A Story of the Planet Venus
Looking For The Planet Venus Prior to 1200 BC
by John M. Collins Sarnia, Ont., Canada 2021
Appendix 8
Pre-13kYA Latitudes
Locating Old Latitudes
Measurement Methodology
Tabulating Old Latitude Locations
Latitude 660 33' 47.7" North Arctic Circle
Latitude 600 North
Latitude 520 30' North
Latitude 450 North
Latitude 370 30' North
Latitude 300 North
Latitude 230 30' North Tropic of Cancer
Latitude 220 30' North
Latitude 150 North
Latitude 90 North
Latitude 70 30' North
Latitude 00 Equator
Latitude 70 30' South
Latitude 150 South
Latitude 220 30' South
Latitude 230 30' South Tropic of Capricorn
Latitude 300 South
Latitude 370 30' South
Latitude 450 South
Latitude 520 30' South
Latitude 600 South
Latitude 660 33' 47.7" South Antarctic Circle
While working on this story, the author had to make sense of the orientation of the land masses of the Earth, prior to the encounter of the Venus Comet with our planet about 13,000 years ago. With the old North Pole located at 650° 30' North, 510 West by today's standard depiction of latitude and longitude(1), where did the old Equator and other latitudes of that earlier time fall?
He understood that in that "encounter", the spinning of the Earth on its polar axis did not lose energy and get slowed. The "day", the time to make one complete revolution of our planet on its polar axis, remained constant. The orbit of the Earth around the Sun did lose some energy and became enlarged. Traveling a greater distance around the Sun required more days in the year. The Gate of the Sun monument at Tiahuanaco, Bolivia(2) indicates a calendar with a 290 day year with 10 months of 24 days each, plus 2 months of 25 days each. The Gate is believed to have been created prior to 13kYA (thousand Years Ago). The author's assessment of its timing is provided in Appendix 4 - Reading the Ice. It confirms that astronomy and the mathematics that go with it, were known at that time.
Such knowledge would go hand-in-hand with the spherical mensuration required to map the Earth correctly and to build accordingly. This is a skill found today in higher mathematics from universities and to a lesser degree with some top-notch surveyors. My work on determining latitudes in the Pre-13kYA period was based on the co-ordinates of the "old" North Pole. I also recognised that the distance between either pole and the Equator has been defined as 10,000 km (kilometres). The enclosed arc of 900 therefore had 111.111+ km per degree. These calculations applied north and south of the Equator.
Locating Old Latitudes
In the entries that follow, the author provides details that allow the reader to identify where the stated latitude around the Pre-13kYA North Pole, existed on today's maps. Today's coordinates are given for crossing coast lines and at selected sites across various countries. They are to allow the reader to locate those sites on maps of today. A few of those sites are already known as "places of interest". Mention of a location does not mean that the author knows of a specific point of interest related to that place. He will, however, not be at all surprised if others have an interest in some sites and ask about other sites not listed. These latitude details, based on that older North Pole, may be useful in visualising the world at that early time.
The data at each latitude is displayed as ranging from the mid-Atlantic eastward to encircle the globe. The author derived this data by using Google Earth to draw circles of the indicated length (radii) around the "Old North Pole" defined above. Areas covered in today's jungle or desert or icy cold barrens have very limited information available to us, as conditions make research difficult. Researchers of those areas, however, should not dismiss the possibility that an ancient location was there. That a specific old latitude, say 300 North, goes through a somewhat interesting location, may prompt a new look at details of that site. Additionally he recognised that today's sea level is about 125 m above its minimum at the 24,098 YA LGM(3). Shallow areas of the continental shelf at specific latitudes were of interest to him.
Measurement Methodology
In trying to understand what system of measurement was used by the ancients, the author came to the conclusion that it was not likely our current system of "degrees" with 90 degrees between pole and equator. Instead of a "base 10" system, he has considered a less artificial one based on the old idea of "portions of the whole". Along with this idea, he was aware that the number "12" was favoured by the ancient mathematicians of Sumer, Assyria and Babylon for its ease of use. When it came into use is not known. Additionally, naming and using something that did not exist, ie. "zero", was deemed illogical prior to about 800 - 900 CE, and not a part of those cultures' number system.
Putting these three concepts together, he assessed this data using the distance from the old Poles to the old Equator both in degrees, and as being divided into 12 equal portions. In the latter case, the portion and the latitude closest to the Equator, he labelled "1" and the one against the Pole was portion "12". In present terms, these lines of latitude were an angle of 70 30' apart with the Equator unnumbered. He expects that the reader, being accustomed to the "base 10" system, may find thinking in terms of "portions of the whole", difficult to grasp quickly.
