A Story of the Planet Venus
Looking For The Planet Venus Prior to 1200 BC
by John M. Collins Sarnia, Ont., Canada 2021
Appendix 1
Dates of Temperature Drops in Greenland Ice Data and Noted Mentions of Destructions
Dates intermediate to those listed below are found on the respective intermediate pages
Contents Dates
Use of different dating methods
Length of "Earth Days" and "Earth Years"
Pre-11,053 BCE
- Adam and Eve in Eden
- Neanderthal end
- Tibet
- Last Glacial Maximum (LGM)
- Sundaland
- 12,300 BCE
11,053 BCE Catastrophe and Earth Inversion
Younger Dryas Discussion 11,053 BCE - 8155 BCE
Beginning 10,755 BCE
Second Major Event 9585 BCE
End of Younger Dryas Period 8155 BCE
Special note regarding dates of the actions of the Venus Comet
Plot of Greenland Ice-Freezing Temperatures
8113 BCE - Venus Comet interaction with Earth begins
6955 BCE Damage in Niger, Israel, Iran, Pakistan to China
6493 BCE Second Pole Flip - Damage in Norway, Sardinia, Balkans to Anatolia
6261 - 5867 BCE - The 8.2kYA Event
5744 BCE Third Pole Flip - Damage in Bolivia, Cyprus, Iran to China
5492 BCE Damage in Italy, Balkans, Iraq, Pakistan and China
4876 BCE Fourth Pole Flip - Damage in Sahara, Germany, Turkey and China
4008 BCE aka 5.9 kya event - Sahara created, cold & dry in north Africa, Europe and China
3644 BCE Indian Ocean mega-Tsunami, Dwarka and Ur destroyed. Upheaval noted from England to India and Mongolia
3007 BCE Damage found from England and Europe to India and China
2174 BCE Damage found in Iberia, Near East, Turkey, Indus and severe in China. End of Egyptian Old Kingdom & Early Bronze Age II.
1663 BCE Damage found in Turkey, Indus and in China. End of Egyptian Middle Kingdom
1544 BCE Eruption of Thera and Minoan Civilisation collapse
1446 BCE Exodus
1348 BCE Akhenaten in Egypt
1250 BCE Mycenaean Civilisation Collapse
1184 BCE End of Venus Comet - Battle of Troy
800 BCE Venus Comet becomes Venus Planet
687 BCE Mars Attack on Earth
Sun Reversals
Lost European Memories
The author has been surprised by the amount of physical evidence identifying damaged areas of our globe. This evidence shows how wide-spread the effects of the Venus Comet were over a 10,000 year period with many areas and cultures being destroyed or disrupted repeatedly. No pattern of damage has been identified. It appears to have been quite random, Some areas have yielded fewer examples of the destructions due to the physical difficulties in getting to examine them as thoroughly as other more accessible areas. As mentioned else where, identified results appear most frequently between 500 and 250 N. Latitude. Much less field research has been conducted in the Congo vs in Mesopotamia, or in Eastern Siberia vs in America.
The reader must remember that the information in the tabulation in this Appendix, is restricted to those locations on our globe where evidence has been found.[1] Additional locations likely remain as yet undiscovered or unrecognised. The author has included dated ruins that were discovered, writings that can be understood, and thriving civilisations that ended suddenly.
Each has been matched to downturns in ice-freezing temperatures read from the Greenland Ice Data[2] but with this caveat. The author has allowed a small amount of variation between that data and the dates he uses in this Appendix and elsewhere in the book. This caveat accommodates the fact that the dates given in reference 2, are averages for 5 to 20 year groupings of ice layers. The farther back in time the sampling went, the greater the numbers of layers that were required to have sufficient material to conduct the testing. Plain text is used when no information has been found relative to the date listed. Bold text highlights a presumed pairing of date and event/feature.
The reader is reminded that those dates, derived by counting of the layers in the ice samples, are real years reported as Years Before Present (BP). “Present” is defined as 1950 of the Common Era (CE). These dates are not subject to corrections like 14C values which are derived from measurements on carbon-containing materials, and assume a constant number of days per year.
Very importantly, each year in the ice core comes from one passage of the Earth around the Sun .... regardless of the size of the orbit of the Earth. Orbits are known to have varied from 290 days to greater than today's 365.24+ days. The ice data suggest that there were times when the count of days in a year were at other values within that span and also substantially greater, but those values are not known. The speed of rotation of the Earth on its polar axis, and consequently the length of a day, is thought to have remained constant as would the inertia of the Earth. When calculating time periods in this book, the author used "Earth Days" as his constant time basis. "Earth Years" then varied by the number of days in the particular orbit around the Sun then in use at that date.
Dates mentioned for the story material recorded here, are as given in the information referenced. They are, of course, subject to possible variations in the work and estimates of the original writers. Where 14C corrections have been made, they are so indicated. The INTCAL09 values were used as later ones were not publicly available. In order to create this yearly BCE (Before Common Era) sequence, he has subtracted 1950 years from BP values that the sources provided. The articles would then show both values.
The author points out that each pass of the Earth by the Venus Comet could include some interaction with comet material due to a passage through the "comet portion". Indications of that interaction ranged from "nothing discernible" to "catastrophic damage and changes in orbit". The NOAA plot of their data shows the variations from 9000 BCE to 1800 CE.[3]
The information has been arranged in date sequence. The reader is asked to recognise that this author definitely is NOT the first to make a list of the destructions to be found on this planet. He strongly recommends that his readers check on the extensive work published by Timo Niroma of Helsinki, Finland. Due to its extent, it is not inserted in this Venus Story. Its details fit well with this Venus Story.[4]
In studying the published NOAA data (ref. 2 above), the author became aware of cyclical patterns in the dates on which larger-than-normal ice-freezing temperature drops occurred. In-depth assessment revealed that they were frequently intervals on when the Earth was damaged by passes of the Venus Comet. In the 10,000 years of data closely studied, patterns of 42, 49, 56, 63, 70, 77, 84, and 91 years were found and repeated at different times. The 7-year commonality was indicative of the orbit period of the Venus Comet around the Sun. The various multiples of 7 years relate to its orbit around the Sun, and the Comet's interaction with the Earth. Interactions of the Earth with the Venus Comet frequently caused the Earth to move to a new orbit. The Earth orbit was determined by not only the forces of the Sun but also by the attractions of the other planets and their distances from Earth.
Pre-11,053 BCE Details
Adam and Eve in Eden
In the latter stages of sorting out these events of long ago, the author recognised that the Biblical story of the Garden of Eden along with Adam and Eve, included the presence of "The Serpent". He had previously discovered that many ancient cultures described the appearance of the Venus Comet in the sky as a "Serpent". Most people feared and worshipped it as an all-powerful goddess that repeatedly attacked the Earth and its peoples.
The author has come to believe that this is the earliest mention of that body that is recorded. He thinks that it dates to a time well before the Great Flood. How much earlier is unknown. The departure from Eden may have been linked to the Comet (Serpent) making the place uninhabitable. Readers are referred to the Venus Story for his description of the Venus Comet and its actions. Appendix 9 - Eden contains his assessment of the Adam and Eve story.
My assessment of the Greenland Ice Cap ice-freezing temperatures was extended back in time to see what understanding I might get of when the Venus Comet came on the scene. I looked for sudden drops of temperature to a minimum, which represented the shielding of the ice surface from solar radiation by dust, smoke and water clouds. This would occur when the Earth passed through the debris cloud associated with the Venus Comet and itself became clouded. Temperature increases would represent the unclouded intervals when radiation from the Sun fell on the sample location.
The temperature and date details strongly suggest that the Venus Comet was passing through the skies prior to 50,000 BP, the earliest date reported in the Greenland data. In general, the temperatures measured were very low as the Earth approached the Last Glacial Maximum (see below). Climate warming took place as the exposure of our planet to the warmth of the Sun changed over the last 24,000 years. Based on prior Ice Age cycles, we currently appear to be passing the Inter-Ice Age Maximum Temperature.
Interactions with the Earth definitely seem to have occurred in the 50,000 - 13,000 years BP interval but the severity has not been examined in depth. The reader should note that the terms Before Present (BP) and Years Ago (YA) are the same. A discussion on this earlier time is in Appendix 4 - Reading the Ice .
Neanderthal People
The Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) of the last Ice Age at 24,098 YA, is a very interesting date. As determined elsewhere in this book, the North Pole centring those glaciers was at 650 30' N 510 W with an ice-front at least 3500km away. Recent data[5] claims the last appearance of the Neanderthal people to be about 28,000 YA on the southern tip of Iberia. To reach that position, they likely had to pass between the front of the glacier and the Mediterranean Sea in southwest France and northeast Spain.
This terminal population, in distancing themselves from "homo sapiens", likely retreated to their north, the colder area, as far as they could travel. They were then channeled to their west between Iberia's mountains and the sea. The Gibraltar channel, with its currents, blocked them from going further towards a warmer climate. The final "cold snap" may have deprived both them and the local homo sapiens, as well as their prey, of finding enough food. They starved.
A recent discussion on high altitude, tool-making in Tibet [6] deals with a 30,000 YA site that today is well above the maximum elevation for growing crops or doing much work or even surviving there. Finished stone tools were found exposed at the site indicating that the craftsmen "forgot" them. The worker seems to have abandoned his valuable work in a great hurry, if in fact he survived. The discussion in this reference "assumes" that that site was at that elevation at that time. The author of this Venus Story is aware that major crustal move-ments of the Earth increased the elevation of the Himalayas from time to time, particularly 13,000 YA in the major catastrophe.
Examination of the Ice Cap ice-freezing temperatures shows that 28,985 YA the ice-freezing temperature plummeted, likely during a passage of the Venus Comet. The following tabu-lation reports how the interactions between the Venus Comet and Earth occurred at various frequencies, causing those variations in ice-freezing temperatures. A reader must keep in mind that although dates are written to a specific year, their accuracy at 1000 to 50,000 years in the past is not that good. Counting the varves in the ice core samples provides the dating of those samples, but variances on those numbers must still be allowed.
28,985 BP (26,135 BCE) - Venus Comet interacted with Earth at 56 year (360 days) intervals.
24,098 BP (22,148 BCE) - Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) of -53.4150 C was indicated in the Greenland Ice Cap temperatures2. No temperature since that date was near to being as cold or colder than that value. There were several values 1000-3000 years earlier that were given as small fractions of a degree colder. There seemingly was no interaction between the Venus Comet and the Earth for about 700 years. This could be accounted for by the Earth having an orbit that kept it from matching with the period of the constant orbit of the Venus Comet.
The dates below show when those two bodies resumed conflicting with one another.
Dates ____ Venus Comet interacted with Earth
23,385 BP (21,435 BCE) - at 56 year (360 days) intervals.
20,585 BP (18,635 BCE) - at 77 year (360 days) intervals.
18,465 BP (16,515 BCE) - at 77 year (360 days) intervals.
16,916 BP (14,966 BCE) - at 77 year (360 days) intervals.
16,762 BP (14,812 BCE) - at 49 year (360 days) intervals.
16,321 BP (14,371 BCE) - at 70 year (360 days) intervals.
16,111 BP (14,161 BCE) - at 63 year (360 days) intervals.
15,166 BP (13,216 BCE) - at 70 year (360 days) intervals.
14,536 BP (12,286 BCE) - at 70 year (360 days) intervals.
13,836 BP (11,886 BCE) - at 70 year (360 days) intervals.
13,558 BP (11,608 BCE) - at 70 year (360 days) intervals
13,003 BP (11,053 BCE) - at 70 year (360 days) intervals
- These dates form the lead-in to the details in this Venus Story. The encounter at 13,003 YA (11,053 BCE) moved the mantle of the Earth thereby physically relocating the actual North Pole location on our planet shown above. It is also thought to have increased the elevations of the Andes in South America as well as the Himalayas. Tibet was further elevated and became colder.
- The reader is directed to Appendix 7 - Coming To America - Long Before Columbus for this author's thoughts on people from Asia moving to the Americas, 17,500 to 10,000 YA.
- Sundaland, is now the mostly submerged Asian continental shelf area that includes Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. To the north, the shelf extends off the coast of China connecting Taiwan, Korea, Japan and the Kuril Peninsula. A paper by H.K Voris [7] describes the sea level just prior to the initial encounter with the Venus Comet as being 100 metres below current level. This indicates a rise of about 25m in level in the preceding 10,000 years as the last ice age slowly began to loosen it's grip on the Earth. This paper provided the following notes related to the Venus Comet. Comments by Collins are in italics.
* 15,000 - 14,000 BP First significant submergence (flooding) after the Last Global Maximum (LGM) of the last Ice Age, 23,000 BP. (See above 24,098 BP or 22,148 BCE).
* 14,600 - 14,300 BP further 16m submergence of Sundaland. (Actually sea-level rising)
Corresponds to 14,516 BP (12,456 BCE) date of a maximum ice-freezing temper-ature value (warmer) in Greenland ice data, likely indicative of a warming climate with
ice melting occurring. It is followed by a distinct temperature drop.
* 14,000 - 13,000 BP abrupt major wide-spread flooding of the area.
Corresponds with the dating of the known world-wide Flood caused by the Venus
Comet catastrophe in 13,003 BP (11,053 BCE) see below.
The Younger Dryas Period of 1500 years followed. (A period of colder temperatures.)
* 13,000 - 12,000 BP Very little rise in sea level.
* 12,000 - 11,000 BP Rapid flooding by South China Sea. Area covered was smaller than
in the 14,000 - 13,000 BP period.
Corresponds with the second Venus Comet event in 11,535 BP (9585 BCE) [see
below] that brought the orbit of the Earth back closer to the Sun.
It closed out the Younger Dryas period.
* 11,000 - 6,000 BP Slow rise in sea level to current level as glacier ice melts.
- - - End of Voris paper referenced items. - - -
- An in-depth study of the ice samples of the early period (back to 50,000 years BP) might prove interesting when matched to Neanderthal and early Homo Sapiens information. (See also Appendix 2 - Serpent & Dragon Lore - Russian STEPPES and ANATOLIA).
12,300 BCE - In the 1200 - 1000 years leading up to the 11,053 BCE entry, the author deter-mined in Appendix 4 - Reading the Ice, that the Earth had orbited the Sun (a year) on an exactly 290 days-equals-a-year cycle. At the end of exactly 252 orbits of the Sun or years (73,080 Earth days) it had a close encounter with the Venus Comet. In that same time period the Comet, travelling for 7 years of 360 Earth days per orbit, had made exactly 29 orbits around the Sun. While seemingly not catastrophic, their meetings noticeably chilled the Earth each time. He recognized four or five consecutive such meetings at 252 years intervals in the NOAA ice data. The Earth would have remained warmer than it is now. People counted their ages in years of 290 days and consequently had greater numerical ages.
11,053 BCE Catastrophe - The Younger Dryas Boundary (YDB)
- This encounter between the Earth and the Venus Comet had huge consequential outcomes including destruction of substantial civilisations. Plato's stories of the end of Atlantis trace back very closely to this date. While the approximately 500 known world-wide Flood stories lack certified dating, they also are thought to trace back to this date.
- The most famous of those stories involves a farmer named Noah, and his Ark, as related in the Bible. In it Noah is told by an unnamed man to build a large boat to house himself and family along with supplies. He is to take along his animals so that he can re-establish himself later. The Ark and its complement grows with later retellings. The water appears in a great hurry, floats the Ark and soon covers everything he can see. After a period of time floating around, the Ark grounds. Everybody gets out and they find that its a land that they have never seen. It looks pretty good. They make it their new home.
- The White Mountain (a dormant double volcano) in Armenia, is also known today as Mt. Ararat as it was in the province of Ararat. It was "designated as the landing place of the Ark”by the Orthodox Christian Church about 1100 CE. It was an erroneous belief that Noah’s statement that “all he can see is water”, means that all mountains were submerged. His horizon would be limited to no more than 50 km around the Ark due to the curvature of the Earth's surface. The ancient Hebrew writings do not make that claim. They say the Ark landed “amongst the hills of Ararat” (the area). The mountain itself is not mentioned.
- The name Ararat is also given to the mountains along the northern border of Iraq with Turkey. (Note the similar sounds of the two names.) The author suspects that the Noah family likely salvaged the Ark to build their dwellings and barns.
- Variations of this Noah story emerge from other myths. Some people survived by climbing mountains (going high) and coming down after the waters recede. Many of those people took knowledge with them. This story is common in India. Others fled into mountainous areas and dug caves and underground caverns to hold people and animals. Some such caverns are called "varas" in Iranian (Persian) myths and exist today in parts of Cappadocia, Turkey.
- The description of Atlantis, made famous by Plato, was initially inscribed on a monument in the Temple of Sais on the Canopic branch of the Nile River delta. Sais was honoured as the burial location of the Egyptian god Osiris. About 600-590 BCE, Solon of Greece was shown it by an old Egyptian priest who stated the inscription to be very old. They copied the very old script (hieroglyphics?) and Solon had it translated into then current Egyptian. He later wrote its translation into Greek. It described a catastrophe, it said, that occurred 9000 years earlier than the inscription. How exact that number of years was, is open to challenge.
- Using the date of 10,950 BCE +/- 250 years for the catastrophe (per the information on Göbekli Tepe), the author calculated the creation of the inscription at Sais related to Atlantis as 10,950 - 9000 = ca 1950 BCE. Plato used Solon’s information in his plays Timæus and Critias as morality points rather than historical details.
- The Pharaoh about that 1950 BCE date, depending on which Kings' List is used, was Amenemhat I, [8] first in the Middle Kingdom and founder of the 12th Dynasty. His Horus name, Wehemmesu, meant "renaissance" or "rebirth", an allusion to his trying to renew the previous Old Kingdom period. He regained control of Egypt after the destruction of the Old Kingdom in 2174 BCE (which see below) and the period of minor rulers each trying to hold a small area. (Manetho’s 70 kings in 70 years!) Based on Osiris being a major Egyptian god, this author credits Amenemhat I as the writer of the stone. He and his son Senusret I, second in that dynasty, are both remembered in Egyptian writings as having rebuilt and refurbished old Egyptian shrines that had been damaged, and promoted their history. Creating (or recreating) that Atlantis inscription about 1950 BCE as discussed above, strongly suggests that the Atlantis story was an old and very real part of Egyptian "history" at that time. These dates may be subject to adjustment but do support the idea that Atlantis was a real civilization that was destroyed by the Venus Comet 13,000 YA.
