS !!
As for the question above on the origin of the Venus Comet, looking farther back in the Greenland Ice Data, may prove very interesting.
(1) Alley, R.B.. 2004. “GISP2 Ice Core Temperature and Accumulation Data.” IGBP PAGES/World Data Center for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series #2004-013. NOAA/NGDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA.
(2) Bible: Leviticus 25:
(3) “Tiahuanaco and the Deluge”, Theory Workshop by Helmut Zettl Catastrophism and Ancient History, Vol. VI
Part 2 July 1984, A Journal Of Interdisciplinary Study, Marvin Arnold Luckerman, Executive Editor
(4) See various Flood stories.
(5) Herodotus, Bk. ii, 142 (trans. A.D. Godley, 1921)
(6) See this Appendix pg 4, reference 2
(7) Mentions in the various Flood stories that the "hero" person was told far enough in advance, to do specific things in order to survive.
(8) "The Zoroastrian Texts of Ancient Persia - The Underground Cities and What They Reveal about Advanced Ancient Cities" by Graham Hancock October 18, 2016 from Collective-Evolution Website