Lat. 1 of 12 at 70° 30' N Lat. 2 of 12 at 150° 00' N Lat. 3 of 12 at 220° 30' N
Lat. 4 of 12 at 300° 00' N Lat. 5 of 12 at 370° 30' N Lat. 6 of 12 at 450° 00' N
Lat. 7 of 12 at 520° 30' N Lat. 8 of 12 at 600° 00' N Lat. 9 of 12 at 670° 30' N
Lat. 10 of 12 at 750° 00' N Lat. 11 of 12 at 820° 30' N Lat. 12 of 12 at 900° 00' N
Dividing each of these "portions" into 12 "parts", makes 144 "parts" with an angle equivalent to 371/2 minutes of a degree. This might be adequate for navigating ships and positioning buildings. Whether the old users would further subdivide a single "part" again into 12 angular "units" of 31/8 minutes each, is unknown.
Tabulating Old Latitude Locations
In order to assist the reader's understanding of the results of the 13kYA pole shift, the author is sharing his notes on the locations of the old latitudes. It has been his observation that several of those latitudes pass through locations with old, important structures sited there. In some cases there is evidence of construction oriented on the old North Pole, implying a link to before 13kYA.
On the pages that follow, separate tables have been created for the old Equator and 8 of the 12 old latitudes previously described, both above and below that Equator. In addition, data is provided for each of the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. The author did not detail latitudes closer to the pole than 60 degrees (the 8/12th portion) assuming that the polar ice caps had not melted much further pole-ward from the LGM than that. He does show details for the Arctic and Antarctic Circles (portion 8/12 + part 5/144) north and south.
Stonehenge, currently positioned at N 510° 11', W 10° 50', does not appear in these tables. It is thought to have been created long after the ice age and the catastrophe of 13k YA that moved the North Pole. Its purpose was to help predict the repeating appearances of what I call the Venus Comet.
§ Arctic Circle - Latitude 66° 33' 47.7" North, 2604 km from Pre-13kYA North Pole,
8/12th + 5/144th of distance from Equator. (Likely ice covered from 100kYA to 10kYA)
Location Current Lat. & Long.
Atlantic Ocean
- Sligo, Ire. 2618 km 54° 45' N, 8° 30 W
- Oban, Scot. 2597 km 56° 22' N, 5° 30 W
- Forres, Scot. 2596 km 57° 52' N, 3° 38' W
Arctic Ocean
- Svalbard, Norway 2596 km 78° 52' N, 20° 00' W
Arctic Ocean
- Prince Patrick Is., NWT, Canada 2600 km 76° 15' N, 12° 00' W
- Banks Is., NWT, Canada 2600 km 73° 30' N, 118° 00' W
- Victoria Is., NWT, Canada 2600 km 69° 30' N, 114° 00' W
- Bathurst Inlet, NU, Canada 2500 km 66° 55' N, 108° 10' W
- Split Lake, MB, Canada 2588 km 56° 10' N, 96° 05' W
- Pickle Crow, ON, Canada 2691 km 51° 30' N, 90° 00' W
- Timmins, ON, Canada 2595 km 48° 30' N, 82° 25' W
- Montreal, PQ, Canada 2600 km 45° 40' N, 73° 40' W
- Bar Harbor, ME, USA 2577 km 44 25' N, 68 09' W
Bay of Fundy
- Yarmouth, NS, Canada 2584 km 43° 50' N, 66° 06' W
§ Latitude 60 North, 3333 km from Pre-13kYA North Pole
8/12th of distance from Equator. (possible limit of ice-age glaciers)
Location Current Lat. & Long.
Atlantic Ocean
- Azores Is., Portugal 3349 km 38° 35' N, W 27° 20' W
Atlantic Ocean
- Quimper, France 3370 km 48° 00' N, 4° 00' W
- Jersey Island, UK 3337 km 49° 15' N, 2° 00' W
- English Channel (Dover/Calais) 3340 km 51° 02' N, 1° 30' E
- Den Helder, Netherlands 3335 km 52° 55' N, 4° 45' E
- Nes, Netherlands 3342 km 53° 28' N, 5° 45' E
- Nomo, Denmark 3335 km 55° 10' N, 8° 30' E
- Aoa, Sweden 3332 km 57° 20' N, 12° 05' E
- Gavle, Sweden 3325 km 60° 45' N, 17° 25' E
- Vaasa, Finland 3331 km 63° 07' N, 21° 37' E
- Oulu, Finland 3353 km 65° 00' N, 25° 30' E
- Murmansk, Russia 3365 km 65° 15' N, 33° 40' E
Arctic Ocean
- Inuvik, YK, Canada 3360 km 68° 20' N, 133° 50' W
- Norman Wells, YK, Canada 3315 km 65° 25' N, 127° 10' W
- Cold Lake, AB, Canada 3362 km 54° 32' N, 110° 05' W
- Prince Albert, SK, Canada 3272 km 53° 10' N, 105° 40' W
- Grand Forks, ND, USA 3315 km 48° 00' N, 97° 00' W
- Holland, MI, USA 3329 km 42° 50' N, 86° 10' W
- Baltimore, MD, USA 3344 km 39° 20' N, 76° 40' W
Atlantic Ocean
§ Latitude 52 30' North, 4167 km from Pre-13kYA North Pole
7/12th of distance from Equator
Location Current Lat. & Long.