- The third pharaoh in that line, Amenemhat II, seemingly a grandson, is reported in Egyptian lore, as having repaired the Sphinx, and having put his face on it! Some modern researchers, after comparing old images of him, believe that he did put his face on it. This detail suggests to the author that perhaps the head of the Sphinx was struck by a large rock that flew from the Venus Comet in the 2174 BCE encounter. An alternative cause of the damage could have been a "thunder-bolt" (the weapon of Zeus) striking the highest point of the Sphinx. (See Appendix 2 - Serpent & Dragon Lore for more discussion.)
- The Greek mythical story of this World Flood is called the Ogygian flood.
- The author of this book has favoured locating Atlantis beside the Atlantic Ocean on an earlier extended coastline of Spain north of Cadiz. Hydrographical details show that there have been multiple underwater mud slides in the Golfo de Cadiz along the Lisboa fault line. Inland from the Golfo is the Doñana National Park along the Playa de Castilla, sitting on what remains of the ancient delta of the Rio Guadalquivir. The delta likely extended much further west, and being mud, and 100 - 130m below today's sea level, could have been configured into water channels at the then sea level for shipping as described in the Atlantis story.
- Earthquakes on the fault, or tsunamis from any cause, would be devastating to life on a delta. Buildings of stone would sink into the agitated and liquified mud before the raging sea washed their foundations away. (Just as described in Plato's works.)
Accepting the evidence above that the sea level at the time of the catastrophe was 100 m below present level, the author considers that the ruins of Atlantis are covered in the mud at the bottom of the Golfo de Cadiz. He sees little hope of finding traces of Atlantis onshore in Doñana National Park.
- The Pacific coastline of Chile seems to bear the markings of three tectonic events that took place, likely 13,003 YA when the Earth and the Venus Comet interacted. At the northern end of the country, it appears that the coastline was raised about 3,000 metres to form a new coastal range. The sea bottom became the ultra-dry Atacama Desert with sea-worn sand at that high elevation. An ocean-level depression was lifted to become land-locked Lake Titicaca with its salt water relics.
- To the south near Osorno, Chile, the Quaternary paleontological and archaeological site of Pilauco Bajo [9], shows the "black mat" layer associated with the severe burning caused by the Venus Comet at the start of the Younger Dryas Boundary. Researchers found a Pt, Au and Pd peak anomaly claimed to be a derivative of airbursts or impacts. (See also Appendix 5). It also contains chromium spherules that match the material in those Andean mountains indicating them as its source.
Multiple large volcanoes in the immediate vicinity, such as Osorno, have erupted violently in the past [10] and therefore could have thrown the chromium ore particles up and into the Venus Comet maelstrom. The archeological report above states "The plant assemblages indicate that there was an abrupt and major shift in the vegetation from wet, cold conditions at Pilauco to warm, dry conditions ....". This climate change may have been the result of a substantial drop in altitude of that mountainous area combined with the raising of a new coastal range that shielded the new valley. Alternatively the change could mark the warming at the end of the YDB as the Earth's orbit was reduced and the planet came closer to the Sun while shedding the cloaking dust of the Venus Comet encounter.
- The most southerly portion of Chile saw the eastern edge of the Pacific Ocean plate dive under the continental crust. The inland mountains were raised higher while the lands to the west were submerged to form the Chilean archipelago. Witnesses report:
"The Legend of Trentren Vilu,[11] the god of Earth, a generous spirit and protecter of all earth's life, who fought Caicai Vilu, a monstrous serpent who ruled the Sea and was the god of Sea Water and the origin of all that inhabits it.
Thousands of years ago, what is now the Chiloé Province was once a contiguous landmass with continental Chile. One day Caicai Vilu, the serpent, appeared [in the sky?] and inundated the lowlands, valleys, and mountains, submerging all the flora and fauna. Without delay, Trentren Vilu fought with his enemy and elevated the land and protected it from disaster. The battle persisted a long time. Trentren Vilu reached a costly victory; he won the battle, but was unable to restore the land to its primeval state leaving it in the dismembered form it still has today. We know it as the Chilean archipelago, and the mountains of southern Chile."
Mention of a "monstrous serpent" has been found to be a sure indicator of the Venus Comet elsewhere in this book, "Venus; The Late-Arriving Planet".
- Extensive mammoth remains found 80km north of Mexico City, Mexico, are dated to the late Pleistocene era (ended some 11,700 years ago by reference) along the shores of the long dried-up Lake Xaltocan. Other deposits were found when the subway was excavated. [12]
- Recovery of multiple human skeletal remains from the flooded Naharon cavern near Tulum in the state of Quintana Roo, Yucatán, Mexico has provided dates of 13,600-13,000 YA. [13] These dates are consistent with deaths of the descendants of the earlier (17,000-13,000) Native American migrants in the 13k YA Venus Comet catastrophe. Others date in the 11,000 YA time frame, perhaps relating to being trapped by flooding of the cavern with salt water as sea level rose. They could have been descendants of either the earlier or the later migrants. Genetic testing has been inconclusive.
- Pacific coast native folklore, in Canada, describes their mountains as being lowered in elevation due to the Venus Comet [14]. This too implies the presence of witnesses who survived whatever fire, water, wind or earthquake might have accompanied the event.
- About 11,000 BCE at the end of the Palaeolithic period called “Epipalaeolithic”, in the Zagros Mountains of western Iran, there are indications of the destructions of settlements [15]. These were physical ruins that suggested structures and, being in place, further suggest that they had not been washed over by a wall of water. This date matches the Greenland ice data as the timing of the Venus Comet's initial encounter with planet Earth (see page 8 in the main story of this discussion, Venus; The Late-Arriving Planet).
- Cyrenaica (north-east Libya) [16]; an unnamed culture ended, date 11,072 +/-172 BCE.
- Tell Abu Hureyra in the northern Euphrates valley in modern Syria (see pg. 15ff in the main story) was settled before 13,500 BCE, damaged in 11,053 BCE and abandoned in 9585 BCE.
- People from the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers of central China arrived on the Tibetan plateau from the northeast approximately 13,000 years ago, their land having been ruined by salt water. They found a neolithic culture in Tibet and blended with it. [17] (See Appendix 2 - Serpent & Dragon Lore - Chinese)
- A Chinese legend, given at the beginning of Appendix 2 - Serpent & Dragon Lore, describes the destruction when a large meteor with the Venus Comet impacted the Pamir Mountains. (A pillar that "holds up the sky".) Its 52 km diam. crater in Tajikistan is partially filled by Karakul Lake. A close-by basin has become a desert and a break in the Earth's crust is indicated by a long lava path to the basin.
- A burnt bird figurine found at Lingjing Henan, China was dated to approximately 13.4-13.2 k YA cal. (See Appendix 2 - Serpent & Dragon Lore) People were there when the Venus Comet came through.
Younger Dryas Boundary (start)
- As a result of the interaction between the Earth and the Venus Comet, our planet moved to, and settled in, an orbit substantially further from the Sun. The Greenland ice-freezing temperatures fell continuously for the next 300 years, and, by inference, so did the world-wide temperature. This time is the beginning of the Younger Dryas period. Our planet and its survivors (our forebears) endured ice-age-like conditions for the next 1,500 years.
10,755 BCE - The Earth, having been in its new orbit farther from the Sun for over 300 years, had stabilised its temperature drop and started to warm slowly as shown in the Greenland Ice Data.2 The dust, moisture and Comet debris had thinned out to allow solar radiation in. There are no indications of a Venus Comet meeting with Earth until 9585 BCE (see below). The Earth, with a new larger orbit, no longer had a synchronicity with the Comet.
9822 BCE - A sizeable asteroid slammed into ice-covered northwest Greenland in 11,700 BP (9750 BCE). [18] The Greenland ice data shows a date of 11,772 BP +/- 17 years, as a possible “small event”. The space rock would have been travelling parallel to both Earth's circular orbit between the Earth and the Sun, and the Venus Comet path at that moment. It apparently got drawn into the Earth by our gravity and perhaps other forces. The apparent impact "blow-out" location to the NE of the Earthly crater suggests a then Earthly SW to NE track. Recognizing that our planet was “flipped” end for end on its axis of rotation in 11,053 BCE, the “blow-out” direction is consistent with events. It was effectively NE to SW.
9716 BCE - Comet appears to have a minor encounter with the Earth, moving to a little smaller orbit. The ice-freezing temperature increases from -44.30 to -35.90 by 9608 BCE.
9585 BCE - Second major event between the Earth and the Venus Comet resulted in the Earth moving to a unknown spiralling path closing on the Sun. The number of days per year would be decreasing annually. Initially, as shown by the Greenland ice data,2 it was cooled again by dust and debris from the Comet. It was likely in a new orbit by 9449 BCE when warming periods began to occur.
- The Earth's pole of rotation does not seem to have been reversed again back to an east-rising Sun until about 3100 years later. (See 6493 BCE)
- The massive site at Göbekli-Tepe in Turkey was intentionally buried as a mound and vacated sometime prior to 9000 BCE [19]. The author suspects that the site burial was accomplished prior to this repeat visit by the Venus Comet in 9585 BCE suggesting that skilled astronomers were still at work. The community may have been working with a deadline of FEAR!
- Tell Abu Hureyra in northern Syria was abandoned. Mureybet on other side on the Euphrates River seemed to gain population. The cultivation of grains and domestication of livestock succeeded. (see pg. 15ff in this story Venus; The Late-Arriving Planet).
- About 9500 BCE the Hasankeyf and Natufian cultures in Syria (pg. 7 in main body of discussion) appear to have ended.
- An ancient ruined temple, dated to about 11,300 BP (9350 BCE), is being currently being excavated at Mardin, Turkey to the southwest of Hasankeyf.[20]
- Jericho, now Tell Sultan, Palestine, began as a long-time Natufian settlement that left a four metre thick deposit at an oasis in the Jordan Valley. [21] The earliest dating is before 9000 BCE, possibly as early as 9585 BCE when severe damage to the Earth occurred. Pre-Pottery Neolithic A (PPNA) levels that followed the Natufian culture had radiocarbon dates in the range 8350 - 7370 BCE. [22] (10,125 - 8570 BCE IntCal.'09)
- Sundaland Data (see 12,000 - 11,000 BP above) shows a distinct increase in sea level at this time, indicating that there had been been a temperature increase that caused sudden glacier melting.
- The disputed Solutean migration from west Europe to east America about the New Jersey/Delaware area appears to have come along the ice front across the Atlantic Ocean about 12k YA. Being migratory hunters of the sea ice-packs, and subsisting on sea animals for all their needs, they had no need to visit land.
9293 BCE - A 322 year period of minor temperature variations began, perhaps indicative of the Earth having passed through fragments of the Venus Comet tail.
- Nanzhuangtou culture north of the Middle Yellow River area of China with its primitive pottery, and millet cultivation and milling, ended in 9225 cal BCE [23].
8971 BCE - A continuous warming resumed [2].
8772 BCE - Water-protected settlements found at Star Carr, a small lake, in North Yorkshire, England, used timbered dwellings on posts until the lake became a bog 300 years later. [24] This is considered to be indicative of a time of fear and threat by others.
8155 BCE - The First Encounter between the Earth and the Venus Comet since the 9585 BCE event (see above) was a small reversal in the continuous warming of the Greenland ice- freezing temperature data at the end of the Younger Dryas. That period began after the 11,053 BCE Venus interaction with Earth and continued with a steady rise in the Greenland ice temperature to this date, a 2,900 year time span. Details on changes in the Earth's orbit during this period are not known.
Notes: The author believes that during the Younger Dryas period the Earth was on a much larger orbit farther from the Sun with the results that world temperatures were colder and the Sun dimmer. Additionally, because of the size of that orbit, seldom did the Earth meet the Venus Comet when that object, on its 7 year orbit around the Sun, crossed Earth's orbit.
- In reading the dates and details used here, the author must point out the inherent inaccuracies in those dates.
.... Ice-freezing temperatures in the NOAA work are given at intervals of 12 to 24 years.
.... The temperature / date graph by NOAA was used as a guide. The dates on it, while inserted by this author, are those reported by NOAA less 1950 years to provide BCE dates.
.... The temperature data was used to identify the dates used in the graph. It was also used to interpolate between those dates to help discern the cycles of Comet / Earth interactions.
.... The author chose to use BCE/CE dating format through out this paper. Dates BP were converted to BCE/CE based on PRESENT in the BP scale being set at 1950 CE.
.... Dating in references is reported as in the article cited. No attempt has been made to reconcile them to a specific format of dating. (BP, YA, C14, calendar). When references mention C14 dates, the author also noted the equivalent adjusted "Int. Cal '09" dates.
Special note regarding dates of the actions of the Venus Comet.
The author spent a lot of time and "brain cells" trying to find an understanding of the Venus Comet actions in the period 9000 to 1000 BCE. The ice data included prolonged, multi-year periods such as 42, 49, 56, 63, 70, 77, 84 and 91 years between attacks on the Earth by the Venus Comet. In other places there were some periods like 14 and 35 years, or 21 and 28 years, each paired back-to-back and totalling one of those periods of years.
He believes that the reason for such variations may lie in the effect of a major planet such as Jupiter or Saturn, or even the Earth, causing a minute adjustment to the exact orbit of the Venus Comet so that its timing is altered a fraction or its path is a little to the side. The slightest change allows a close miss instead of an Earth event. Both bodies have their orbits adjusted back to "normal" and go on their separate ways.
When thinking about the above, the reader must recognise that these time periods are usually large enough that a person on Earth would see only ONE Comet “close call” or “damaging” event in their lifetime! Only a person dealing in Astronomy, would have the information passed on from years gone by. Astrologists, the ones who used that information to forecast what may happen in the future, would always be in demand. Were calendar adjustments required each time? We do not know. As mentioned previously, understandable written information prior to 4000 BCE is unknown except for that single Sumerian prayer, so we have no information on calendars until about 4010 BCE (see below).
In the writing that follows, the following terms were used:
- “Ice-freezing temperature points” analysed in the NOAA work are the temperature at which a given sample of ice in the ice core originally froze when it was on the surface and exposed to the air. The date of that freezing was derived from counting the yearly varves. Sample sizes were multi-year in order to have sufficient test material for a test. Consequently both the dates and the ice-freezing temperatures given are averages for that sample.
- The Comet "passed by" the Earth. The date provided was the one expected by the author, for a possible Earth / Venus Comet encounter. No indication of it happening was found in the ice data or in Earth historical data. It was a "miss".
- The Comet "dusted" the Earth on the date shown. A small drop in the ice-freezing temperatures showed that the Comet had disturbed the atmosphere of the Earth but apparently not enough to do much damage on Earth.
- Sharp temperature drops usually indicated a Comet - Earth interaction. The sharper and more prolonged the drop, the more severe the damage on the Earth.
- Lowest temperature ice-freezing points in the data indicate when the portion of the Comet tail that was "trapped" in the Earth's atmosphere, had thinned out enough to allow the Sun to begin rewarming the ice surface. The ice-freezing temperature would start to rise. These events did not indicate a Venus Comet interaction, but did serve as marker points in the graphical diagram.
- Changes in the timing of Earth and Venus Comet encounters usually can be associated with severe damage on the Earth.
- Historical references to damage on the Earth indicate an actual interaction.
- In the listing that follows, there are a limited number of entries for the Americas, Africa (other than Egypt) or the Pacific area. Their paucity in pre-2500 BCE discoveries can be attributed to the use of materials that would decompose naturally, no early use of intentionally fire-harden clay objects, and seemingly much smaller, temporary communities. The Clovis discovery in the USA stands out as an exception. Additionally, searching for such materials has not been carried out for as long a period or so intensively as the research in the Near and Middle East.
NOAA Central Greenland Temperature Data Plot by Giorgiogp2.
Graphical Depiction of the Ice-Freezing Temperatures of the Greenland Ice Cap measured and drawn by NOAA.
Shown with the addition of dates and comments by this author.
Venus Comet Interaction With Earth Begins
8113 BCE - This date, 42 years after the previous entry, was the peak of warming indicating the true end of the Younger Dryas after 2940 years of cold temperatures since the calamity of 13,003 Years Ago. The realisation is that the Earth reached a position where interaction with the Venus Comet could happen more often. The author visualises it as the Earth being drawn from its slow spiral towards the Sun after the Comet encounter of 9585 BCE, into a "circular" path around the Sun.
8106 BCE - One Venus Comet pass later, the Earth encounter may have altered the Earth's orbit. From the dates derived, it appears that a 42 year cycle of encounter of our planet with the Comet was established, at least for the near future. The Earth would have been in an orbit somewhat closer to the Sun than presently, and subject to further Comet interactions. This was the beginning of more frequent variations of the Greenland Ice Cap freezing temp-eratures.
- Sea level had risen to 75m below present. [25]
- Cyrenaica (north-east Libya) (16) unnamed culture end is dated 8120 +/-210 BCE.
- Warm, wet and green period of the Sahara desert began and lasted to 3900 BCE. [26]
Greenland ice temperature drops noted at start and finish. (See also 4008 BCE below)
8064 BCE - Venus Comet passed by the Earth without causing damage.
8046 BCE - Ice-freezing temperatures began rising again.
8022 BCE - At 42 years after 8064 BCE the Venus Comet interacted with the Earth and caused the ice-freezing temperatures to fall.
7980 BCE - Greenland Ice Data shows that the Venus Comet seemed to have encountered and damaged Earth every 42 years (6 orbits x 7 yrs.). At this date, it changed to a period of 77 years (11 orbits x 7 yrs.).
7903 BCE - Venus Comet interaction with Earth on 77 year cycle caused a sharp, short ice- freezing temperature decrease noted in the warming of the Greenland ice data.
7884 BCE - Low ice-freezing temperature and rewarming began.
7826 BCE - Venus Comet passed by the Earth 77 years after 7903 BCE with no effect.
7788 BCE - Venus Comet interacted slightly with the Earth.
- A stone tower at Tell es-Sultan beside the nascent town of Jericho, Palestine near the River Jordan, was built about 8300 BCE, and broken about 7800 BCE. Rebuilt 6800 BCE by a different culture. [27]
7766 BCE - Short warming period began.
7746 BCE - After 42 years (6 orbits x 7 yrs.) the Venus Comet came close to the Earth and interacted slightly.
- Cyrenaica (north-east Libya)16 unnamed culture end dated 7731 +/-219 BCE.
- Analysis of pollen and ground samples at Dovre, mid-Norway, shows a period of 60 years pollen interruption after the event. [28] This might refer to events in 7788 to 7711 BCE.