Atlantic Ocean
- Sagres, Portugal 4174 km 37° 00' N, 8° 57' W
- Ciudad Real, Spain 4192 km 39° 00' N, 3° 55' W
- Perpignan, France, 4153 km 42° 40' N, 3° 00' E
Mediterranean Sea
- Aix-en-Provence, France 4191 km 43° 40' N, 5° 15' E
- Milan, Italy 4180 km 45° 28' N, 9° 10' E
- Salzburg, Austria 4154 km 47° 48' N, 13° 02' E
- Warsaw, Poland 4136 km 52° 15' N, 21° 00' E
- Vilnius, Lithuania 4121 km 54° 40' N, 25° 17' E
- Amderma, Russia, 4133 km 69° 45' N, 61° 40' E
Arctic Ocean
- Point Lay, AK, USA 4117 km 69° 45' N, 153° 00' W
Latitude follows along AK, BC & YK mountain ranges
- Kelowna, BC, CAN 4177 km 49° 55' N, 119° 30' W
- Casper, WY, USA 4196 km 42° 50' N, 106° 40' W
- Salina, KS, USA 4184 km 38° 50' N, 97° 35' W
- Atlanta, GA, USA 4172 km 33° 50' N, 84° 30' W
- Edisto Beach, SC, USA 4168 km 32° 29' N, 80° 20' W
Atlantic Ocean.
§ Latitude 45 North, - 5000 km from Pre-13kYA North Pole
6/12th of distance from Equator
Location Current Lat. & Long.
Atlantic Ocean
- Foum el Oued, Mauritania * 4999 km 27° 10' N, 13° 23' W
- Boudenib, Morocco * 4895 km 31° 57' N, 3° 36' W
- Carthage, Tunisia 5029 km 36° 52' N, 10° 18' E
- Fort Al hawarya & city, easterly point, 5048 km 37° 02' 51" N, 11° 04’ 13"(27") E
Tunisia* Mediterranean Sea
- San Vito Lo Capo, Sicily, Italy 5018 km 38° 10' N, 12° 43' E
- Isola di Dina, (boot toe), Italy 5001 km 39° 52' N, 15° 46' E
- Taranto (boot heel), Italy 5009 km 40° 30' N, 17° 15' E
- Odessa, Ukraine 5073 km 46° 30' N, 30° 40' E
- Kazan, on Volga River, Russia 4981 km 55° 44' N, 49° 05' E
East of this point is northern Siberia with no obvious locations of old settlements.
- Anadyr, Siberia, Russia 5036 km 640 44' N, 1770 31' E
North Pacific Ocean
- St. Lawrence Is., AK, USA 4900 km 630 00' N, 1690 40' W
- Nunviak Is., AK, USA 5070 km 600 10' N, 1660 15' W
- Egigik, Alaska Pen., USA 4980 km 580 13' N, 1570 25' W
- Kodiak Is., AK, USA 4950 km 560 45' N, 1540 05' W
Pacific Ocean
- Bullards, OR, USA 5000 km 430 09' N, 1240 25' W
- Roswell, NM, USA 5014 km 330 24' N, 1040 31' W
- Galveston, TX, USA 5015 km 290 20' N, 940 50' W
- Big Pine Key, FL, USA 5015 km 240 50' N, 810 20' W
- Bahamas 5000 km 230 52' N, 770 45' W
Atlantic Ocean
* Layout of some streets and properties based on Pre-13kYA North Pole
§ Latitude 37 30' North, 5833 km from Pre-13kYA North Pole
5/12th of distance from Equator
Location Current Lat. & Long.
Atlantic Ocean
- Cape Verde Is. 5860 km 16° 00' N, 24° 00' W
- Nouakchott, Mauritania* 5864 km 18° 04' N, 16° 00' W
- Chinguetti, Mauritania* 5734 km 20° 27' 35" N, 12° 21' 23" W
Desert eastward
- Sirte, Libya 5865 km 31° 12' N, 16° 30' W
Mediterranean Sea
- Heraklion, Crete 5860 km 35° 20' N, 25° 07' E
- Bodrum, Turkey west coast 5806 km 37° 00' N, 27° 25' E
- Tekkekoy, Turkey Black Sea coast 5817 km 41° 15' N, 36° 30' E
- Sokumi, Caucasus, Russia 5845 km 43° 00' N, 41° 00' E
- Astrakhan, Caspian Sea, Russia 5818 km 46° 20' N, 48° 00' E
- Omsk, Siberia, Russia 5858 km 55° 00' N, 73° 20' E
Siberia eastward
- Tymlat, Kurile Pen. Russia 5850 km N 59° 50' N, E 163° 10'
Pacific Ocean
- Baja California, west coast Mexico 5831 km 30° 15' N, 115° 50' W
- Cuidad Obregon, Mexico 5832 km 27° 30' N, 110° 00' W
- Tampico, Gulf coast Mexico 5855 km 22° 10' N, 97° 55' W
- Campeche, Gulf coast Mexico 5830 km 19° 52' N, 90° 30' W
- Yucatan, Carib coast Mexico 5829 km 18° 55' N, 87° 40' W
Caribbean Sea, Atlantic Ocean
* Layout of some streets and properties based on Pre-13kYA North Pole
§ Latitude 30 North, 6667 km from Pre-13kYA North Pole
4/12th of distance from Equator
Location Current Lat. & Long._____
Atlantic Ocean
- Bissau islands west of Guinea 6655 km 10° 51' N, 15° 11' 30" W
- Lelouma, Guinea * 6672 km 11° 25' 40" N, 12° 40' 56" W
Market and surrounding blocks aligned with old North Pole.