7711 BCE - After 35 years (5 orbits x 7 yrs.), the Venus Comet interacted severely with the Earth and changed from a cycle of 77 years (11 orbits x 7 yrs.) to 63 years (9 orbits x 7 yrs.)
7700 BCE - End of Nanzhuangtou culture in the Middle Yellow River area of China ca 7700 BCE. Replaced about 1200 yrs later.[29]
7648 BCE - Venus Comet thickened the "dust" in our atmosphere and began to rewarm the Greenland ice-freezing temperature.
7627 BCE - Comet initiated a short period of cooling of the ice core, 21 years after a brief warming of the ice-freezing temperature.
7606 BCE - Warming of ice began.
7564 BCE - Venus Comet passed by the Earth on 63 year cycle.
7501 BCE - Venus Comet brushed the Earth on a 63 year cycle and slowed the warming process.
- The East site at Çatalhöyük, Anatolia is dated about 7500 BCE [30]. (See Appendix 2 - Serpent & Dragon Lore - Russian Steppes & Anatolia - Çatalhöyük, Anatolia) A figurine of a “big-bodied goddess” was found on the site. She sits in a dominate or “ruling” posture, with her feet resting between two lions. She is assumed by some to be a “mother goddess”. No name or duties for her have been determined as writing has not been found. The author suspects that she represents that culture's war goddess (the Venus Comet). Lions were symbols of power for most identified war goddesses. This site was destroyed by 6200 BCE, possibly in the 6493 BCE Venus Comet pass. [31]
7438 BCE - Venus Comet brushed the Earth on a 63 year cycle and slowed the warming process.
7396 BCE - After 42 years (6 orbits x 7 yrs.)Venus Comet interacted with the Earth on 63 year cycle and caused the ice-freezing temperature to fall.
7375 BCE - Greenland Ice Data shows that the Venus Comet interacted with the Earth after 21 years (3 orbits x 7 yrs.).
- Occupation at Mureybet on the Euphrates River, northern Syria (see note above on 9592 BCE) was destroyed after about 2000 years. By then knowledge of grain cultivation and handling, as well as domestication of some animals had spread to other cultures.
- End of large settlement at Jericho, in Palestine in 7370 BCE.
- Large tsunami submerged shore and old wetland at Tel Dor, Israel in 7340 BCE. [32]
- Cyrenaica (north-east Libya)16 unnamed culture end dated 7250 +/-233 BCE.
- Chaitén Volcan in southern Chile had a large eruption 7400 BCE. Debris cloud passed eastward over Argentina. [33]
- A distinctive DNA type associated with the Clovis culture of central USA was found in Chile, Brazil and Belize and dated as early as 11,000 YA. It had disappeared at those sites by 9,000 YA, possibly by shortly after 7375 BCE, and was replaced continent-wide by the later date with the current DNA types.[34] It is one of a few events known below the equator.
7312 BCE - Slight ice-freezing temperature drop at 63 year interval.
7300 BCE - Earliest estimated end to crossing from Siberia to Alaska. See Appendix 7 - Coming to America - Long Before Columbus
7268 BCE - Warming began.
7249 BCE - A brief pause in the warming of the Greenland.
7228 BCE - Rewarming began.
7186 BCE - Greenland Ice Data shows Venus Comet, which had been encountering and damaging Earth every 63 years (9 orbits of Venus x 7 yrs.), changed to a period of 77 years (11 orbits x 7 yrs.). This longer period continued to 6493 BCE.
7170 BCE - Rewarming began.
7109 BCE - Sudden ice-freezing temperature drop at 77 year interval
7032 BCE - Minor cooling occurred after 77 year interval.
6955 BCE - Damage in Niger, Israel, Iran, Pakistan to China
- On the 77 year cycle. The first of a series of steep ice-freezing temperature drops. Others in 6801, 6647 and 6493 BCE. These are thought to be repeat close passages of the Earth through the dusty coma of the Venus Comet causing continuing cooling of the Greenland Icecap freezing temperature. It would be a period of badly restricted vegetation growth resulting in migrations of people and animals to warmer climates looking for food. (See Appendix 2 - Serpent & Dragon Lore - Samara & Samarra)
- The author considered if this event included the Earth being "flipped" so that sunrise now took place in the west. This suspicion, while not supported with a specific statement of the Sun changing its rising, is consistent with reported destruction from multiple places around the world. Lesser events devastated much smaller areas of the Earth.
- A 9,000-year-old site, located near the town of Motza, Israel shows a rapid departure or the sudden death of its occupants, and the abandonment of its food stocks and tools. Excavated material indicates the occupants used intensive hunting, animal husbandry, and agriculture. [35]
- Kiffian culture of "green Sahara grassland" in Ténéré desert in Niger disappeared [36].
- A new settlement with a new fishing lifestyle was established beside the Blue Nile in Africa about 7000 BCE. Similar culture and people appear at that time in Chad, Mali and Niger. [37] These new settlements are suggestive of people having been forced to leave previous areas such as Ténéré (above) and seek new homes and sources of food.
- Volcano Hasan Dagi near Çatalhöyük in Anatolia erupted during a cataclysm dated 6960 +/-640 cal BCE (see 6493 BCE and reference below).
- The ancient Persian capital we know as Susa (Shush, Khuzestan Province, Iran) has early indications of burning dated c.7000 BCE. [38] It still exists as an important city.
- Around 7000 BCE agriculture spread to both Europe and South Asia with mass migrations related to food supply. Some researchers assume that it was farmers from Anatolia and Iran, mixing with local hunter-gatherer populations. Neither of these groups had the numbers of people to effect mass migrations to the east, west and south seemingly simultaneously. This author believes that it may have been the Yamana (Yamna or Yamnaya) or the later Sumer people (Samana), known as the "black-haired people", moving out of the steppes [39].
- Mehrgarh is a Neolithic (7000 BCE to c. 2500/2000 BCE) site located near the Bolan Pass on the Kacchi Plain of Balochistan, Pakistan, to the west of the Indus River valley. Burials there have been dated to 7500 BCE and the settlement to ca. 6500 BCE.[40] It had agriculture and animal husbandry, and seems to have survived the damages of the 6955, 6801 and the major 6493 BCE events. It ceased about 5000 BCE[41].
- Franchthi Cave in Argolis, Greece was in use by 34,000 BCE by people who gathered plants, hunted, fished and used boats to cross to Melos, north of Crete to obtain obsidian. Occupation ceased for about 500 years in the Younger Dryas period. About 7000 BCE something seems to have happened and by about 6000 BCE the inhabitants were intent-ionally growing domesticated crops likely brought from Asia. This may be a migration from more northerly areas to a warmer one. Their culture disappeared at the time of the 3010 BCE event of Earth and the Venus Comet.
- A distinctive DNA type associated with the Clovis culture of central USA was found in Chile, Brazil and Belize and dated as early as 11,000 YA. It had disappeared at those sites by 9,000 YA, possibly by 7396 BCE, and was replaced continent-wide by the later date with the current DNA types.[42] It is one of very few events known below the equator.
6878 BCE - After 77 years the Venus Comet "passed by" the Earth.
6853 BCE - Rewarming began.
6815 BCE - After 63 years (9 orbits x 7 yrs.) the Venus Comet "brushed" the Earth leaving more dust that began a cooling period on the Earth.
6801 BCE - Another 14 years later, the Comet, still on its 77 year Earth intercept cycle, damaged the Earth.
- New settlements in the Zagros Mountains, Iran [43] began to reappear about 8500 BCE, but ceased about 6800 BCE as three small quick ice-freezing temperature drops of about 0.25°C each, were followed by a huge drop of 2.1°C. Rewarming began about 6200 BCE.[44]
6724 BCE - Venus Comet passed the Earth on a 77 year Earth intercept cycle.
6703 BCE - After 21 years (3 orbits x 7 yrs), the Venus Comet caused a small decrease in the ice-freezing temperatures. Still on its 77 year Earth intercept cycle.
6647 BCE - After 56 years (8 orbits x 7 yrs.), Venus Comet met the Earth on its 77 year Earth intercept cycle and caused an 80 year temperature drop of the Greenland ice-freezing temperatures.
- Cyrenaica (north-east Libya)16 unnamed culture end dated 6618 +/- 266 BCE.
6570 BCE - Temperature began rewarming
- Cyrenaica (north-east Libya)16 unnamed culture end dated 6563 +/- 79 BCE.
6514 BCE - Earth and Venus Comet interacted after 56 years (8 orbits x 7 yrs.) on a 77 year pattern).
- Kiffian culture (6513-5208 BCE) appears at current Gobero, Tenere, Niger site beside a lake.[45] Suspect this interaction forced relocation from a different, unknown site to get water. Settlement here until 5208 BCE.
6493 BCE - Second Pole Flip - Damage in Norway, Sardinia, Balkans to Anatolia
- After another 21 years (3 orbits x 7 yrs.) of the 77 year cycling pattern, the ice data shows that the Earth and the Venus Comet interacted severely. The period of inter-actions was changed to a 49 year cycle (7 orbits x 7 yrs.). The orbit of the Earth had been markedly reduced, probably to a 360-day year for it.
- The author suspects that this event included the Earth being "flipped" so that sun-rise now took place in the east. This suspicion, while not supported with a statement of the Sun changing its rising, is consistent with reported destruction from multiple places around the world. Lesser events devastated much smaller areas of the Earth.
- This interaction between the Earth and the Comet is suspected to have been the source of the energy required to cause the waters in the Aegean Sea and the Sea of Marmora to flood uphill into the Black Sea, deepening the channel. Research by others[46] provided a revised date of that event at about 8400 years BP (about 6400 BCE). It is noted that five of the other events of this date entry occurred in the immediate area of the Dardanelles and Bosphorus. Hydrographic work shows the shelf into the Black Sea at the Bosporus to have been eroded into a steep slope.[47]
- The forces and water movement discussed in the previous paragraphs are thought to also have caused the Storegga underwater slide [48],[49] to break loose from the west coast of Norway approximately 8200 YA (ca 6400-6200 BCE?). It caused a massive tsunami that devastated Scotland, and Doggerland, the bottom of today's North Sea.
- In Egypt, the Neolithic culture is said to have started about 6400 BCE in Lower Egypt south of the delta, at Fayum Lake, after part of the Nile River flooded into that basin. Drying of the Sahara area was underway and people were moving towards the Nile. Interestingly, no records were found in this period for settlement in the delta. This author suspects that the salt water flooding associated with the Black Sea event above, rendered the low-lying delta area unusable. Civilisation was pushed back to Neolithic conditions.[50]
- Atlit Yam is an ancient submerged Neolithic village off the coast of Israel. Its destruction is carbon-dated by some to be between 6950 and 6350 cal. BCE. By others based on branches to 6688-6373 BCEIntCal 09. Piles of fish ready for trade or storage have led researchers to conclude that the village was abandoned suddenly.[51] Others say a very large avalanche collapsed from Mt. Etna, Sicily[52] and caused a huge tsunami that washed the length of the Mediterranean Sea in (9250-8160 BP / 6284-5351 BCEIntCal 09). (See also Yamm in Appendix 2 Serpent & Dragon Lore - Israelites - Multiple Names for the Venus Comet.)
- Lepenski Vir ("Lepena Whirlpool"), a community located in Serbia at the Iron Gates on the Danube River, is a Mesolithic archaeological site with data suggesting that it existed before 7200 BCE[53]. A later version Lepenski Vir flourished briefly but elegantly 6300–6000 BCE and seemingly disappeared about the 5870 BCE event.
- The so-called "Danube Culture", which covered a large area in the Balkans, may in fact have included this community.[54] Tablets found display likely "writing" which has not been deciphered, but is considered indicative of a developed culture. The site was dated to about 5500 BCE (6365 cal BCE) which was a time when things were beginning to improve in that area, but still had a way to go. (see that date below)
- The Dispilo Tablet[55] was found in a Neolithic lake settlement in Northern Greece near the city of Kastoria. It is of wood and is C14 dated to 5260 BCE. [6060 BCEIntCal09] The symbols engraved on it are included on the tablets in the preceding paragraph, indicating that it came from the same culture.
- Sardinia - complete human skeleton found that dated to 8500 years ago [6500 BCE] in the transition period between the Mesolithic and Neolithic periods [56].
- Analysis of pollen and ground samples at Dovre, mid-Norway, shows a period of pollen cessation for 370 years.[57]
- Livestock farming begins in Yemen[58] about 6500 BCE. Agriculture came later. No known Neolithic occupations of these coasts prior to the early sixth millennium BCE. This culture lasted to 4500 BCE (likely the 4519 BCE Greenland ice data point) when it was replaced by a different lithic culture that in turn disappeared in 3700 BCE (3686 BCE ice data?).
- Yeşilova Höyük by Bornova, near Izmir, on the Aegean coast of Turkey, was a destroyed tumulus dated about 6500 BCE. A second village was later built at the site, and abandoned about 3000 BCE[59].
- Çatalhöyük in Anatolia was destroyed and today is known as the East Mound. People rebuilt on the other side of the nearby river at a location now known as the West Mound.[60] This city was destroyed about 5700 BCE (6470 cal BCE) by one source and about 5200 BCE (6015 cal BCE) by another.[61] In a building, they painted a map and a picture of the nearby volcano Hasan Dagi erupting during a cataclysm dated 6960 +/-640 cal BCE.[62] [see also date 6955 BCE above]
6461 BCE - Eruption (6460 - 6414 BCE) of Mt. Kurile, Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia[63], located at latitude N 51.5°. Rated as Volcano Explosion Index 7. Its effect on the Greenland Ice Data is masked within the above 6493 BCE cool down.
6444 BCE - Venus Comet "passed by" on 49 year cycle.
6416 BCE - After 28 years (4 orbits x 7 yrs.) the Venus Comet "brushed" the Earth.
6395 BCE - After another 21 years (3 orbits x 7 yrs.) the Comet "passed by" the Earth and altered the ice-freezing temperature cooling.
6346 BCE - Venus Comet "passed by" on 49 year cycle.
6297 BCE - Venus Comet "passed by" on 49 year cycle.
- Archeology in Ayakagytma, Uzbekistan shows horse domestication and cultivated grains by 8200 BP [64] and to be empty by about 4700 BCE. It was later reoccupied.
6261 - 5870 BCE - Warming of the ice-freezing temperature began.
- The 8.2kYA Event is well recognised by researchers as an unusual event. The name is based on the coldest ice-freezing temperature date after a three century temperature fall. A nearly 400 year warming period began. Comments made that this "global" warming was caused by a change in the circulation in the North Atlantic Ocean are not supported by the research results nor computer simulations. It results from the usual planet warming from the increasing solar input as the dust and vapours in its atmosphere dissipate after the severe cooling of the Venus Comet encounter of 6493 BCE. References to damages to the Earth in that encounter, as found by the author, are shown above.
- He suggests for consideration, as he has no proof, the idea that at the 6493 BCE date, the Earth, having had another encounter with the Venus Comet, came away enveloped in a portion of the Comet tail that "shaded" it for perhaps the next 300 years. This "tail" would be gradually blown away, could settle on the Earth or perhaps might be reclaimed by the Venus Comet on another encounter such as 6395 BCE. The result was that as the skies of our planet cleared, it allowed sunlight to help rewarm the planet. In addition, Earth was spared close-encounters with the Venus Comet and remained unclouded by comet debris for nearly 400 years and undamaged for over 650 years. During that period the Comet remained on its 7-year orbit around the Sun, and lightly "dusted" the Earth on most 49th year passes.
- The Harappan Early Culture (Ubaid Period) is thought to have begun about 6000 BCE and lasted 1500 years.[65]
6248 BCE - Venus Comet "passed by" on 49 year cycle.
6199 BCE - Venus Comet "passed by" on 49 year cycle.
6200 BCE - Latest estimated end to crossing from Siberia to Alaska. See Appendix 7 - Coming to America - Long Before Columbus
6150 BCE - A Greenland ice-freezing temperature turn down attributed to a near passage of the Venus Comet on its 49 year (7 orbit x 7 yrs.) pattern of cycles.
6133 BCE - Warming resumed.
6101 BCE - Venus Comet "passed by" on 49 year cycle.
6052 BCE - Venus Comet "passed by" on 49 year cycle.
6003 BCE - A Greenland ice-freezing temperature turn down attributed to a near passage of the Venus Comet on its 49 year (7 orbit x 7 yrs.) pattern of cycles.
5971 BCE - Warming resumed.
5954 BCE - Venus Comet "passed by" on 49 year cycle.
5905 BCE - Venus Comet "passed by" on 49 year cycle.
5884 BCE - Venus Comet "dusted" the Earth 21 years later (3 Comet orbits x 7 yrs.) and slows the warming.
5870 BCE - Earth and Venus Comet severely interacted 14 years later (2 orbits x 7 yrs.). The orbit of the Earth enlarged and the pattern of Earth and Venus Comet interaction changed from 49 year cycles (7 orbits x 7 yrs.) to 63 year cycles (9 Comet orbits x 7 yrs.). The number of days in an Earth year is not known. This suspicion, while not supported with a specific statement of the Sun changing its rising, is consistent with reported destruction from multiple places around the world. Lesser events devastated much smaller areas of the Earth.
- In Bolivia, a culture known as the Tequendama[66], suddenly abandoned its caves and rock shelter sites about 8000 YA. It is assumed by the original researcher to have moved from treed mountainous locations to a not-otherwise defined "lower elevation grassy savannah which would cause a large change in life style and in diet". This author suspects that the disappearance of that culture is more likely to be a result of its damage by the Venus Comet.
- Settlements in the Zagros Mountains (see 6801 BCE above) prospered until 5800 BCE[67], a date that matches the 5867 BCE severe cooling.
- The village of Choirokoitia, Cyprus, was an organised, functional society in the form of a collective settlement, with surrounding fortifications for communal protection. It was suddenly abandoned for reasons unknown at around 6000 BCE.[68] It remained uninhabited for about 1500 years which might imply a sizeable loss of the island population in the 5870 BCE event.
- Wetland on shoreline at Tel Dor, Israel (see 7340 BCE) destroyed about 5850 BCE.[69]
- The Pre-Pottery Neolithic B (PPNB) site at Jericho, Palestine, created about 7370 BCE, was destroyed again in 5850 BCE.[70]
- End of Pentoushan, Chengbeixi and Zaoshi cultures in the Middle Yangtze area of China about 5800 BCE[71].