- Koubia, Guinea * 6681 km 11° 35' 00" N, 11° 53' 08" W
- Bamaka, Mali * 6705 km 12° 37' 45" N, 08° 00' 00" W
East of bridge across Niger on both banks, ruins and flat area aligned with old North Pole.
Also areas including Grand Mosque, Sports Stadium and Hippodrome.
- Nyamina, Guinea * 6670 km 13° 18' 48" N, 06° 59' 00" W
Area based on old pole alignment. Also for 1km north from Niger River.
- Hombori, Mali* 6664 km 15° 17' 40" N, 01° 42' 10" W
Plots northwest of town centre align with old pole.
- Niger River east/north bank, Mali* 6587 km 16° 36' 50" N, 00° 06' 46” W
In area south to N 160 35' 00", W 000 05' 51 many new-looking buildings
aligned with old North Pole.
- Gao, Mali on Niger* 6626 km 16° 18' 10" N, 00° 01' 10" W
Many plots by river at far north align with old pole.
- Tacharan, Mali* 6644 km 16° 09' 46" N, 00° 03' 53" E
Many old plots align with old pole.
- Akokan, Niger* 6667 km 18° 22' 30" N, 07° 20' 35" E
Most dwellings and plots align with old North Pole. Mines d'Arlot 5 km north.
Larger town of Arlot to the east N18° 44' 20", E 7° 23' 25" much newer looking
and aligns with current pole. Likely newer mining town where is water available.
- Al-Jawf, Libya* 6857 km 24° 12' 30" N, 23° 17' 00" E
Plots and streets on old-looking west side of town align with old North Pole.
- Giza plateau pyramids, Egypt 6655 km 29° 58' 47" N, 31° 30' 05" E
Pyramids and Sphinx align on current pole. A few ruins align with old North Pole.*
- Temple Mount, Jerusalem, Israel 6668 km 31° 46' 41" N, 35° 14' 07" E
- Caspian Sea, north Iran 6670 km 37° 57' N, 48° 53' E
- Lake Baikal middle, Russia 6690 km 53° 30' N, 108° 00' E
Siberia with no obvious locations of old settlements.
- Sakhalin Is. east Siberia, Russia 6667 km 54° 20' N, 142° 40' E
- Kamchatka Pen. South, Russia 6700 km 52° 18' N, 158° 25' E
Pacific Ocean
- Las Catalinos Is., Costa Rico 6666 km 10° 28' 05" N, 85° 52' 15" W
- San Jose, Costa Rico 6672 km 9° 55' 20" N, 84° 05' 35" W
- Isla del Rey, Panama 6700 km 8° 23' N, 78° 55' W
- Madrid, w. of Bogota, Columbia 6990 km 4° 43' 40" N, 74° 18' 30" W
- Sinnamary, French Guiana 6673 km 5° 24' N, 52° 52' W
Atlantic Ocean
* Layout of some streets and properties based on Pre-13kYA North Pole
§ Tropic of Cancer - Latitude 23 30' North, 7392 km from Pre-13kYA North Pole
Location Current Lat. & Long.
Atlantic Ocean
- coast of Liberia 7392 km 5° 30' N, 9° 40' W
- Kano, Nigeria* 7423 km 12° 00' N, 8° 35' E
- Red Sea coast, Egypt 7392 km 24° 25' N, 35° 15' E
- Red Sea coast, Arabia 7356 km 25° 30' N, 36° 50' E
- Ancient settlement, nw Arabia 7362 km 28° 42' 15" N, 43° 57' 20" E
- Al Qurnah, Iraq 7285 km 31° 00' 30" N, 47° 26' 00" E
Current joining of Euphrates and Tigris Rivers
- Abadan, Iraq (Euphrates mouth?) 7392 km 30° 20' N, 48° 15' E
- Shooshtar (Susa), Iran 7242 km 32° 02' 30" N, 48° 51' E
Was old Susa on Karun River. Has ruins with old pole alignment. *
Existed c. 7000 BCE. Urban centre by 4200 BCE.
Desert and Siberia
- Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 7400 km 47° 55' N, 106° 55' E
- Grossvichi, east Siberia coast 7388 km 48° 00' N, 139° 35' E
- Sakalin Is., east Siberia 7391 km 47° 50' N, 142° 15' E
- Kurile Is., east Siberia 7390 km 46° 55' N, 151° 50' E
Pacific Ocean
- coast at Columbia/Ecuador border 7392 km 1° 55' N, 78° 45' W
- near Belem, Brazil & Amazon River 7429 km 1° 30' S, 48° 30' W
Atlantic Ocean
* Layout of some streets and properties based on Pre-13kYA North Pole
§ Latitude 22 30' North, 7500 km from Pre-13kYA North Pole
3/12th of distance from Equator
Location Current Lat. & Long.