- Hassuna culture of northern Assyria ceased about 6000 BCE cal. Earlier it had mixed dry farming from about 7000 BCE with domesticated animals, pottery from wheels with finely painted designs, and some two story buildings.[72]
- On the now island of Marawah, Abu Dhabi[73], a settlement of houses with stone found-ations existed about 8000 YA. Evidence of seafood diet, livestock handling, and trading by sea was found. It appears to be destroyed shortly afterwards and was not resettled.
5856 BCE - After 14 years (2 orbits x 7 yrs.) the Venus Comet passed through the atmo-sphere of the Earth and slowed the rate of cooling of the ice-freezing temperature.
5835 BCE - A further 21 years later (3 orbits x 7 yrs.) and rapid cooling resumed.
5807 BCE - Earth and the Venus Comet interacted 28 years later (4 Comet orbits x 7 yrs.) and again slowed the rate of ice cooling.
5744 BCE - Third Pole Flip - Damage in Bolivia, Cyprus, Iran to China
- Venus Comet interacted with Earth 63 years later. Very rapid cooling resumed.
- The Earth is believed to have "Flipped" on it's axis a third time. Sunrise now was in the old West direction. This choice of dates rather than the earlier peak of 5870 BCE is based on the resultant lengthy, steep drop in ice-freezing temperatures as indicating its severity.
- A cache of five long (11–13 cm), complete, obsidian blades were found in excavations at Anaseuli-1, in the western part of the Republic of Georgia, Caucasus. Charcoal dates place this site at 5746 to 5595 cal BCE[74]. Abandonment of such valuable tools suggests their owner had to leave quickly or died, and nobody else came by later.
- The sudden end to a civilisation at Çatalhöyük, Anatolia[75] at 5700 BCE. West mound at Çatalhöyük [76] shows cultivation of grains and legumes, dairying from sheep, goats and cattle, as well as meat products from them plus segregated storage.
5681 BCE - Venus Comet "passed by" on 63 year cycle of interaction.
5677 BCE - Eruption of Mt. Mazama, OR, USA and creation of Crater Lake (5677 BCE +/-150 yrs)[77]. Located at latitude N 43°. Rated as Volcano Explosion Index 7. Possibly 5618 BCE in the Greenland ice-freezing temperature data below.
5659 BCE - Rewarming of the ice-freezing temperature began.
5618 BCE - Venus Comet interaction with Earth on the 63 year cycle caused a drop in the ice-freezing temperature, and a likely Earth effect.
- Pre-Historic Samarran culture of northern Iraq ceased about 5600 BCE, having begun about 7000-6300 BCE.[78]
- Cyrenaica (north-east Libya)16 unnamed culture end date 5607 +/- 282 BCE.
5572 BCE - Rewarming of the ice-freezing temperature resumes.
5555 BCE - Venus Comet appears to have "dusted" the Earth on the 63 year cycle and slowed the warming of the ice-freezing temperatures.
5492 BCE - Damage in Italy, Balkans, Iraq, Pakistan and China
5492 BCE - 63 years later, the third and most severe of the three-stage drops in ice-freezing temperature indicates an interaction between the Venus Comet and the Earth. This series of temperature drops had begun in 5870 BCE.
- An unnamed Neolithic settlement of Poland[79] appears to have begun about 5500 BCE with a migration of people northward from the Danube River. With the severe drop in the ice- freezing temperature, those people were leaving for a better place. Expansion settlements would be expected to go westward up-river into similar types of terrain, but by that time the river valley and the areas upriver and to the south and east were likely already settled.
- A February 2, 2015 article in the journal Antiquity details the cutting and scraping with stone tools of multiple incomplete human skeletons in the Grotto Scaloria, Manfredonia, Tavolieri, Italy (on the "spur of the boot of Italy") between 5500 and 5200 BCE. The site is an under-ground cleft in an otherwise flat and treeless area of limestone rock, a singular place of refuge. The authors, while repeatedly stating that they have ruled out cannibalism, provide no support for that opinion. They do say that the long bones had been broken (for the marrow?) and that the bones were not buried but discarded all over the cave in "some sort of ritual manner". No mention is made of bite marks or animal gnawing. This scene strongly suggests starving people, sheltering in a cave, and having eaten their dead after the destruction of their community, perhaps in the severe 5492 BCE pass of the Venus Comet.
- End of Xinglongwa Culture in North East China (5400 BCE), Houli Culture in Lower Yellow River, China (5500 BCE) and Zengpiyan Culture in South East China (5500 BCE).[80]
- Mehrgarh aceramic culture near the Indus Valley, Pakistan ended[81]. It was replaced by a more advanced one about 5500 BCE and about 4800 BCE was replaced at a nearby site.
- Ubaid 0 culture, located on the Euphrates River in present Iraq, was abandoned about 5400 BCE. It had been established about 6500 BCE after the 8.2k YA event. Its replacement, Eridu, appeared nearby, shortly afterwards.[82]
5429 BCE - Venus Comet "passed by" the Earth.
5366 BCE - Venus Comet added to the cooling of the ice-freezing temperature
5303 BCE - Venus Comet "passed by" the Earth
5290 BCE - Halaf culture of northern Assyria ceased about 5300 BCE. It began about 7000-6300 BCE.[83]
5247 BCE - Cooling ceased and warming began
5240 BCE - Venus Comet "passed by" the Earth
5177 BCE - Venus Comet "dusted" the Earth and slowed the warming of the ice-freezing temperature.
5163 BCE - Warming resumed
5100 BCE - Venus Comet "passed by" the Earth
5037 BCE - Venus Comet "passed by" the Earth.
4995 BCE - After 42 years (6 orbits x 7 yrs.) the Comet has a small event with the Earth that slows the ice-freezing temperature warming for a few years.
- A Spanish Stonehenge-like structure, named the Dolmen of Guadalperal[84], is submerged near the north shore of the Valdecañas Reservoir which was beside the channel of the Tagus River. It is dated between 7000 to 4000 YA (5000 - 2000 BCE) which relates to dates of damaging Venus Comet encounters with the Earth. The reservoir was flooded in 1963 CE and the structure remains basically unstudied.
- An article about Stonehenge-like structures in Poland, by the German border about 50km east of Berlin[85], dates them as constructed earlier than 4800 BCE. The derivation of that dating is not provided but is thought to be 14C values found below toppled pieces of stone indicating the latest dates possible. The three dates following this entry (4974, 4925 and 4876 BCE) speak of multiple destructions by the Venus Comet in that area of Europe.
- The author suspects that both the Spanish and Polish structures above were constructed to redefine the motions of the Comet and the Earth after the events of 5000 to 4500 BCE.
4974 BCE - After 21 years (3 orbits x 7 yrs.), the Venus Comet had an interaction with Earth and cooling begins. A period of cascading dates of damage to Earth follows. It is referred to as the 6.9k YA event.
- The orbit of the Earth was likely changed. A 360 day year calendar was created. Greenland Ice Data shows that the Venus Comet, which had been encountering and damaging Earth every 63 years (9 orbits of the comet x 7 yrs.), changed to a period of 49 years (7 orbits x 7 yrs.).
- Severe drying of climate, changes the North African savannah into the Sahara Desert after 5000 BCE. Pastoral populations left.[86]
- Approximate start date for Badarian culture (Early Predynastic Egypt). Ends 3900 BCE.[87] May have been the pastoral population coming from the Sahara as mentioned above.
- The Goseck circle, on the north bank of the Saale River about halfway between Naumburg and Weißenfels, Germany[88] dates to approximately the 5th millennium BCE. It is regarded as the oldest observatory in Europe and consists of a circular Henge-construction on a diameter of 75m. It marks the beginning of a millennia-old astronomical tradition known also from the Nebra skydisk found only 25km away. By means of a visor mechanism, modern operators were able to accurately determine the times of the summer and winter solstice. Its dating indicates that it was created to redetermine the calendar. (See Appendix 6 - Zodiac)
- The Belbaşı culture of southwest Turkey, known to have existed in 7800 BCE, disappears about 5000 BCE but its agricultural and stock breeding skills then reappear in Europe.[89]
- Chinese dragons date to about 5000 BCE. (See Appendix 2 - Serpent & Dragon Lore)
4925 BCE - The next Earth and Venus Comet encounter caused an abrupt second drop in ice-freezing temperatures 49 years after the previous encounter. Some of the Earth events mentioned may relate to the earlier one.
4876 BCE Fourth Pole Flip - Damage in Sahara, Germany, Turkey and China
4876 BCE - Yet another 49 years later and the third and major encounter in the 6.9k YA event caused deep cooling of the Greenland ice-freezing temperatures for 130 years. This it considered to be the date of the fourth and last "flip" of the Pole of Rotation of the Earth. Two following expected Comet passes that kept the Earth enwrapped in the "dust" are listed below. If they caused damage, it has not been distinguished from that of other events. We can only speculate on what life might have been like for the people.
- Work at Tepe Abdul Hosein, Khava Mountains, in western Iran[90] shows its demise in the early 5th millennium matching the triple-stage drop in temperature in 4974, 4925 and the very severe one in 4876 BCE.
- The Greek story of Phaeton trying and failing to drive his father’s Sun chariot may fit this last North Pole axis “flip”. Records of that time seem to indicate severe damages in the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea and adjacent areas.
- Tel el-Samara site on the Upper Nile delta, 140km north of Cairo, Egypt is dated to about 5000 BCE with several storage silos, containing organic matter - animal bones and plant residues, plus pottery and stone tools, indicating a stable community.[91] Its name is similar to the entry immediately following this one.
- Samarra, located on the Tigris River above Bagdad, is currently an Islamic town. It's name is very similar to the steppe area at Samara [note spelling difference] that incorporated the Pontian Sea in Russia in its earliest days. Samara existed 5500 - 4800 BCE with features that paralleled later Sumer in southern Mesopotamia (see next paragraph). "The finding of the first significant irrigation at Samarra suggests that there was more investment in the land for farming for crops. The setting up of irrigation also showed that the city was a very permanent settlement and that the settlement prospered as a result of the advances that they made. Traces were found of pre-historic artifacts: fine painted pottery decorated in dark coloured backgrounds with figures of animals - birds - people and complicated looking geometric designs. This type of pottery was first recognized at Samarra but at first was thought to be a southern variant of the Hassunan Culture; it is now associated mainly with the site of Tell Sawwan. It seems that the Samarran was partly contemporary with the Hassunan but started a bit later and continued somewhat longer with a more southerly focus. It is this Samarran colonization of the Mesopotamian lowlands which seems to be the origin of the later Ubaid Culture - which leads into Sumerian Civilization."[92]
- Samara, Samarra and Sumer (various spellings) appear to be one or more settlements that either survived the 4876 BCE catastrophe, or were re-founded shortly afterwards. Their demise of 3900 BCE matches the 4008 BCE Venus Comet event.[93] It is suspected that their people were early Proto Indo-Europeans (PIE).
- Blue Nile site and culture mentioned in 6955 BCE above disappear about 5000 BCE[94].
- Notable examples of forest clearance in Britain occurred around 5000 BCE in Broome Heath in East Anglia, on the North Yorkshire Moors and also on Dartmoor.[95] Such clearances are attributed by others to early farmers clearing the land by ring barking and burning. The ice-freezing data suggests that the triple-stage temperature drop mentioned above likely brought a fire storm with it. In many areas the forests had regrown within a few centuries perhaps indicating the lack of a human presence.
- The Danube to Poland migration above (5480 BCE) was repeated with a second wave of migration from the Danube into Poland about 5000 BCE. It coincided with the above triple-stage drop in temperature in 4975, 4926 and a severe one in 4876 BCE[96].
- In central Europe, population levels rose rapidly at the beginning of the Neolithic until they reached the carrying capacity. This was followed by a population crash of "enormous magnitude" after 5000 BCE (the above triple-stage drop in ice temperatures) with levels remaining low during the next 1,500 years.[97]
- Dimini culture appeared about 4800 BCE in Thessaly, Greece and seems to have overrun the Sesklo culture which lasted another 400 years[98].
- Dating of the start of early Neolithic settlement on Malta is put at ca 5000 BCE based on charcoal, bones and pottery[99],[100]. This too corresponds with the Greenland ice-freezing temp-erature drops mentioned above. Many of the building and rebuilding dates in the 4500-2000 BCE period come shortly after the ice core data shows a warming period beginning after a substantial cold period[101]. The possibility exists that those appearing on Malta were fleeing the cold weather further north. Their use of megalithic stone has its parallels in Europe.
- Sometime before 4000 BCE the Sumer Goddess of War, Inanna, is repeatedly beseeched by the people of Sumer in the earliest known written prayers, not to destroy them again. The triple-stage drop mentioned above is the closest major event prior to 4000 BCE. Images of her have been found on sealing cylinders showing her with a spear, long flowing hair to her waist, and as with a lion as her lower body. Other images show her poised on a lion's back. (See Appendix 2 - Serpent & Dragon Lore - Sumer)
- Chinese archeology shows the end dates of the Xinie Culture, North East China (4855 BCE), Dadiwan and Laoguanrai/Baijia cultures, North West China (5000 BCE), Peiligang, Cishan, Jiahu and Lijiacun Cultures, Middle Yellow River, China, (5000 BCE) and Kuahuqiao Culture, Lower Yangtze River, China (5000 BCE).[102]
- Yemen culture lasted to about 4500 BCE (likely the 4876 BCE Greenland ice data point) when it was replaced by a different lithic culture that in turn disappeared about 3700 BCE[103].
4827 BCE - Venus Comet "passed by" with no apparent interaction with the Earth.
4778 BCE - Venus Comet "passed by" with no apparent interaction with the Earth.
4746 BCE - This was the lowest ice-freezing temperature point in that decline and then warming began. The cause for the reduction of the blanketing effect of the Comet, is not known but possibly was simply the thinning of the dust clouds. From 4746 to 4713 BCE dust was still clearing and by the latter date had stabilised. Solar heating continued to 4680 BCE.
4729 BCE - Venus Comet "passed by" with no apparent interaction with the Earth.
4680 BCE - A Venus Comet interaction with the Earth occurred after 4 intervals of 49 years following the 4876 BCE cataclysm. (see above). Glacier ice-freezing temperatures fell.
4651 BCE - Low ice-freezing temperature point. Temperature began rising.
4631 BCE - Venus Comet "passed by". Warming shown in ice data.
4603 BCE - Venus Comet next interacted with the Earth 28 years later (4 orbits x 7 yrs.) and continued on its 49 year pattern of interactions. This event changed a warming process into a cooling one. Earth damage was likely.
- Farmers from Iran, likely displaced by the 4975 BCE series of events, mixed with hunter-gatherers of the Tamil culture which was indigenous to India[104]. See above notes on the destruction of 4876 BCE. They disappear about 3000 BCE in the evidence of northern India, having likely been displaced in turn by the Yamana culture fleeing the 3007 BCE destruction (see below). Today the Tamil culture is found in the Ancient South Indian (ASI) people. The Yamana, now referred to as "Aryan", are strong in the Ancient North Indian (ANI) people.
- The Harappan Culture of Indus Valley is deemed to have changed from Early type to Early Mature type about 4500 BCE as people and crops changed.67
4588 BCE - Low temperature point for ice. Temperature began rising.
4519 BCE - Venus Comet interacted with the Earth 35 years later (5 orbits x 7 yrs.) reducing the ice-freezing temperature for 75 years.
4505 BCE - Venus Comet "passed by" the Earth 14 years later on 49 year cycle.
4500 BCE - About this date, people with the genes for blue eyes and fair hair, replaced semitic featured people in the northern Levant. Material tested was extracted from remains in caves. Effect faded by about 3500 BCE.[105]
- About this date, sea level had risen enough to prevent foot-travel between Europe and Britain.[106] Referenced data adjusted by 1500 years to fit 13k YA date effects.
4456 BCE - Venus Comet "passed by" the Earth 49 years later. No damage reports.
4446 BCE - Low temperature point for ice. Temperature began rising.
4407 BCE - Venus Comet interacted with the Earth 49 years later. The ice-freezing temperature briefly cooled and then rewarming resumed.
4358 BCE - Venus Comet interacted with the Earth 49 years later. Substantial ice-freezing temperature drop.
- Ubaid Period replaced by Late Ubaid Period in Mesopotamia.
4309 BCE - Venus Comet "passed by" the Earth on 49 year schedule.
- Low temperature point for ice. Warming began.
4260 BCE - Venus Comet "dusts" the Earth on 49 year cycle later. Ice-freezing temperature warming more slowly.
4239 BCE - Venus Comet "dusts" the Earth after 21 years (3 orbits x 7 yrs.).
4211 BCE - After 28 years the Venus Comet "passed by" the Earth on its 49 year schedule.
4162 BCE - Venus Comet interacted with the Earth on 49 year cycle.
4131 BCE - Warming begins.
4113 BCE - Venus Comet "passed by" the Earth on its 49 year schedule.
4064 BCE - The Venus Comet interacted with the Earth on its 49 year cycle and the ice- freezing temperature was reduced.
- Late Ubaid replaced by Early Uruk in Mesopotamia.
4041 BCE - Low-freezing temperature point for ice. Warming began.
4015 BCE - Venus Comet "passed by" the Earth on a 49 year schedule.
4008 BCE aka 5.9k YA event
- The Venus Comet has a severe interaction with Earth after 7 years (1 orbit of 7 yrs.) on its 49 year schedule.
- The Earth's orbit changed to a smaller diameter and the intercept with the Venus Comet was altered from 49 years (7 orbits x 7 yrs.) to 42 years (6 orbits x 7 yrs.) As of this date and before, Egypt had been using a 360 days per year calendar, indicative of a 49 year cycle of the Venus Comet. Calendar changes from 360 days per year to something less.
- Severe climate change to much colder and drier conditions world-wide. Results observed particularly in Sahara and northern portion of Africa as well as some effects in Europe. This was the time of migration into the Nile Valley and beginning of Egyptian civilisation.
- Earliest found Tenerian culture (3982-631 BCE) burial found at Gobero, Tenere, Niger.[107] Drier conditions (above) forced people to relocate to a lake. They remained there for 3300 years.
- End of Zhaobaogou Culture in North East China (4000 BCE) and Majiabang Culture in Lower Yangtze River, China (4000 BCE)[108].
- Proto-Elamite Susa clay tablet with indication of a 360 day/year & 30 day/month calendar found in an excavation of the fifth level at Uruk, Assyria[109]. That level was dated about 3400 BCE. Tablet was believed to be of Sumerian origin. The values on it indicate a 49 year cycle of interactions with the Venus Comet sometime in the past, indicating that it was useable 600 to 1500 years earlier. By about 4000 BCE Sumerians existed in that area and had writing and astronomy. The tablet could have been in an archive and was buried in the 4008 BCE event that destroyed much of that area.
3966 BCE - Venus Comet "passed by" on a 42 year schedule. Greenland ice-freezing temperatures falling.
3934 BCE - Warming resumes.
3924 BCE - Venus Comet "passed by" on a 42 year schedule..
3882 BCE - Venus Comet interaction with Earth on a 42 year schedule. Substantial drop in the ice-freezing temperature.
3858 BCE - Warming resumes.
3840 BCE - Venus Comet "passed by" the Earth on a 42 year schedule.
3800 BCE - Creation of the enclosure at Windmill Hill, Avebury, England about 3800 BCE.[110] Predates Avebury and Stonehenge works. May have been replaced by them.
- Early Uruk replaced by Middle Uruk in Mesopotamia.
3798 BCE - Venus Comet "dusts" the Earth on a 42 year schedule.
3756 BCE - Venus Comet "dusts" the Earth on a 42 year schedule.
3714 BCE - Venus Comet "passed by" the Earth on a 42 year schedule.
3686 BCE - Venus Comet interaction with Earth after 28 years (4 orbits x 7 yrs.) on a 42 year schedule. A sharp drop in ice-freezing temperature.
3672 BCE - After 14 years (2 orbits x 7 yrs.) the Venus Comet "passed by" the Earth.
3657 BCE - Warming resumes.
3644 BCE - Indian Ocean mega-Tsunami, Dwarka and Ur destroyed. Upheaval noted from England to India and Mongolia
After 28 years (4 orbits x 7 yrs,) of the 42 year cycle, the Venus Comet again has a severe interaction with Earth. The orbit of the Earth enlarges and the intercept interval of encounters with the Venus Comet changes to 63 years (9 orbits x 7 yrs.).
- A mega-tsunami throughout the Indian Ocean was triggered by the creation of the 29 km diam. Burckle Impact Crater in the seafloor southwest of Madagascar. The cause would be a sizeable rock traveling in the Venus Comet debris stream. Tsunami effects of that date have been noted on southern Madagascar, the west coast of Australia and at the northern end of the Persian Gulf. The referenced article suggests that its tsunami was responsible for the demise of the ancient city of Dwarka, a port on the coast of northwest India. Other articles report that deposits at the Ur site dated 5500 YA (3500 BCE) indicate that sea level was 2 m higher than now.[111]
- A date of 3500 BCE is commonly considered the end of the Chalcolithic period in the area of Megiddo in the Levant.
- Ur in Mesopotamia at the end of the Ubaid Period in c.3800 BCE[112], was a seaport on the Persian Gulf. It was destroyed and covered with a 2.5 m deposit of mud and sand. It was subsequently rebuilt. Flood stratums of the same period were not found in contemporaneous Mesopotamian upstream riverine cities like Kish and Shuruppak. This suggests that the flood came from the ocean and primarily affected the then low-lying coastal city of Ur.
- Greenland ice-freezing temperature fell for about 200 years.
- A remanent of the woolly mammoth population surviving on isolated St. Paul Island at the south end of the Bering Strait, perished when their fresh water and food supply suddenly disappeared about 5600 YA (3650 BCE).[113]
- Liangzhu culture of China relocates to delta of Yantze River Delta with earliest artifacts dated to about 3640 BCEIntCal09. Fails about 2317 BCEIntCal09[114]
- Sometime between 4300 and 3250 BCE, there was a reported widespread decline across Britain in the number of elm trees (the subject of a special study by others), which was attri-buted to the arrival of Neolithic farmers. Any and all other species of trees may have declined too but the study did not report on them. A severe drop in ice-freezing temperature is shown in the Greenland ice cap data in 3644 +/- 15 BCE. It resulted from the above Earth/Venus Comet event and included deforestation by fire. In the period from around 3500 to 3300 BCE, many of these deforested areas began to see reforestation and mass tree regrowth, which those other authors attribute to human activity retreating from these areas[115].
- Small man-made islands were constructed in Scottish lochs in the Hebrides about 3640 BCE[116]. With a narrow causeway to the shore and likely out of range of missiles, they appear to have been defensive positions in a time of unrest and hunger. They were used until about 3460 BCE when conditions are thought to have become much improved.
- Ceramic ware in Sardinia[117] shows a sharp change in style and decoration from before 3500 BCE to a very basic form with no decorations, indicative of a collapse of skills.
- The Nahal Mishmar Hoard, of Israel, a sizeable collection of regal or religious copper artifacts, was hidden in a cave by the Dead Sea prior to 3500 BCE to protect it from some threat[118]. It was never retrieved.
- Ténérian culture in Ténéré desert (southeast Sahara) in Niger disappeared about 3500 BCE as lakes vanish[119].
- A megasite was found at Maidanetske, Ukraine, east of the Bug River. It was one of the multiple extensive communities in that area that ceased about 3650 BCE and did not rebuild.[120]
- Populations in central Europe began to rise after 3500 BCE, with further dips and rises occurring between 3000 and 2500 BCE but varying in date between regions.[121]
- There was an explosion of Yamnaya culture out of the Russian steppes after 3500 BCE[122]. They used horses and carts. They extended into Europe to the Atlantic, south into Georgia and eastward to Mongolia and northern India filling a void in occupancy caused by the 3644 BCE event.
- The Yemen lithic culture mentioned above in 4876 BCE, is terminated about 3700 BCE, possibly due to a drier climate. See 6493 BCE for earlier entry.
- Mehrgarh Period III near the Indus Valley, Pakistan, was replaced about 3500 BCE with a variation that continued to about 3000 BCE before it too was replaced.[123]
- Indus Valley civilisation is identified by 3300 BCE and destroyed about 3000 BCE.
- Nagada I or Amratian Culture (Middle Predynastic Egypt) appears ca 3900 BCE and lasts to 3650 BCE.[124] Nagada II or Gerzean Culture (Late Predynastic Egypt) ends ca 3300.
3581 BCE - Venus Comet "passed by" the Earth on 63 year schedule.
3518 BCE - Venus Comet "passed by" the Earth on 63 year schedule.
3467 BCE - Warming of Greenland ice-freezing temperatures began.
3455 BCE - There was a Venus Comet interaction with Earth on the 63 year schedule. It’s intercepts with Earth changed from 63 years (9 orbits x 7 yrs.) to 42 years (6 orbits x 7 yrs.). Earth's orbit returned to the same number of days as in 4009 BCE. A brief cooling period followed.
- Proto-Elamite Susa clay tablet with indication of a 360 day/year & 30 day/month calendar was found in an excavation of the fifth level at Uruk, Assyria[125]. That level was dated about 3400 BCE. Tablet was believed to be of Sumerian origin. The values on it indicate a 49 year cycle of interactions with the Venus Comet sometime in the past, indicating it was useable 600-1500 years earlier. By about 4000 BCE Sumerians existed in that area and had writing and astronomy. The clay tablet is thought to have been buried in the 3455 BCE event that destroyed much of that area.
3439 BCE - Warming resumed.
3413 BCE - Venus Comet "passed by" the Earth on 42 year schedule.
- Proto-Elamite Susa clay tablet with indication of a 360 day/year & 30 day/month calendar found in an excavation of the fifth level at Uruk, Assyria121. That level was dated about 3400 BCE. Tablet was believed to be of Sumerian origin. The values on it indicate a 49 year cycle of interactions with the Venus Comet sometime in the past, indicating that it was 600 to 1500 years older. By about 4000 BCE Sumerians existed in that area and had writing and astro-nomy. The clay tablet is thought to have been in an archive and was buried in the 4008 BCE event that destroyed much of that area.
3371 BCE - Venus Comet "passed by" the Earth on 42 year schedule as warming continued.
3350 BCE - Earliest indication of the excavation at Pembrokeshire's Preseli Hills in West Wales of the bluestones later found at Stonehenge, England.[126] They are thought to have been originally erected nearby at Waun Mawn. Excavation appears to have ceased about 3000 BCE and the stones were relocated. Stonehenge after a "blank" period in history. (See 3007 BCE below)
3329 BCE - Venus Comet "passed by" the Earth on 42 year cycle as warming continued.
3287 BCE - Interaction of Venus Comet and the Earth on the 42 year cycle cause a small drop in ice-freezing temperature.
- Ötzi the Iceman, died about this date near the present-day border between Austria and Italy, in the Ötztal Alps.[127] He lived in that warming period.
- Middle Uruk Period replaced by Late Uruk/Late Chalcolithic in Mesopotamia.
- Nagada III or Proto-Dynastic Culture of Egypt (Terminal Predynastic 3300-3050 BCE)120
3282 BCE - Warming resumed.
3245 BCE - Venus Comet interaction with the Earth on 42 year cycle showed a small drop in ice-freezing temperature.
- Estimated end of Late Neolithic culture in south Spain and Portugal. It was associated with the construction of the first megalithic tombs and the establishment of hilltop settlements. It was replaced by the Copper Age and Bell Beaker cultures through much of southern Iberia.
3239 BCE - Warming resumes.
3210 BCE - Venus Comet interacted with the Earth after 35 cycles of the 42 year cycle. At this date there was a sharp drop in the Greenland ice-freezing temperature data.
- The interactions between the Earth and the Venus Comet changed from intervals of 42 years (6 orbits x 7 yrs.) to 70 years (10 orbits x 7 yrs.). The orbit of the Earth would have moved away from the Sun causing world-wide cooling of our planet and a reduction in plant growth (think food supply).
- Late Neolithic culture at Valencina, west of Seville, Spain, at its oldest parts, had hypogeum cavities. They were used for collective sequential burials at the site, dating from the 32nd century (cal.) BCE.[128]
- Beginning of the Piora Oscillation[129] with cold, wet weather. Evidence of glaciation in the Alps. The Dead Sea level rises 100 m and drier conditions are evident in the Sahara Desert. Ends about 2800 BCE.
3156 BCE - A low ice-freezing temperature point. Warming begins.
3140 BCE - Interaction between Earth and Venus Comet 70 years (10 orbits x 7 yrs) after preceding one.
3116 BCE - A low temperature followed by warming.
3102 BCE - A Hindu inscription dated about 3102 BCE in India, lists "the four known planets", specifically named by their Hindi names, as Mercury, Mars, Jupiter & Saturn. In keeping with other work in this story, our planet Venus is missing and correctly not included. The outer planets are too far away to be seen. The date given is the start of the Kali Yuga in Indian calendric counting but no relationship is given.
3070 BCE - Interaction of Venus Comet and the Earth at the 70 year cycle period stopped the warming of the ice. This event may have caused instability of this 70 year cycle.
3056 BCE - The ice-freezing temperature data 14 years later was expected to indicate that the Comet would have severely "dusted" the Earth. The data does not show a decline in ice- freezing temperatures. The data at this point in the tabulation, cannot distinguish a period of less than 12 years. Key to this puzzle is recognising the in-coming energy required to briefly over-come the on-going energy loss in the cool-down that was underway. A possibility exists that when the Comet entered our atmosphere, its flammables ignited, as is known to have occurred in major events. For a brief period, the Earth would then be receiving heat from a source other than the Sun, and the ice-freezing temperature changed very little.
3035 BCE - At 21 years (3 orbits x 7 yrs.) later, the Comet is thought to have "brushed" the Earth and caused more flaming. The ice-freezing temperature cooling was slowed.
3021 BCE - The Comet is thought to have again "brushed by" the Earth 14 years later (2 orbits x 7 yrs.). As discussed above, our planet is thought to have been heated by the bulk of the Comet thereby slowly raised the ice-freezing temperatures.
3007 BCE - Fourteen years (2 orbits x 7 yrs.) later the ice-freezing temperatures again plummeted indicating that the Comet and the Earth had a severe close encounter. Earth moved much closer to the Sun as shown by the change by Venus Comet intercepts from 70 years (10 orbits x 7 yrs.) to 42 years (6 orbits x 7 yrs.). The author suspects that the previous 70 year intercept cycle resulted in multiple "close calls".
- Its effects struck south Britain, Europe, central China, the Levant and northern Egypt. Many cultures ceased and later were replaced by the Yamnaya people who seem to have spread eastward into the Proto-Caspian plains. They moved into Europe, China, north India and the Middle East. (see below).
- Late Uruk Period/Late Chalcolithic replaced Early Dynastic I-III in Mesopotamia.
- A sizeable, organised city with an estimated population of 6000 people near Harish, a town 50 km north of Tel Aviv, Israel appears to have been destroyed 5000 YA and never rebuilt.[130]
- About 3000 BCE, the "Great Temple" of the fortress of Megiddo in Israel was destroyed.[131]
- Around 3000 BCE, the Middle Indus Valley Civilisation shows a complete cessation of culture which corresponded to a drop in Greenland ice-freezing temperatures between 3079 BCE and 2800 BCE for a total of nearly 2.0°C.
- The Mayan Calendar shows its Day 1 as Aug. 13 of 3013 BCE[132]. It is derived from the earlier Olmec culture of Gulf Coast Mexico and may or may not represent its founding there.
This calendar was not created until the latter half of the 1st millennium BCE[133] and then back dated by about 2700 years. The Olmec lithic remains indicate a west African heritage. Old Mayan drawings of them usually depict black or dark people. DNA sampling of local people today show 5-40% west African genes in many. A slave background is not in their memories. DNA of Olmec burials indicated west African genes
- The Harappan Early Mature civilisation at Harappa, north-west\ India was badly damaged but rebuilt there and became the Harappan Mature civilisation. It branched out to Dholavira, present day Khadirbet in Bhachau taluka, Kutch district, Gujarat and dated 3000 to 1700 BCE 64,[134]. (see 1663 BCE below).
- End of Nagada III or Proto-Dynastic Culture of Egypt (Terminal Predynastic 3300-3050 BCE)[135]
- Dynastic rule begins in Egypt with Narmer (Menes) being identified as the first king in the 1st Dynasty of the Old Kingdom. His rule is dated as circa 3273–2987 BCE[136]. He seems to have taken control of Upper and Lower Egypt after the Venus Comet event.
- Populations in central Europe took a steep dip and recovered before 2500 BCE[137].
- Population in the Central Andes area greatly expanded after around 5,000 years ago[138].
- Yamana pastoralists moved west into Europe beginning about 2800 BCE, replacing a previous culture[139].
- Yamana pastoralists moved east to Indus Valley and north India[140].
- Franchthi cave in southeastern Argolis, Greece was abandoned about 3000 BCE after nearly 6000 yrs of use after the Younger Dryas. It had been in use nearly 28,000 years prior to the YD[141].
- End of Dapenkeng & Fuguodun Cultures in South East China, Songze Culture in Lower Yangtze River, China, and Yangshao Culture in Northwest China all about 3000 BCE[142].
- Excavations at Hamin (Hamin Mangha) and Mengmiaozin (Miaozigou) in northeast China dated to about 3000 BCE,[143] show disposals of hundreds of people of all ages, by dumping the bodies in home sites and incinerating the buildings. The writer of that reference assumes an epidemic occurred and states "Archaeological and anthropological study indicates that the epidemic happened quickly enough that there was no time for proper burials, and the site was not inhabited again."
- Late Neolithic culture in northeast China along the Yellow River began migrating into south-east China to along the Yangtze River sharing their farming skills with them. Their genetic signatures date this change to beginning about 5000-4000 YA.[144] Others from the northeast moved west, mingling with the ancestors of the Tibetan culture of today. Genomic studies date this to about 5000 YA. These findings suggest that many people fled the Yellow River basin about this time, likely due to the Venus Comet-caused effects.
- By about this time the Neolithic culture in southern Britain "disappears with no trace of what happened". (See 3350 BCE above.) 55% of its last inhabitants were placed in communal graves meaning that they died together and that there were people around to bury them. 31% were found in caves. There were no indications of warfare or trauma. Suggestions include disease and mass starvation. Bell Beaker began to appear about 2700 BCE and by 2450 BCE comprised 90% of the genetic population, essentially a near-complete genetic replacement[145]. That Bell Beaker culture is noted as using individual graves for 88% of burials with 9% in caves[146]. Did they find an empty countryside?
- Avebury site at Wiltshire in southwest England shows dates of 3000 BCE for the central cove, 2900 BCE for the inner stone circle, 2600 BCE for the outer circle and henge, and about 2400 BCE for the avenues[147]. This author considers these dates to be about 300 years too early. See entries in 2881 & 2500 BCE.
- A Bronze Age cemetery at Başur Höyük, on the upper Tigris River in Turkey, contained at least 11 people, male and female, ranging from age 11 to young adults, who were apparently ritually sacrificed and buried sometime between 3100 and 2800 BCE. There was a large wealth of objects buried with them[148]. No mention was made of physical damage to the surroundings.
2965 BCE - Venus Comet "passed by" the Earth on 42 year cycle of interactions.
2923 BCE - Venus Comet "passed by" the Earth on 42 year cycle.
2902 BCE - After 21 years (3 orbits x 7 yrs.) the ice-freezing temperature cooling stopped, likely because of flaming as speculated above.
2881 BCE - A further 21 years later (3 orbits x 7 yrs.) on the 42 year cycle of intercepts, the Comet interacted with the Earth. The cooling of the Greenland ice temperature data resumed with a severe precipitous drop in ice-freezing temperatures.
- Minoan researchers report[149] that the first Minoan culture, the Pre-Palatial Early Minoan EMI which started in 3500 BCE, was terminated in 2900 BCE. The next culture EMII ended in 2300 BCE and EMIII in 2100 BCE. These three dates match the 2881, 2307 and the 2174 BCE dates of this Appendix.
- The cattle herding Yamnaya culture[150] expanded eastward of the Caspian Sea about 2800 BCE likely due to the climate change caused by the Venus Comet. They were displaced about 2100 BCE after the severe Comet interaction with the Earth in 2174 BCE. (See below) Working in copper and bronze is evident but whether that was the Yamana or the Sintashta individuals is unknown.
- The lack of other details on Earth events at this time, while suggesting that damage was minimal, may simply reflect them not being differentiated from other 3007 - 2809 BCE events. The author suspects that the bulk of the Comet overhead and flaming in the sky, proposed in earlier paragraphs, would still be a terrifying sight. A viewer could not know if it would touch down on him.
- Bell Beaker people first appear in southwest Iberia about 2900 BCE, move north and some settled in south England, Stonehenge area by 2500 BCE. (See entry below.) Bell Beaker had distinctive pottery, were metalworkers in copper, gold and bronze, and were travellers and traders in copper, tin and bronze[151]. Their locating to southwest Iberia may have been to get close to the metal ores in the Rio Tinto mines. These mines are thought to have been worked in the time of Atlantis and formed the basis of its wealth. DNA tests have not been made on the remains of the Bell Beaker people, but they are thought to have been of Proto-European-Indian (PEI) heritage.