Atlantic Ocean
- Soboe, Liberia 7508 km 4° 50' N, 8° 40' W
- Kaduna, Nigeria * 7523 km 10° 35' N, 7° 25' E
- Farcha, western suburb of N'Djamena, Chad 7688 km 12° 07' 30" N, 14° 58' 05" E
Old streets by River Chari align
- Lake Chad, Chad 7500 km 14° 00' N, 13° 55' E
- Red Sea, Egypt 7500 km 23° 30' N, 35° 30' E
- Medina, Arabia 7576 km 24° 35' N, 39° 35' E
- Mecca, Arabia* 7896 km 21° 25' 21" N, 39° 49' 34" E
Kaaba aligns with old pole and faces old south pole. Black Stone in southeast corner
(old pole), east corner (current pole). All mosques in the world must face the Kaaba.
- Kuwait, Persian Gulf 7495 km 29° 10' N, 48° 10' E
- Herat, Pakistan 7548 km 34° 25' N, 62° 10' E
- Kashgan, Kyrgyzstan 7504 km 39° 30' N, 76° 00' E
Desert and Siberia
- Sakhalin Is., Russia 7500 km 46° 50' N, 142° 30' E
Pacific Ocean
- Emeraldas, Ecuador coast 7511 km 1° 00' N, 79° 40' W
- Santarem, Brazil on Amazon River 7545 km 2° 30' S, 54° 45' W
- Belem, Brazil 7430 km 1° 30' S, 48° 30' W
- Curarupa, Brazil coast 7484 km 1° 50' S, 44° 45' W
Atlantic Ocean
* Layout of some streets and properties based on Pre-13kYA North Pole
§ Latitude 15 North, 8335 km from Pre-13kYA North Pole
2/12th of distance from Equator
Location Current Lat. & Long.
Atlantic Ocean
- Bioko Is., Equatorial Guiana 8300 km 3° 30' N, 8° 42' E
- Khartoum, Sudan 8153 km 15° 30' N, 32° 30' E
- Eritrea (Red Sea coast) 8335 km 16° 45' N, 39° 05' E
- Saudi Arabia (Red Sea coast) 8322 km 30° 37' N, 72° 53' E
- Lahore, India 8273 km 31° 33' N, 74° 17' E
- Khyber (Kibber) Pass, Pakistan 8315 km 32° 15' N, 78° 00' E
- Beijing, China 8267 km 39° 55' N, 116° 25' E
- Tianjin, China 8352 km 39° 10' N, 117° 10' E
- Pyongyang, North Korea 8409 km 39° 03' N, 125° 45' E
- Oshu, north Japan 8355 km 39° 10' N, 141° 05" E
Pacific Ocean
- Chiclayo, Peru 8357 km 6° 45' S, 79° 50' W
- Porto Velho, west Brazil 8302 km 8° 45' S, 63° 55' W
- Petrolina, interior Brazil 8349 km 9° 25' S, 40° 30' W
- Recife, east Brazil 8270 km 8° 00' S, 35° 00' W
Atlantic Ocean
* Layout of some streets and properties based on Pre-13kYA North Pole
§ Latitude 9 North, 9000 km from Pre-13kYA North Pole
This latitude was examined after it was recognised that Addis Ababa, Djibouti, Aden, Dwarka, Lucknow, Lhasa, Xian, Macho Picchu and Cusco all lay on it. The author has not drawn any conclusions.
Location Current Lat. & Long.
Atlantic Ocean
- Gamba, Gabon (S. Atlantic Coast) 8991 km 2° 45' S, 10° 00' E
Jungle in mid-Africa and desert northeastward
- Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 9091 km 9° 00' N, 38° 45' E
- Lalibella, Ethiopia 8800 km 12° 02' 00" N, 39° 02' 30" E
Cut stone sunken churches. No apparent alignments with old pole.
- Djibouti, Djibouti * 9031 km 11° 35' 15" N, 43° 08' 15" E
Sheltered seacoast location by Ambouli River; street pattern aligns with old pole
- Aden, Aden inner harbours * 8996 km 12° 47' 30" N, 45° 01' 15" E
Streets close to 2 sheltered harbours align with old pole
- South coast of Arabian Pen. is along 9000 km latitude
- Dwarka (nw point), Gujarat, India * 9038 km 22° 15' N, 64° 00' E
- Lucknow, India 8976 km 26° 55' N, 81° 00' E
- Lhasa, Tibet 8966 km 29° 39' N, 91° 05' E
- Xian, Shaanxi, China (pyramids)* 8800 km 34° 36' 30" N, 109° 53' 15" E
Streets and properties north and south of Wei River align
Large Pyramid aligns with old pole * 8796 km 34° 20' 17" N, 108° 34' 11" E
- Jeju Is, south of Korean Pen. 9039 km 33° 25' N, 126° 30' E
- South Wakayama, Japan 9008 km 33° 30' N, 135° 40' E
Pacific Ocean
- Caral, Peru 8753 km 10° 53' 32" S, 77° 31' 25" W
- Macho Picchu, Peru 8907 km 13° 09' 48" S, 72° 32' 44" W
- Cusco, Peru 8936 km 13° 32' S, 71° 58' W
- Brasilia, Brazil 9020 km 15° 50' S, 48° 00' W
- Brazil Atlantic Coast 9000 km 15° 10' S, 38° 00' W
Atlantic Ocean
* Layout of some streets and properties based on Pre-13kYA North Pole
§ Latitude 7 30' North, 9167 km from Pre-13kYA North Pole
1/12th of distance from Equator
Location Current Lat. & Long.