2853 BCE - At this date, 28 years later (4 orbits x 7 yrs.), the continuous cooling of the Greenland ice-freezing temperature data paused as discussed above.
2839 BCE - Venus Comet caused another drop in ice-freezing temperature two orbits (14 years) later on the 42 year cycle of intercepts. There was a change in early Harappan culture about 2800 BCE[152].
2809 BCE - Bottom of 4.8 kYA cooling and beginning of a 500 year gradual warming of ice- freezing temperatures.
- End of the Piora Oscillation. (See 3210 BCE entry above)
2797 BCE - Venus Comet "passed by" the Earth on 42 year cycle of interactions.
2755 BCE - Venus Comet "passed by" the Earth on 42 year cycle of interactions.
2713 BCE - Venus Comet interaction with the Earth on 42 year cycle. Warming cycle ends and ice-freezing temperature fell.
2704 BCE - Warming resumed.
2692 BCE - Venus Comet interaction with the Earth after 21 years (3 orbits x 7 yrs.) on 42 year cycle. Ice-freezing temperatures fell.
2671 BCE - Venus Comet "passed by" the Earth after 21 years (3 orbits x 7 yrs.) on 42 year cycle of interactions.
2665 BCE - Warming resumed.
2629 BCE - Venus Comet "lightly brushed" the Earth on 42 year cycle of interactions.
- The temple construction at Caral, Peru began about 2627 BCE using skilled techniques, perhaps indicating a relocation of a culture from a previous area123. It was remodelled and enlarged about 2300 BCE but the estimated population housed nearby was only 3000 people. That number seems small for its use and may indicate the presence of only the builders and/or the priestly caste. There is no sign of warfare, weapons or mutilated burials, indeed many burials at all. 19 other sites in the area allow for a possible total population of 20,000 people for the Supe Valley. All of these sites share similarities with Caral which may have been the focus of this civilisation, which itself was part of an even more vast complex.
2587 BCE - Venus Comet interacted with the Earth on 42 year cycle of interactions and caused a sharp cooling of Greenland ice-freezing temperatures. The Earth seems to have been moved to a larger orbit as the next series of Venus Comet encounters came on a 70 year cycle (10 orbits x 7 years).
- End of Dawenkou Culture, Lower Yellow River, China and Qujialing Culture in Middle Yangtze River, China both about 2600 BCE[153].
- Noted change in Harappan culture about 2600 BCE[154].
2548 BCE - A brief rewarming of ice-freezing temperatures began
2517 BCE - A small interaction between Comet and Earth on the 70 year cycle.
2510 BCE - Rewarming began again.
2500 BCE - Bell Beaker people are found in south England, Stonehenge area after 2500 BCE. (See entry 2881 BCE above). Strikingly they appear to totally replace the previous inhabitants as shown by genetic results. Durrington Walls, an immense monument near Stonehenge, seems to have been created by burying the toppled-over stones of a previous monument.[155] Up to 90 standing stones, some originally measuring 4.5 m and dating back some 4,500 years, were buried under a bank of earth and remained hidden for millennia. The British Neolithic people of Stonehenge were badly decimated and then overrun by the Beaker people from across the channel.
2447 BCE - Venus Comet and Earth interaction on 70 year cycle. Cooling of the ice-freezing temperatures followed.
2430 BCE - Rewarming began
2377 BCE - Venus Comet "passed by" the Earth on 70 year cycle of interactions.
2307 BCE - Venus Comet and Earth interacted on 70 year cycle. The usual cooling followed.
See note in date 2881 BCE above. Liangzhu Culture of China on Yangtze River Delta
ceases about 2317 BCEINTCAL09 (see 3540 BCE above).
- Early Dynastic I-III /Sumerian Period replaced by Akkadian /Early Bronze Age.
2293 BCE - The ice-freezing temperatures data and its graphic plot seem to show that there was a fiery interaction in Earth's atmosphere on this date, 14 years later (2 orbits x 7 yrs.). Similar events seemed to have occurred on each of the next three orbits of the Comet. ie 2286, 2279, and 2272 BCE. This understanding is based on the slower than expected cooling rate of our atmosphere in that period. As discussed elsewhere, this effect would be caused by warmth from the combustion of materials in that cloud, and the Comet having swept further into our atmosphere than usual.
- This was the first of three destructive interactions between the Earth and the Venus Comet.
- A charcoal layer, combined with clay (mud) having been fire-hardened, indicates a severe fire storm on mud islands in the Bolivian Amazonia, dated at 4280 +/- 132 YA (2330 +/- 132 BCE)[156]. Site was reoccupied by 140 years later. This reference indicates that South America suffered from the "fire storm", and accounts for the lack of mention of such a "storm" in the Middle East results where much more research has been conducted.
- The Late Neolithic culture at Valencina, west of Seville, Spain, ended between the 24th and 23rd centuries (cal.) BCE, despite evidence of that location being frequented and used in the Bronze Age (c. 2200-850 (cal.) BCE). "In fact, the abandonment of the site seems rather abrupt, without a gradual transition towards a different social model. The possibility that the end of the Valencina settlement was due to a social crisis has been hinted at by the dates obtained from several human skulls separated from the rest of the skeletons in a pit in at Calle Trabajadores in Valencina."[157]
- At Los Millares, Santa Fe de Mondujar, Andalusia, Spain,[158] there was a gradual decline in the size of the Neolithic settlement with its abandonment around 2250 BCE.
- End of Hongshan & Fuhe Cultures in North East China (2300 BCE)[159].
- Early Dynastic I-III /Sumerian Period replaced by Akkadian /Early Bronze Age in Mesopotamia.
- Shimao culture, with remarkable pyramids in northern zone of Yellow River, China, collapsed about 1900 BCE (C14)[160]. It existed by 2300 BCE (C14).
- The author suspects that the observations above were caused by the fiery atmosphere of the Venus Comet in close proximity to the Earth. People were killed and crops destroyed for that year causing starvation among the survivors. Population movements would be a search for food and areas not too badly damaged.
2265 BCE - The Venus Comet "passed by" the Earth and normal cooling resumed.
- The long reign of Sargon of Akkad was hit near its end with a cooling climate change that led to its collapse in famines and wars. The author compared the two chronologies of Sargon's reign in the Sumerian King List[161]. He determined the Short Chronology (ca 2270 - 2215 BCE) to better fit the cooling shown in the Greenland ice-freezing temperature than did the Middle Chronology (ca 2340 - 2284 BCE).
- The war goddess Inanna (the Sumerian name for the Venus Comet) was the supreme deity of Akkad. Sargon's wife and daughter were designated as the "high priestesses" of her worship for the nation.
2245 BCE - Warming resumes.
2202 BCE - The Venus Comet interacted with the Earth 63 years later. Cooling for the next 28 years was minimal suggesting that the events in 2202, 2195, 2188 BCE and 2174 were again fiery encounters. For the previous 120 years, the Greenland ice-freezing temperature data shows that the Comet and Earth had an unstable interconnection. Earth’s observers would have had great difficulty predicting its exact path and timing, and whether a collision was possible. Damages in this period may not have been distinguished from that of the 2174 BCE catastrophe.
2174 BCE - Damage found in Iberia, Near East, Turkey, Indus and severe in China. End of Egyptian Old Kingdom & Early Bronze Age II.
- The next return of the Venus Comet to the Earth caused a severe encounter that devastated many parts of our World. The Earth seems to have been moved to a smaller orbit as the next series of Venus Comet encounters came on a 42 year cycle (6 orbits x 7 years). Earth's orbit came closer to the Sun, and it is expected that our planet’s climate warmed noticeably. Earth calendar reforms followed.
- Around 2200 BCE Early Bronze Age III civilisations worldwide collapsed. Very severe damage was reported with destroyed civilisations in Egypt (Old Kingdom), and all over the Near East (Mesopotamia)[162]. A Dark Age is considered to have begun in the Levant before 4000 YA as details on civilizations are missing[163]. (See Appendix 2 - Serpent & Dragon Lore) Akkad (north Iraq) destroyed and fell to the Gutians who in turn fell to Sumer. A little later Akkad managed to conquer Sumer and Ur[164].
- Minoan researchers report[165] that the Early Minoan Pre-Palatial culture EM III of Crete stopped about 2100 BCE and was replaced by the Middle Minoan IA culture. In 1900 BCE that gave way to the MM IB culture of the Proto-Palatial Period which lasted to 1800 BCE. The MM IIA culture followed but changed to MM IIB in the next Neo-Palatial Period. The next culture MM IIIA ended in 1650 BCE. These dates fit with the Comet records of 2174, 1917, 1789 and 1663 BCE below.
- Mycenaean researchers report[166] that the Early Helladic civilisation EH II of Greece ended abruptly about 2200 BCE, likely at 2174 BCE. It was followed by a "period of cultural regression" from then through the Middle Helladic civilisation to a revitalisation in the Late Helladic, also known as Mycenaean culture about 1663 BCE. (See date below)
- The verdant Indus Valley[167] (Harrapan) was flooded and its population vanished. The buildings themselves were not really destroyed perhaps indicating that the fertile land was carried away leaving today's sandy ground. Abandoned settlements from this time period appear in Iberia[168]. In England, the appearance of the Stonehenge Sarsen stones was noted[169].
- North and east of the Caspian Sea, the Sintashta culture with substantial bronze-working skills replaced the cattle-herding Yamnaya culture about 2100 BCE[170]. They are thought to have had a relationship to the Beaker People. After about 1800 BCE, researchers refer to them as the Andronovo culture that lasted at that site to 900 BCE. All three of these dates relate to Venus Comet encounters with the Earth (ie. 2174, 1789 & 916 BCE).
- A large, 1700 year old pastoral culture cemetery on the west shore of Lake Turkana, Kenya was closed about 2150 BCE[171]. A severe drought would be likely, causing herders to spread out to find grasslands. They covered over their sacred burial site to protect their dead and there is no indication that they knowingly returned to the area. The fact that the culture was able to come together to cover the site says that they were not destroyed as a people but that their way of life was greatly changed. Other writers mention that prior to 5000 YA central Africa was receiving monsoon type rainfall. It moved away or stopped before 4000 YA, perhaps at the time of the 2174 BCE encounter of Earth with the Venus Comet. The effect would be traumatic on animal life, both herbivores and carnivores, as well as the people.
- In China severe flooding covering and remaining in the basins of the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers during the Yao dynasty is remembered as a second Flood lasting over 10 years. (See Appendix 2 - China) Eight Chinese cultures were identified as ending by 2000 BCE. Xiajiadian in North East China, Machang Culture in North West China, Henan- Longshan Culture in Middle Yellow River, Shandong-Longshan Culture in Lower Yellow River, Shijiahe and Hubei-Longshan Cultures in Middle Yangtze River, Bedouin culture in Sichuan, Dalongtan Culture in south West[172]. This reference might be better understood as these cultures having ceased during the aftermath of the 2174 BCE calamity.
- A temple complex[173] at Caral, Peru has a large shape etched on the ground within a circular stone line. This geoglyph is located on the desert floor just west of the main site. Those writers of the reference state that when traced out, the lines are thought to form the design of a human face with long, streaming hair and a gaping mouth. They are unclear as to what exactly this figure means. It is believed to have been built around the same time as Caral and to have been associated with a nearby ceremonial site known as Chupacigarro. The image is similar to the screaming, long haired figures found etched onto the stone walls at Cerro Sechín, in the Casma Valley 240 km to the north. Is this the local form of the War Goddess mentioned in connection with the Near East items? This author suggests that the image represents the Venus Comet coming head-on towards the viewer. See Appendix 2 - Serpent & Dragon Lore - Elamite or Aramaic.
- On the date graph provided in the article, reconstruction of the site took place about 2200 BCE and further remodelling in 2100 BCE prior to abandonment in 1800 BCE. Desiccation of the area likely caused the people to leave.
- This author wonders if the earlier described events of the Biblical Book of Job might relate to this Venus Comet event.
- Examination of Middle East records for the next 500 years, while showing the usual lists of kings and who conquered whom, finds no mention of catastrophes that overwhelmed those civilisations. None of the kings' reigns seemed to terminate about the dates below of passes by the Venus Comet. This may indicate that it did not damage that area in that time frame or the records did not record their history.
2132 BCE - The Venus Comet brushed the Earth on a 42 year (6 orbits x 7 yrs.) cycle and warmed it enough to effect a pause in the drop of the Greenland ice-freezing temperature.
2118 BCE - At 14 years later (2 orbits x 7 years) the Venus Comet interacted with the Earth, and its dust intensified the cooling of the Greenland ice.
2090 BCE - In 28 years, the Comet "passed by" on its 42 year cycle.
2076 BCE - After 14 years (2 orbits x 7 years) the Venus Comet warmed the Earth clouds. The event resulted in a pause in the drop of the Greenland ice-freezing temperature.
2062 BCE - Another 14 years (2 orbits x 7 years) and the Venus Comet interacted with the Earth. Its dust resumed the cooling of the Greenland ice-freezing temperatures.
2048 BCE - Yet another 14 years (2 orbits x 7yrs.) completed a 42 year cycle of the Comet. By this date the cloud on the Earth had thinned enough that the ice was warmed as shown by a distinct increase in the ice-freezing temperatures.
2027 BCE - After 21 years (3 orbits x 7 yrs.), the Venus Comet interacted with the Earth and its dust resumed cooling of the Greenland ice-freezing temperature.
2006 BCE - Another 21 years (3 orbits x 7 yrs.) later it "passed by" the Earth on its 42 year cycle.
1992 BCE - Ice-freezing temperature began to rise.
1964 BCE - On the next 42 year cycle, the Venus Comet interacted with the Earth and slowed the warming trend of the Greenland ice-freezing temperatures.
1955 BCE - Warming of the ice-freezing temperature resumed.
1922 BCE - The Venus Comet "passed by" completing its 42 year cycle.
1915 BCE - After 7 years (1 orbit) the Venus Comet interacted with the Earth. The ice- freezing temperatures fell. The short period between Comet approaches indicates that some thing had affected its motion or orbit. Trouble would be a reasonable expectation.
1894 BCE - Another 21 years and warming of the ice resumed.
1880 BCE - Venus Comet "passed by" the Earth after 14 years without interacting with us but leaving a dusty debris-filled orbit that the Earth will pass through yearly.
1876 BCE - Israelite tribes moved to Egypt to avoid an expected Seven Years of Famine (1876-1870 BCE) mentioned in the Bible in Genesis 42: 6. The timing of seven years relates to the orbit of the Earth passing through the debris-filled 1880 BCE orbit of the Comet in seven consecutive years. Crops would be affected.
1873 BCE - Seven years after 1880 BCE, the Comet on its 7-year orbit around the Sun, would have passed along its same orbit again, likely leaving more debris that would have extended the famine to seven consecutive years. No mention was made of any sky events.
- When the Israelites became slaves is unknown but it may have been when the Hyksos took over Egypt[174] about 1663 BCE (which see).
- During the Israelites' time in Egypt, there were eight Venus Comet close approaches to the Earth, and they left during the ninth one in 1446 BCE.
1831 BCE - Venus Comet interacted with the Earth on its 42 year cycle. Warming of the ice- freezing temperatures slowed.
- In the first dynasty of Babylon (1830-1530 BCE) in ancient prayers, the help of the planets Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and Mercury (known by their Babylonian names) was specifically invoked. The outer planets could not be seen. Help was wanted against Ishtar, their bloody Goddess of War (whom we know as the Venus Comet). They knew Ishtar as the fiery "Queen of Heaven" and she punished the Earth. The planet Venus was not mentioned or identified. It was not a separate heavenly body at that time!
1822 BCE - The maximum warming rate resumed.
1789 BCE - The Venus Comet, on its 42 year cycle, interacted strongly with the Earth.
- Mardaman, an independent city state located in present day Bassetki, Kurdistan, was overrun by Assyria after being badly damaged (by something). It became Mardama, an Assyrian administrative centre.[175] It was previously destroyed about 2200 BCE (2174 BCE event?) and overrun by Assyria at that time as well.
- End of Harappan transitional phase.[176]
- Possible end of the Xia dynasty in China and beginning of Shang dynasty (ca 1766 BC to ca 1050 BC)[177]. During the reign of King Jie, last king of Xia, there was a great climatic change. Legends hold that the paths of the sun and moon changed, the seasons became confused, and the five grains dried up (crop failures).
1751 BCE - Warming of the ice-freezing temperature resumed.
1747 BCE - Venus Comet "passed by" the Earth on its 42 year cycle of interactions.
1705 BCE - Venus Comet interacted slightly with the Earth on its 42 year cycle. Warming of the ice-freezing temperatures slowed.
1663 BCE - Damage found in Turkey, Indus and in China. End of Egyptian Middle Kingdom
- Venus Comet had a major encounter with the Earth on its 42 year cycle (6 orbits x 7 yrs.) It changed to a 49 year cycle (7 orbits x 7 yrs.) of intercepts with the Earth. Green-land ice-freezing data shows a severe temperature drop which suggests that the Earth's orbit around the Sun changed. A comment, seemingly referring to 1642 BCE, says "the calendar has been reformed to increase the number of days in a year." [Twenty-one years to figure out the new calendar was half of the previous Earth cycle with the Comet (42 yrs).] The new value for an Earth year was 360 days.
- This was the end of the Egyptian Middle Kingdom with Pharaoh Dedumose II (13th Dynasty Egypt) (aka Tutimaos by Manetho) "smote by god". Severe damage to Egypt was followed by what appears to have been an opportunistic take-over by the Hyksos[178]. (This may have been an Egyptian term for rulers of foreign lands "heqa-khase"). In tomb and wall paintings, they were not of semitic appearance and had a lighter skin colouring than Egyptians. They are usually depicted as offering (selling?) something such as cloth or animals. Egyptians have a darker skin and their helpers are much darker. Hyksos are wearing colourful patterned clothes while Egyptians and their attendants are dressed in pure white cloth. The Hyksos are said to have possibly come from the area of Canaan[179] or simply "from that direction". See discussion above in 2174 BCE.
- They ruled for 130 years[180] in what appears to have been a "less sophisticated" manner than the Egyptians had, possibly enslaving those people. Other authors credit them with introducing iron, chariots and fighting from horses, and having risen in power from within the country, likely by marriage.