Atlantic Ocean
- Gabo, Gabon/Congo border at coast 9162 km 4° 00' S, 11° 10' E
Jungle and Desert
- Addis Abba, Ethiopia 9090 km 9° 00' N, 38° 47' E
- Djibouti coast 9167 km 10°40' N, 44° 00' E
Arabian Gulf & Indian Ocean
- Dwarka, Gujarat, India * 9032 km 22° 15' N, 69° 00' E
- Untada, Gujurat, India 9168 km 21° 22' N, 69° 52' E
Gujurat south of Gulf of Kutch*
- Varanasi (Benares), Uttar Pradesh, India * 9202 km 25° 18' N, 83° 00' E
East Bank of Ganges, inland of Manikarnika Ghat
Historic setting of Hindu cremations
- Sikkim, India 9108 km 27° 40' N, 89° 25' E
- Chengdu, China 9122 km 30° 40' N, 104° 10' E
- Hefe, China 9168 km 31° 50' N, 117° 20' E
- Nanjing, China 9153 km 32° 00' N, 118° 45' E
- China sea coast 9166 km 32° 05' N, 121° 45' E
- Miyazaki, Japan 9167 km 32° 15' N, 131° 20' E
Pacific Ocean
- Nasca Lines, Peru 9122 km 14° 43’ 33" S, 75° 08' 55" W
- Acors Dist., Titicaca, Peru 9166 km 15° 59' S, 69° 41' W
- Tiahuanaca, Bolivia 9219 km 16° 33' S, 68° 41' W
- Maquena, Brazil coast 9167 km 16° 50' S, 39° 07' W
Atlantic Ocean Note continental shelf at lower sea level.
* Layout of some streets and properties based on Pre-13kYA North Pole
§ Equator - Latitude 0, 10,000 km from Pre-13kYA North Pole
Location Current Long. & Lat.
Atlantic Ocean
- Sumbe at Cambongo River, Angola* 10,016 km 11° 11' 15" S, 13° 50' 15" E
Jungle and desert
- Nairobi, Kenya* 10,035 km 1° 15' S, 36° 50' E
- Old Mogadishu, Somalia* 10,093 km 2° 01' 48" N, 45° 20' 13" E
- Hardarhere, Somalia 9986 km 4° 15' N, 48° 00' E
Gulf of Arabia and Indian Ocean
- Karwar (north) at Kari River, Goa, India* 10,010 km 14° 51' 30" N, 74° 08' 30" E
- Visakhapatnam, India 10,015 km 17° 45' N, 83° 15' E
Himalayas Mountains
- Sittwe, Myanmar 10,028 km 20° 10' N, 92° 55' E
- Mandalay, Myanmar 9914 km 22° 00' N, 96° 00' E
- Lao Cai, Viet Nam 10,017 km 22° 30' N, 104° 00' E
- Hong Kong, China 10,183 km 22°20' N, 114° 10' E
- Mt. Sylvia, Taiwan 10,010 km 24° 23' N, 121° 14’ E
- Yonaguni Is., Japan ** 10,014 km 24° 29' N, 123° 00' E
- Miyakojima, south Japan ** 9991 km 24° 45' N, 125° 20' E
- Kerama, Okinawa Is., Japan ** 9849 km 26° 10' N, 127° 15' E
Pacific Ocean
- Wake Island, USA 10,080 km 19° 18' N, 166° 38' E
Pacific Ocean
- Antofagasta, Chile 10,020 km 23° 39' S, 70° 24' W
- Pucara de Tilcara, Andes, Argentina 9940 km 23° 35’ S 65° 24’ W
- Asuncion, Paraguay 10,078 km 25° 16' S, 57° 35' W
- Sao Paulo, Brazil 9900 km 23° 47' S, 46° 33' W
Atlantic Ocean
* Layout of some streets and properties based on Pre-13kYA North Pole
** Site of massive sunken blocks per Hancock, G. "Underworld" 2002
§ Latitude 7 30' South, 10,833 km from Pre-13kYA North Pole
1/12th of distance from Equator
Location Current Lat. & Long.