- Williams[181] believed that Dedumose's reign probably ended around 1690 BCE.
- A carbonized layer apparent in excavations attests to the burning and ruin of the city of Hattusa, Turkey around 1700 BC.[182]
- Stonehenge, UK was again rearranged. Excavation of its "Y & Z" holes was abandoned 1800-1500 BCE[183] likely after new readings showed the old viewing arrangements no longer correct.
- Dholavira, one of the largest and the most prominent archaeological sites of the Harappan civilization in India, was situated at Khadirbet in Bhachau taluka, Kutch district, Gujarat. The city existed from about 3000 BCE to a sudden end about 1700 BCE.[184]
- The Indus Valley Civilisation halted abruptly about 1700 BCE without destruction of their buildings. Its people began appearing in northwest India. (see Appendix 2 - Harappan)
- Chinese reign of Jie, last of Xia dynasty [reigned about 1706-1675 BCE], notes “potents in the sky” followed by crop failures. Calendar reforms are made.[185]
1614 BCE - Venus Comet "passed by" the Earth on a 49 year cycle. The ice-freezing temperatures continued to fall.
1584 BCE - Rewarming of ice-freezing temperatures began.
1565 BCE - Venus Comet "passed by" the Earth on its 49 year cycle.
- After 21 years (3 orbits x 7 yrs.), the Venus Comet may have "brushed by" the Earth leaving dust in our skies. The Greenland ice-freezing temperatures show a distinct slowing of the warming trend that lasted for 32 years.
1544 BCE - Eruption of Thera and Minoan Civilisation collapse
- An explosive eruption of the volcano Thera on the island of Santorini in the Aegean sea north of Crete took place at this time. It has been rated as a VEI 6 explosion. Earth's crustal movements associated with the passage of the Venus Comet may have triggered the rupture. Underwater outpourings of molten lava would have created large bubbles of steam that launched multiple, huge tsunamis. These blasts and tsunamis from Thera on Santorini were directed southward as the south half of the volcano caldera was blown out as can be seen today. The northern and eastern shores of Crete and the Minoan Aegean commercial sailing connections were devastated. The survivors fled to other locations. This disaster has been labelled by historians as "The Minoan Civilisation Destruction".
Dating this event has given a confusion of dates. Few articles state the measurement techniques of their authors. Those who used 14C testing reported values such as 1650 BCE +/- 20 yrs[186] and as 1650-1600 BCE. Others counted dates from tree rings and reported values of 1570-1500 BCE.[187] The recalibrated 14C '09 data indicates these values are essentially the same point in time, which matches the above 1544 BCE derived from the Greenland ice data.
- Mycenaean researchers report[188] that culture, located on the Greek mainland well north of Santorini, to have "blossomed" following this date. This author believes that after the destruction of the Minoans, the Mycenaeans likely took control of shipping and commerce in the Aegean Sea. Entries in this Appendix regarding changes to the Mycenaean culture that follow through to 1184 BCE, match up quite well with encounters of the Venus Comet with the Earth.
- See note above in 1831 BCE on the first dynasty of Babylon (1830-1530 BCE).
- "Severe atmospheric events" were recorded on the Tempest stele, erected in Egypt before 1538, the 22nd year of reign of Pharaoh Ahmose. He was leading Theban Egyptians to attack the Hyksos, and regain control of Egypt. Might the "atmospheric events" have been a severe fall of volcanic ash?
- The Ipuwer (Ebwer) Papyrus, dated by the eclipse of 1541 BCE, details destruction and death in Egypt. Slaves are revolting but not described as fleeing the country. This may have been during the liberation of the Hyksos capital Avaris by Ahmose amid the chaos caused by the above passage of the Venus Comet. It was the start of the New Kingdom in Egypt.
1523 BCEIntCal09 - Beginning of the Shang Dynasty (1600-1046 BCEC14) in Middle and Lower Yellow River Valley, China. Also known as Yin Dynasty. Lasted to 955 BCEIntCal09 .
1513 BCE - Warming of the ice-freezing temperatures resumed.
1495 BCE - Another 49 years after 1544 BCE, the Venus Comet interacted with the Earth, severely "dusting" it. Moses, he of Bible fame (b. 1526 BCE, age 80 at the Exodus), is referred to in Egyptian documents repeatedly as Senenmut, the Royal Astronomer of the Pharaoh Queen Hatshepsut. He would have led the work to document the 1495 BCE passage and to calculate future returns of the Comet. In that position, he would have had access to Egyptian records of even earlier events. He very likely was the best informed person in Egypt at that time, regarding the Venus Comet.
- From the work shown above, the Comet was repeatedly coming near the Earth on 49 year intervals for the last 200 years. In-between years seem to have suffered from dimmed sun-light caused by dust captured when passing through the orbit of the Comet. Diminution or destruction of crops would have been common. This observation formed the background to the admonition regarding crops later given by Moses in Leviticus Chap. 25 of the Bible.
- The author believes that since few people had seen an earlier event, but had heard stories of its effects, that it would have evoked great fear and confusion amongst the Egyptians. Moses may have seen this as a possible aid to liberating his Israelite people. See Venus Story Appendix 12 - Red Sea Crossing. He left Egypt for Midian in 1486 BCE.
- Mycenaean researchers report[189] the Late Helladic LHIA portion of that Greek culture to have altered into the following LHIB portion about 1500 BCE.
1446 BCE - Exodus
- The Venus Comet attacked the Earth 49 years (7 orbits x 7 yrs.) after the previous close encounter. This timing was foreseen by Moses, likely based on his knowledge of past Venus Comet movements. The Exodus of the Israelite slaves from Egypt[190] took place accordingly. See box below.
- Greenland ice-freezing temperatures data shows a slight slowdown in the rate of warming then in progress. This would be attributable to a small increase in dust or other obstructions of sunlight.
- The date of 1446 BCE for the Exodus is widely accepted by Biblical scholars using the details recorded in the Bible. This same value was derived by this author using the dating of the Greenland ice-freezing temperature measurements which are generally +/- 15 years.
- As mentioned elsewhere, the Egyptian pharaoh Amenhotep II, he of the Exodus, raided the land of Canaan in late 1446 BCE and took away over 103,300 people as slaves[191] leaving a cultivated land devoid of inhabitants.
- Minoan researchers say[192] that the Late Minoan LMIB Post-Palatial final Period at Knossos, Crete was damaged in 1450 BCE. It was followed by the LMII culture which was replaced by the LMIIIA culture in 1400 BCE. That culture was replaced in 1350 BCE by the LMIIIB culture which collapsed in 1100 BCE. The dates match the 1446, 1397 and 1348 BCE entries below.
- Mycenaean researchers report[193] the Late Helladic LHIB portion of that culture to have altered into the following LHII portion about 1450 BCE, a noticeable change.
- This author believes that the ex-Minoans (see entries above) recognised the suitability of the Canaan area for sea-faring and farming. They made it a colony after the Pharaoh and his newly-acquired slaves left. Coastal lands and existing port cities would be attractive to a sea-going culture. These coastal lands were later known as the plain of the Philistines. They remained aside when the other Levant kings and their armies battled the invading Israelites.
- Bible and Egyptian records equated the Sea People to "Pelaset" and "Philistines" coming from Aegean Sea islands and coasts to Canaan and Egypt, but at separate times. The semitic term "Peleshet" signifies foreigner or wanderer. Biblical Hebrew makes it Pelishtim (people who wander); in Greek, their land becomes Palestina, hence the terms Palestine and Philistine[194]. The prophet Amos in the Bible (active c.750 BCE) referred to the Lord as having brought the Philistines from Caphtor, which is the old name for the island of Crete[195].
(See Appendix 2 - Serpent and Dragon Lore - entry on Prophet Amos)
- The name "Philistine" first appears in the Bible in Exodus 23: 31 when the bounds of Israel's new home are given as "... from the Red Sea to the Philistine Sea ..." At that time the Israelites were camped at Mt. Horeb in today's Arabia. The author doubts that the Philistines had settled in Canaan by then. This wording may be a later editing giving an identifiable name to what we now know as the Mediterranean Sea. In Joshua 13: 2 the Philistines are described as being lords of the cities of Gaza, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Gath and Ekron, all in the Canaanite country on the Mediterranean Sea coast. Gaza, Gath and Ashdod are mentioned earlier in Joshua 11: 22, and Gaza in Joshua 10:41, likely ca 1380 BCE. This date would be when the Israelites, moving westward from the Jordan River about 1405-1380 BCE some 40-60 years after the Exodus, became aware of them. The Israelites did not actually fight them before settling in Canaan. The earliest Egyptian reference to "Peleset" appears 100 years later in the reign of Rameses II ca 1277 BCE[196]. Very recent genetic work on known Philistine remains is supporting the above ideas.[197]
1406 BCE - Likely date for death of Moses prior to the Israelite entrance into Canaan. Moses died at age 120 years, 40 years after Exodus, per the Bible.
1400 BCE - Mycenaean researchers report[198] the Late Helladic LHII portion of that culture to have altered into the following LHIIIA1 portion in 1400 BCE, a significant change.
1397 BCE - After 49 years, the Venus Comet interacted with the Earth, leaving more dust from the Comet and lowering the ice-freezing temperature somewhat.
- This seems to be the time of the Israelite invasion into their "Promised Land of Canaan" as described in the Bible writings[199]. These are celestial events attributed to their God, that help them in the battles. In reality, they were "mild" events caused by the Venus Comet.
1393 BCE - Rewarming of the Greenland ice-freezing temperature data began.
1348 BCE - Akhenaten in Egypt
- The Venus Comet event 49 years later was the beginning of a 225 year long period in which Greenland ice-freezing temperatures dropped at every sampling. This cooling indicated that the Comet shrouded the Earth thickly and replenished the shroud by revisits.
- Erechtheus II, an early king of Athens in Greek mythology[200], was reported killed in 1347 BCE, by a thunder-bolt thrown by "Poseidon" (a name given to the Venus Comet for having caused the Flood), after the king had killed a neighbouring king in a battle. "Thunder-bolts" are thrown by “gods” (planets) and destroy cities and armies leaving a big hole. (Lightning destroys trees, burns houses and can kill a person.) His widow "rebuilt the city's (Athens) foundations" which won her the favour of "Athena".
- The mention of the "thunder-bolt" above, indicates a close enough approach of the Venus Comet to Earth, that allowed a bolt of energy to strike in the vicinity of Athens, Greece. Mention of the "thunder-bolt passing between Earth and the Venus Comet in approximately 1348 BCE, introduces the idea of a huge electrical attractive force holding the dust and debris close to the Earth, and preventing its dissipation.
The Exodus
The Exodus of the Israelite slaves from Egypt provides us with the only known eye-witness account of an encounter with the Venus Comet! It has vivid descriptions of the fury of the elements and how the Israelites and the Egyptians were affected. Details are given on events in Egypt, when crossing the Red Sea, and when in the wilderness. In retrospect, while it describes a mind-blowing event beyond our imaginations, it was very mild with the only major loss of life being to the Egyptian army who intentionally put them-selves in “harm’s way”. It is a slight change in the warming rate in the Greenland ice- freezing temperature data. Imagine what other encounters must have been like!
If the Exodus story is all fiction, as some aver, then it's writer had excellent knowledge of celestial motions, as well as the effects of the elements on people, animals and plants in Egypt. He also knew about hydrological actions and had hydrographical knowledge of the narrow Straits of Tiran. Such details are far beyond that possessed by nearly all people alive today. ADDITIONALLY, they were correctly used to describe the scene. It takes place just after the spring equinox. An amazing amount of celestial detail is provided. (See Exodus 14: 1-31) An electro-magnetic repelling force likely was present as well.
As the Egyptian army caught up to the escaped slaves, a "smokey pillar of cloud" extended from the comet to block out the sun and brought on "early nightfall", with its darkness lit by fiery clouds. A "strong wind from the east" was noted, which likely was caused by the Venus Comet pushing through our atmosphere and forcing it aside. The comet would be known to Moses as "Apep", its Egyptian name. The attractive force of that body pulled the seas to the sun side of the Earth, to the extent that the shallow bottom of part of the Red Sea was exposed on the night side. Moses, the ex-general of Egypt, recognised that the Israelites were in a “cul de sac” between the Egyptians, the mountains and the sea, and cannot go forward nor back. He seized that moment to move them across the strait and away from the Egyptian army.
The Israelites crossed the Gulf of Aqaba arm of the Red Sea at the Straits of Tiran on a temporarily exposed underwater land bridge. It would be a 12-14 km trip beside a coral ridge, and across areas of fairly flat, sandy bottom into what is now the desert of western Arabia. As of 2000 CE, the depth of water is about 5 - 250 m depending on the path followed. The slopes of the underwater shorelines would be quite reasonable to walk up.
The Egyptians went ahead with their attack to round-up their slaves by the light of a fiery sky. "Shortly before dawn, their attack floundered in the wet sea bed" as the in-coming water refilled the deeper spots. Once the water became shin deep, men and horses would be in trouble. Feet and hooves and chariot wheels would sink into the water-covered, sandy bottom making progress next to impossible. At dawn the Venus Comet passed out of the area, and "walls of water flowed back into the sea over chariots, horses and soldiers" and any stragglers.
The Israelites standing on the Arabian side would be watching in awe, the destruction of the Egyptian army.
- Mycenaean researchers report[201] the Late Helladic LHIIIA1 portion of that culture to have altered into the following LHIIIA2 portion in 1350 BCE.
- The Biblical writings were examined for an event that might indicate the presence of the Venus Comet about this time. The beginning of the second chapter of the Book of Judges mentions "The angel (agent) of the Lord came up from Gilgal to Bokim and said ....". This implies something was seen in the sky and its sound (thunder?) was interpreted as the Lord speaking. No mention is made of destruction coming from the sky, nor is any timing given. Unlike severe events elsewhere in 1348 BCE, the Canaan area in Palestine was spared.
- In the fifth year of his reign, the new Egyptian Pharaoh Amenhotep IV (1353 - 1335 BCE by some historians using a few sources) began his Cult of Aten (the sun) and constructed Amarna to be his new capital. A year later he renamed himself Akhenaten and redirected his worship to the Sun, as Aten.[202] Later-day writers have questioned why he did that, and put it down to "egomania". Resources on this pharaoh are not plentiful. The author, while not denying the "egomania" idea, also suggests the following:
- After a sustained period of clear skies (little smoke or dust from the Venus Comet) for 200 years since the Hyksos, the sun had suddenly become hidden from view by the cloak of the Comet. Crops and people would suffer. The pharaoh officially represented the god Amun who appeared in the sky as the Sun. What was he to do? Was his god angry because the people worshipped so many other gods?
- The author noted that the "fifth year" of Amenhotep's reign (above) would be 1348 BCE, the same year that the Sun became hidden. The pharaoh dictated that only the one supreme god would be worshipped, and would be known as Aten. He himself would change his name and those of his family members, to glorify Aten.
- Relatively quickly people knew that their new chief god Aten, who had replaced Ra (Amun) as the sun god, was weak and unable to show himself (as the Sun) ie. overcome the effect caused by the cloudy Venus Comet. Akhenaten likely used his worship "to placate" this god for the next 12 years until his own death, after which Amarna was abandoned. The worship of Amun and all the old gods, was resumed. The skies did not clear to allow warming for 225 years which included the reigns of his son Tutankhaten/Tutankhamen and all the Rameses up to Rameses VII.
1299 BCE - An interaction between the Earth and the Venus Comet was expected on a 49 year cycle. These events have been noted. Shadows of events at 1299 BCE and 1250 BCE have been discerned in the ice-freezing temperature data. They indicate the 49 year cycle of the Comet approaches noted below.
- About 1300 BCE several major changes happen in Iberia[203], among them:
* Chalcolithic (copper working) culture of Villa Nova vanishes, and is replaced by a non-urban culture.
* El Argar (homogeneous culture/centralized state) replaced by many fortified cities.
* The Motillas (man-made fortified hills) are abandoned. (food supply problems?)
* New proto-Celtic culture in the North-East, conquers Catalonia and environs.
* Lower Guadalquivir valley has its first clearly differentiated culture.
- The Indus Valley civilization declined after 1300 BCE with people moving into India.[204],[205]
This was the so-called "Aryan Invasion" and start of the Brahmin culture in India.
- The Biblical story of the prophetess Deborah's struggle with King Sisera at the Battle of Mount Tabor[206], seems to best date to the time period of 1299 BCE. It describes the "agent of the Lord" as marching out of the plain of Edom, as the earth trembled, the heavens quaked, the clouds streamed down in torrents and the mountains shook.
1250 BCE - Mycenaean Civilisation Collapse
- This was the next expected interaction between the Earth and the Venus Comet on a 49 year cycle. Homer's Iliad described the Comet, (see 1184 BCE below) as a large object (Venus) shrouded in a huge comet-like cloud and still a threat to the Earth at that date.
- Mycenaean researchers report[207] the Late Helladic LHIIIB1 portion of that culture altered into the following LHIIIB2 portion about 1230 BCE. As shown next, it was a major event.
- The Late Bronze Age Collapse (also known as the Mycenaean Civilisation Collapse) began. (Taken from February 11, 2015 article in Humans)
“This disaster, often alternatively referred to as the Mycenaean Palatial Civilization Collapse, was a period of time — roughly between the years of 1250-1200 BCE — that was violent, and catastrophically disruptive with regard to cultures, social systems/practices, government institutions, languages, ethnic identities, trade routes, literacy, and technologies. During these years, all of the large urban centres and governing systems of the Mediterr-anean, the Aegean, and most of Southwestern Asia, collapsed — leaving behind, after a period of turmoil and mass migration, the isolated village cultures of the Greek Dark Ages.”
- Events occurring in what is considered to be the first phase of the collapse….. saw more or less every city between Pylos and Gaza violently destroyed. As the noted historian Robert Drews put it: It was “the worst disaster in ancient history, even more calamitous than the collapse of the Western Roman Empire”. “Within a period of forty to fifty years at the end of the thirteenth and the beginning of the twelfth century BC [ca. 1200 BCE] almost every significant city in the eastern Mediterranean world was destroyed, many of them never to be occupied again”. The Greek mainland including Mycenae was obliterated.[208] Did this devastation of Greece and its island cultures create a need to attack Troy to regain wealth?