Atlantic Ocean
- Terrance Bay, Nambia 10,886 km 20° 00' N, 13° 05' E
- Kilin-don, Tanzanika 10,834 km 7° 53' N, 39° 45' E
Indian Ocean
- south point of India 10,829 km 8° 00' N, 77° 30' E
- north point of Sri Lanka 10,819 km 9° 00' N, 80° 30' E
- Dawei, coast of Myanmar 10,803 km 14° 10' N, 98° 10' E
- Bangkok, Thailand 10,898 km 13° 48' N, 100° 30' E
- Da Nang, Viet Nam 10,805 km 16° 00' N, 108° 15' E
South China Sea
- Ilgan City, Luzon, Philippines 10,826 km 17° 05' N, 127° 55' E
Pacific Ocean
- Puerto Aldea, Chile 10,768 km 30° 18' S, 71° 35' W
- La Serena, Chile 10,725 km 29° 59' S, 71° 25' W
- Cordoba, Argentine 10,805 km 31° 25' S, 64° 20' W
- Rio Granda, coast of Brazil 10,814 km 32° 00' S, 52° 00' W
Atlantic Ocean
§ Latitude 15 South, 11,667 km from Pre-13kYA North Pole
2/12th of distance from Equator
Location Current Lat. & Long.
Atlantic Ocean
- Elizabeth Bay, Namibia 11,678 km 26° 58' S, 15° 23' E
Kalahari Desert
- Mozambique Coast of Indian Ocean 11,670 km 16° 10' S, 39° 40' E
- Madagascar Is. north tip 11,716 km 12° 25' S, 49° 15' E
Indian Ocean
- Banda Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia 11,658 km 5° 40' N, 95° 20' E
- Perlis, Malayia 11,686 km 6° 27' N, 100° 12' E
- Pawalan, Philippines 11,685 km 9° 00' N, 118° 00' E
- Suriga City, Philippines 11,650 km 9° 45' N, 125° 35' E
Pacific Ocean
- Nan Madol, Pohnpei, Micronesia 11,628 km 6° 51' N, 158° 20' E
Pacific Ocean
- Quidico, Chile 11,672 km 38° 43' S, 73° 30' W
- Isla Trinidad, Argentine 11,639 km 39° 08' S, 62° 30' W
Atlantic Ocean
§ Latitude 22 30' South, 12,500 km from Pre-13kYA North Pole
3/12th of distance from Equator
Location Current Lat. & Long.
Atlantic Ocean
- Shazibe, South Africa 12,473 km 27° 32' S, 42° 41' E
Indian Ocean
- Ifata, Madagascar 12,534 km 23° 07' S, 43° 37' E
- Nosy-Varika, Madagascar 12,510 km 20° 35' S, 48° 32' E
Indian Ocean
- Padang, Sumatra, Indonesia 12,490 km 1° 00' N, 100° 25' E
- Talok, Borneo, Indonesia 12,578 km 1° 00' N, 118° 45' E
- North Maluku, Indonesia 12,500 km 2° 10' N, 128° 30' E
Pacific Ocean
- Isla Rivero, Chile 12,500 km 45° 45' S, 74° 30' W
- Canadon Seco, Argentine 12,502 km 46° 31' S, 67° 35' W
Atlantic Ocean
* Layout of some streets and properties based on Pre-13kYA North Pole
§ Tropic of Capricorn Latitude 23 30' South, 12,609 km from Pre-13kYA North Pole.
Location Current Lat. & Long.
Atlantic Ocean
- Cape Town, South Africa 12,614 km 33° 35' S, 18° 25' E
- L'Agalhas, south tip of South Africa 12,667 km 34° 50' S, 20° 00' E
- south Madagascar 12,627 km 23° 00' S, 46° 00' E
Indian Ocean
- Sumatra, Indonesia 12,609 km 1° 30' S, 103° 00' E
- Kalimantan, Indonesia 12,618 km 00° 00' S, 113° 00' E
- N. Sulawesi, Indonesia 12,644 km 1° 00' S, 124° 00' E
- N. Maluku, Indonesia 12,656 km 00° 45' N, 128° 00' E
Pacific Ocean
- Tuvalu 12,622 km 8° 35' S, 179° 08' E
- Samoa 12,794 km 13° 30' S, 172° 30' W
Pacific Ocean
- south coast, Chile 12,609 km 46° 35' S, 75° 35' W
- Puerta DeSeado, Argentine 12,624 km 42° 35' S, 65° 52' W
Atlantic Ocean
* Layout of some streets and properties based on Pre-13kYA North Pole
§ Latitude 30 South, 13,333 km from Pre-13kYA North Pole.
4/12th of distance from South Pole to Equator
Location Current Lat. & Long.
Atlantic Ocean
- South Georgia/South Sandwich Is., 13,350 km 54°30'S, 36° 15' W
Southern Ocean south of Africa
- Mt. Cikury, W. Java, Indonesia 13,335 km 7° 20' S, 107° 52' E
- SE Sulawesi, Indonesia 13,335 km 5° 30' S, 122° 45' E
- Trangan, Papua, Indonesia 13,335 km 5° 30' S, 134° 30' E
- Pulau River, Papua, Indonesia 13,342 km 5° 50' S, 138° 15' E
- Lae, Papua, Indonesia 13,331 km 6° 45' S, 147° 00'E
- New Georgia Is., New Guinea 13,330 km 8° 40' S, 158° 00' E
- Solomon Is., south Pacific Ocean 13,350 km 9° 50' S, 160° 00' E
N. Malaita Is., Solomon Is. 13,239 km 8° 41' 05" S, 160° 45' 40" E
S. Malaita Is., Solomon Is. 13,324 km 9° 39' 07" S, 161° 27' 41" E
Pacific Ocean
- Punta Arenas, Argentine 13,266 km 53° 08' S, 71° 00' W
- Isla de los Estados, Argentine 13,376 km 54° 45' S, 63° 55' W
Atlantic Ocean
§ Latitude 37 30' South, 14,167 km from Pre-13kYA North Pole.
5/12th of distance from South Pole to Equator
Location Current Lat. & Long.
Southern Atlantic and Indian Oceans
- Darwin, Northern Terr., Australia 14,112 km 12° 30' S, 130° 50' E
- Northern Terr., Gulf Carpentaria, Australia 14,168 km 13° 12' S, 136° 30' E
- Queensland, Gulf Carpentaria, Australia 14,165 km 13° 45' S, 141° 30' E
- Queensland, Pacific coast, Australia 14,167 km 13° 53' S, 143° 36' E
Pacific Ocean
- Antarctic Pen., northern point 14,288 km 64° 14' S, 57° 20' W
Atlantic Ocean
§ Latitude 45 South, 15,000 km from Pre-13kYA North Pole.
6/12th of distance from South Pole to Equator
Location Current Lat. & Long.
Pacific Ocean
- Antarctic Pen. west coast 15,000 km 69° 09' S, 68° 00' W
- Antarctic Pen. east coast 15,000 km 69° 33' S, 60° 25' W
- Onslow, WA, Australia 15,025 km 21° 38' S, 115° 06' E
- Yeppoon, QLD, Australia 15,044 km 23° 08' S, 150° 45' E
Pacific Ocean
* Layout of some streets and properties based on Pre-13kYA North Pole
§ Latitude 52 30’ South, 15,833 km from Pre-13kYA North Pole.
7/12th of distance from South Pole to Equator
Location Current Lat. & Long.
Wendell Sea
- Caird Coast, Antarctica 15,833 km 76° 10' S, 29° 30' W
- Princess Astrid Coast, Antarctica 15,833 km 69° 20' S, 15° 30' E
Southern Indian Ocean
- Bookara, WA, Australia 15,843 km 29° 07' S, 114° 52' E
- Flat Head, NSW, Australia 15,838 km 31° 03' S, 153° 04' E
Pacific Ocean
- Waikawau, west coast North Island, NZ 15,828 km 38° 28' S, 174° 38' E
- Napier, east coast North Island, NZ 15,830 km 39° 30' S, 176° 55' E
Pacific Ocean
- Walker Mts, West Antarctica, 15,837 km 72° 55' S, 103° 25' W
Antarctic Continent
- Ellsworth Land, Antarctica 15,833 km 77° 00' S, 75° 00' W
- Berkner Is., west of Antarctic Pen. 15,833 km 77° 08' S, 48° 35' W
Wendell Sea
* Layout of some streets and properties based on Pre-13kYA North Pole
§ Latitude 60 South, 16,667 km from Pre-13kYA North Pole.
8/12th of distance from South Pole to Equator (possible limit of ice age glaciers)
Location Current Lat. & Long.
Antarctic Continent
- Napier Mts., Enderby Land, Antarctica 16,667 km 65° 00' S, 51° 00' E
Antarctic Ocean, s. Indian Ocean and s. Pacific Ocean
- Big Bay, South Island, NZ 16,665 km 44° 19' S, 168° 06' E
- Shag Pt., South Island, NZ 16,657 km 45° 28' S, 170° 49' E
Pacific Ocean and Antarctic Ocean
- Hobbs Coast, Antarctica 16,667 km 74° 20' S, 136° 00' W
- Neptune Range, Antarctica 16,665 km 84° 55' S, 85° 00' W
Antarctic Continent
§ Antarctic Circle - Latitude 66 33' 47.7" South, 17,396 km from Pre-13kYA North Pole.
8/12th + 5/144th of distance from South Pole to Equator.
(Likely ice covered from 100kYA to 10kYA)
Location Current Lat. & Long.
Antarctic ice cap
- Cape Darnley, MacKenzie Bay, Antarctica 17,400 km 67° 32' S, 71° 00' E
Antarctic Ocean
- south Tasmania, Australia 17,340 km 43° 30' S, 146° 00' E
Antarctic Ocean
- Roosevelt Land on Ross Sea ice shelf 17,400 km 78° 35' S, 164° 00' W
Latitude comes within 2 degrees of the current South Pole.
Antarctic ice cap
(1) Venus Story - Appendix 3 - Ice Age Puzzle?
(2) Tiahuanaco and the Deluge”, Theory Workshop by Helmut Zettl Catastrophism and Ancient History, Vol. VI
Part 2 July 1984, A Journal Of Interdisciplinary Study, Marvin Arnold Luckerman, Executive Editor
(3) See Venus Story Appendix 1 for that date