- Troy, which the Achaeans later attacked, does not appear to have been damaged in either event and would have been a rich target. (See Appendix 2 - Serpent & Dragon Lore - Greece details)
- Hattusa, then capital of the Hittite state of middle Turkey, ends abruptly before 1200 BCE and was not rebuilt for 400 years.[209] (See Appendix 2 - Serpent & Dragon Lore - Hittite details)
- Mardaman, an Assyrian administrative centre located in present day Bassetki, Kurdistan (see 1789 BCE note above), was destroyed about 1200 BCE and then rebuilt. Cuneiform tablets with administrative details dating them to 1250 BCE, were found in the ruins[210].
- The author examined the Greenland Ice Data in detail to seek out indications of this turbu-lent period. The NOAA analysts, being unable to sample individual years in that data set, analyzed groupings of years, the groups varying from 7 to 20 years in size. Using increment by increment results on changes of years and accepting the date given as an average, and likewise the derived temperature as an average, he concluded that there had been changes in the orbital pathway of the Venus Comet from those in 1348 BCE.
- That the 1250 BCE event came in seemingly "on schedule" but caused substantial damage, suggests that the orbit of the Comet had been altered. A very small change in the orbiting of the Comet might not be discernible in the Greenland ice data but would alter the Earth/Comet meeting dynamics. The link with that fiery thing in the sky, was definitely broken.
- That the next encounter of those two bodies took place 33 years later, a period of time not divisible by "7", confirmed that the Comet orbit had been changed. The chaos in the years following, related to the Venus Comet moving in an as yet unknown path in the solar system. In addition to what was ruined on Earth, the known cultures in Mesopotamia and nearby areas were attacking and looting each other extensively.[211]
- In the Bible (NEB), mentions of the Lord "thundering" or being associated with "things falling from the sky", have not been found after the Deborah story (1299 BCE) until in 1 Samuel 7: 10. It appears to fit about 1037 BCE (which see), which was before Saul reigned (1032-1010 BCE). A vestige of the Venus Comet apparently remained by then.
1217 BCE - From the ice cap-freezing-temperature data, it appears that about 33 years later, the Earth and the Venus Comet likely got quite close again. The Earth's atmosphere became more clouded with comet debris and that lowered the ice-freezing temperature. Some Earth data on damage and events are included in the last reference mentioned. They are in the 1250 BCE entry above.
- Around 1200 BCE, a serious crisis began for the Terramare (rich black soil) Culture in the Po River valley in northern Italy, a fore-runner to the Etruscans.[212] Within a few years, it led to the abandonment of all the riverine settlements. By 1150 BCE the terramare were completely abandoned, with no settlements replacing them. The plains, especially in the area of Emilia, were abandoned for several centuries. An incipient overpopulation (between 150,000 and 200,000 individuals were calculated) and depletion of natural resources coupled with a series of drought periods led to a deep economic crisis, famine, and consequently the disruption of the political order, which caused the collapse of society. (See Appendix 2 - Serpents & Dragon Lore - Terramare Culture)
1194 BCE - Continuing to use the ice cap data, the Venus Comet seems to have returned yet again about 23 years later and the atmospheric cloudiness increased and ice-freezing temp-eratures got colder. Earth data on damage and events is also mentioned in that last item in the 1250 BCE entry above.
- Mycenaean researchers report[213] the Late Helladic LHIIIB2 portion of that culture to have altered into the following LHIIIC Early portion about 1190 BCE. This time the Venus Comet was put on course for an encounter with the planet Mars in approximately 1184 BCE.
1184 BCE - End of Venus Comet - Battle of Troy
- This date has the epic view describing the Greeks’ gods Athena (Venus Comet) and Ares (Mars equivalent) fighting. It was written up in Homer's "Iliad" perhaps 330-370 years later. The Greeks declared Athena to be the winner as "she threw a spear into Ares forcing him to leave the battle". In that story, both Greeks and Trojans watched the drama unfold somewhere in the sky to the west of them. The author is certain that Mars was not in its current orbit at that time. There was no contact made with the Earth and consequently no damage to the Earth. There is no mention made of Mars acquiring a comet form until later.
- Some civilisations both east and west of that location also viewed that "heavenly conflict". The Bible seems not to mention it, likely because it did not involve the nation of Israel. In addition this would have been during the times of unrest during the period of the Judges. The Harrapan of the Indus Valley, Pakistan, Avesta of Persia, Assyrians of Mesopotamia, Basques of West Europe, Yoruba of West Central Africa. Olmecs of Mexico, and others of Central America. Guarani of South America, and native peoples of North America along and east of the Mississippi River, all saw what Homer described.
- For example people near the present-day man-made mounds at Cahokia, US and the conjunction of major rivers in the middle of that country created a place to celebrate and honour the defeat of the Destroyer (the Venus Comet) by the planet Mars by throwing a spear (of lightening)
http://www.bbc.com/travel/story/20210412-the-us-lost-ancient-megacity // By Jen Rose Smith 13 April 2021
Men threw their spears at a rolling or tumbling discs of rock representing the comet. At the end of the chase, the owner of the spear found closest to the tumbled rock was the winner. Cahokia was remembered as a place of severe flooding in multiple years by the Comet in years gone by.
- These reports indicate that the portion of the Earth facing that event in the sky, extended from eastern Mexico and mid-United States, eastward at least as far as Pakistan. This is a spread of 160 degrees of longitude. The curvature of the Earth would limit how much further east and west it could be seen. Viewing the actual moment of the electrical discharge between "Athena" (Venus Comet) and "Ares" (Mars), a period of perhaps a minute, required the viewer to have cloudless skies and to be watching at that moment. No mention is made of it being a multiple flash. Whether it was day or night does not seem to have mattered as the Venus Comet was observable in mid-day. With the Basque exception, reports of viewing that flash have not been found between Troy in western Turkey and the Atlantic Ocean nor east of Pakistan and across the Pacific Ocean[214]. See Lost European Memories at end.
- With this Athena-Ares encounter, we find that the historical records go silent on further Venus Comet - Earth encounters. Venus, by whatever name a civilisation called it, seems to have become non-threatening and is not mentioned. The planet / god Ares by various names is immediately designated by many cultures (Greeks and Israelites excluded!) as their NEW God of War. The mythology of all cultures mentioned .... except Greek and Israelite, credit their Ares equivalent with having thrown the spear into their Athena. They exalted their Ares in their prayers for having killed / stopped / tamed their Athena equivalent in its comet form. In their lifetimes they have witnessed 3 attacks by that "thing", in 1250, 1217, 1194 BCE (which see above) before the small god (planet Mars) put a stop to it.
1125 BCE - Warming begins after a 223 year long drop in the Greenland Ice-Freezing Temperatures. This implies that the Earth in general had lacked clear skies, was cooler than historically and quite possibly had poorer crops than before. This would be in keeping with historical records of ongoing unrest in many areas.
- It should be noted that while the Venus Comet had been "tamed", it still existed, perhaps in a reduced state, and is thought to have moved within the inner solar system until about 800 BCE. (See entry below and in Appendix 2 - Greece). Greenland Ice-Freezing Temperatures show continuing variations. No discernible pattern of cooling of the ice temperatures after this date has been found.
1037 BCE - An Ice-Freezing Temperature drop was recorded at this date. While it was mild, it is indicative of either the remains of the Venus Comet, or perhaps the planet Mars with an acquired debris cloud, passing close by the Earth.
- This is an estimated date[215] for a Bible event: 1 Samuel 7: 10 (NEB). Israelites vs Philistines. See Appendix 2 - Serpent & Dragon Lore - Bible Events.
916 BCE - Sharp drop of ice-freezing temperature caused by dusting of the Earth. Likely was an encounter with the Venus Comet.
800 BCE - Venus Comet becomes Venus Planet
- The Venus Comet appears to have retained its cloak while it roamed the inner solar system. About this date or a little after, the planet Jupiter appears to have helped it change from the Comet form to the bright shining planet Venus. See Appendix 2 - Serpent & Dragon Lore - Greece and Japan for details.
790-750 BCE - Estimated time of Biblical Jonah. He warned Nineveh, Assyria that the judgement of his Lord was going to fall upon them. See entry 733 BCE.
776 BCE - Greeks establish Olympic Games in honour of their god Zeus.
733 BCE - A sharp ice-freezing temperature drop caused by dusting of the Earth. Possibly a close encounter with Mars and its dusty tail. This view pre-supposes that Mars and the Venus Comet had one or more close encounters after 1184 BCE but before 800 BCE, and Mars gained a comet tail. The Neo-Assyrian culture is thought to have been crippled by a 60 year drought in this time period.[216]
687 BCE - Mars Attack on Earth
- About 500 years after the Athena/Ares engagement, Venus and Mars had a return encounter in 687 BCE which was followed about 4 months later by the Mars attack on the Earth. Eye-witnesses to that latter event, located in Jerusalem, are recorded in the Bible in Isaiah 37 and 2 Chronicles 32, (see entry in Appendix 2 - Serpent & Dragon Lore - Biblical). It was also recorded by scribes in Assyria and China. Subsequently cultures around the world made new calendars of 365.24+ days per year which, with a bit more tweaking, we use today. An ice-freezing temperature drop at that time seems to confirm that Mars was trailing a debris trail.
Post-687 BCE - Events after this date are believed to not involve actions by the planet Venus which, by then, was in its present orbit around the Sun. Babylonian astronomers used its previously determined cycles as the Morning and Evening Star to create the new calendar. The dates shown on the NOAA Central Greenland Temperature Data Plot by Giorgiogp2 (see last page of this Appendix) are presented for general interest. The explanations for the later movements are beyond this Venus Story.
Year of Jubilee instituted by the Israelites[217]
An item of interest to the author, recognised in his assessment for this overall story, is the Year of Jubilee as mentioned in the Bible Book of Leviticus and ascribed to Moses. That writing was initially done when the Israelites were in the wilderness of northwest Arabia. This would be 1446-1406 BCE. This writing, as redacted about 600 BCE, declares every seventh year to be a Sabbath year, and the year following the 7th seventh-year (49th year), ie, the 50th year, to be a Jubilee Year. The passage calls them "years of rest for the land". Examination of the biblical records following the Israelite occupation of Canaan shows that while they observed the Jubilee Years, there was no instance of, or even a reference to “resting the land” as indicated. This led him to question his understanding of the Sabbath years and the Jubilee year.
By the time of the Bible redaction mentioned above, the writings of Moses dated from 830 years in the past. The threat of the Venus Comet had ceased 580 years earlier. The author can understand how the redactors might have been puzzling over how to put that passage, with its commands that were given by their Lord, into understandable terms. The years of unfulfilled "threat" every seven years, had long been forgotten. The Jubilees were still remembered and celebrated.
If, originally, there was a fear of the Venus Comet returning, might this indicate that there were possible concerns every seven years and that the 49th year was particularly feared? Could this be teaching the people not to count on crops every year? Is that why a very bountiful harvest is promised in the 48th year? Were the 50th year celebrations to mark that they were safe again and could restart life anew? The instructions for those owing and being owed money call for a clean renewal of lives. He synthesied the following ideas as a possible understanding of the passage.
From separate work, I have been able to show that the Venus Comet seems to have moved in an orbit on the same plane as the orbit of the Earth. It was an elliptical orbit using our Sun as one of its foci. In that case, each year the Earth would pass through the residue of the cometary debris field twice in a few months while the Venus Comet itself was elsewhere on its orbit. The density of the cometary debris would be most severe if the comet had passed by in the last 12 months. In each of the following 6 years, the density would diminish further. Then the Venus Comet would return and the cycle would repeat. Whether the Comet would return along the same pathway and timing in the sky that it used 7 years earlier is unknown.
The advice given was to not count on full crops in those Sabbath years (every 7th year). Think of it as "the fields will be resting those years" because the reduced sunlight will inhibit plant growth. The people were to do extra sowing the year before and store the extra crop. In preparation for the 49th year when the Venus Comet itself may come to the Earth, they should ensure that extra is grown and stored in the 48th year to supply three years. When the danger of the 49th year is past, rejoice, celebrate and give thanks to the Lord in the 50th year. The dimming of sunlight and its effect on crops, came to feared only for the first year as experience was gained.
These thoughts led the author to examine the Greenland ice cap data for the possibility of repeating cycles of drops in the measured freezing temperature of the ice. His in-depth study discovered a series of cycles in the dates for those ice caps' peak warm temperatures followed by a large sudden drop to cold temperatures. The years the cycles occur, the lengths of the individual cycles, and the time interval that the particular cycle length was in effect, are in the tabulation provided.
See Appendix 4 - Reading the Ice - Development of Venus Comet Orbiting Data and Assessing Celestial Motions
The Venus Comet, for thousands of years, retained a regular orbit around the Sun of seven Earth years of 360 days each (2520 Earth Days). This regularity indicate that its encounters with the Earth, while sometimes altering the Earth's orbit, did not affect its own orbit. Secondly it was not unduly affected by the presence of other planets in the solar system.
Sun Reversals
The following interesting statement is attributed to the Greek Herodotus (ca. 484 - 425 BCE)[218] who had talked with Egyptian priests.
"Four times within 341 generations (so they told me) the sun rose contrary to his wont;
twice he rose where he now sets, and twice he set where he now rises."
These remarks imply that the polar axis of our Earth got "flipped" pole for pole at four times in the past but does not define the bounds of those time periods.
Such an event would be very damaging to people and places all over our globe. All means of measuring time would be scrambled, requiring the creation of new calendars using new observations of star movements. Mentions of two floods have been found associated with those years! They were in 11,053 & 6493 BCE. (Which see above).
Maya and Aztecs told the Spanish invaders about 1550 CE, that they were
"living in the 5th Sun", which would account for the last four "flip" dates.
The author attempted to identify the dates of those reversals of the Earth's position on its polar axis. He recognised that the frequency of "Four Times" and the "341 generations" were very explicit numbers. He also recognised that the Greenland ice-freezing temperatures showed a number of sharp and lengthy temperature drops which indicate very severe Venus Comet / Earth encounters. They occurred at BCE dates of 11,053, 6493, 5870, 5492, 4876, 3644, 3007,1348 as listed in this Appendix.
Of these dates, detailed entries for 11,053, 6493, 5870, and 4876 BCE each indicate great damage having occurred worldwide. Using 18 years as the length of a generation (average age at which a woman bears her first child), then 341 generations is 6138 years. Applying that number of years after the above 11,053 BCE date, places the author’s estimate of the end of the period of 431 generations mentioned by Herodotus as 4915 BCE. This date is compared to the last of the four dates above, and differs by 39 years over the 6138 year period used, a very close result, well within our measuring ability of +/- 12 years. Using a different value for the length of a generation, such as 17 or 19 years, does not result in a better fitting date. The author recognises that this arithmetical exercise does not constitute "proof" of his idea, but does provide a reasonable answer. He would welcome a better one.
The “Lost European Memories” assessment by the author: -
- In trying to understand why reports of the thunderbolt between Athena and Ares in 1184 BCE, do not come from Europe, the author had the following thought. Rather than assuming that Europe was all clouded over at that time, he recognised a different cause. In the later period of 536-550 CE (by tree-ring data), a massive eruption of a volcano likely blanketed the northern hemisphere with ejecta[219]. Candidates discussed include the Tierra Blanca Joven volcano and its Ilopango caldera in central El Salvador, or Krakatoa between Sumatra and Java in Indonesia.
- The NOAA data show a steep decline in the freezing temperature of the Greenland Ice Cap between 495 and 655 CE. This resulted in the loss of crops for two years throughout much of Europe, China and central Asia as well as across North America. The British Isles, Ireland and much of Europe from the southern parts of Norway, Sweden and Finland to the northern parts of Spain, Italy, to the Balkans and Russia, saw their flora damaged as indicated by tree-ring data. The fauna including mankind would starve or freeze to death leaving no one with a memory of earlier historical events.
- Documentary evidence assembled in Wikipedia included:
*The Byzantine historian Procopius recorded in 536 CE in his report on the wars with the Vandals, "during this year a most dread portent took place. For the sun gave forth its light without brightness … and it seemed exceedingly like the sun in eclipse, for the beams it shed were not clear".
* In 538, the Roman statesman Cassiodorus also stated that the light of the sun was weak and that crops had failed.
* Michael the Syrian (1126–1199), a patriarch of the Syriac Orthodox Church, recorded that during the reign of Justian II, the sun shone feebly for a year and a half.
* The Gaelic Irish Annals recorded the following:
• "A failure of bread in the year 536 AD" – the Annals of Ulster
• "A failure of bread from the years 536–539 AD" – the Annals of Inisfallen
* Further phenomena were reported by a number of independent contemporary sources:
• Low temperatures, even snow during the summer (snow reportedly fell in August in China, which caused the harvest there to be delayed)
• Widespread crop failures
• "A dense, dry fog" in the Middle East, China and Europe
• Drought in Peru, which affected the Moche culture
- The “Mythological events” such as the Fimbulwinter and Ragnarök are theorized to be based on the cultural memory of the event.
- The Basque, being a people who fished for their food, and having sea-going boats to do so, did not starve. They may have "temporarily" moved to another location.
- This was the period we call "The (European) Dark Ages" and by reports of the time, all of Europe to the Mediterranean was actually dark enough to retard crop growth. Vatican documents show that contact with (and reports and monies from) the north countries ceased completely. The Sun was not seen in Rome between the solstices (March 21 - September 21, about 536 CE). The populations that later-on migrated into Europe from the east, seem not to have retained any mythology on the Venus Comet. (See Appendix 2 - Serpent & Dragon Lore - European)
This lengthy table of events and their dating over a period of 22,000 years is a tabulation of information supporting the last years of the actions of the Venus Comet and its effects on the people then living on our Earth. From the Greenland Ice Data, it is apparent that the Venus Comet was cycling through our skies before 50,000 years ago. Studying the intervening years and earlier would require a separate and in-depth work, and lots of on-site research.
The details in this book are seen as introducing the topic and the concept of the Venus Comet. The book identifies how the Comet threatened the Earth, and caused devastations worldwide, in addition to being the creator of much of our background beliefs. Work by others examining further details is welcomed.
It is our history, and genetics tell us that it belongs to all of us.
[1] “Wikipedia - List of Neolithic Cultures of China” noted 2018-03-01
[2] Alley, R.B. 2004. “GISP2 Ice Core Temperature and Accumulation Data.” IGBP PAGES/World Data Center for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series #2004-013. NOAA/NGDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA
[3] Plot of data in reference 2 with individual dates and notes added by Collins. See attached page 6
[4] Astronomical Aspects of Mankind's Past and Present: Was the sudden Global Cooling and Drying in 2200 BC ("Paradise Lost") caused by cosmic impacts? Timo Niroma, Helsinki, Finland timo.niroma@pp.inet.fi
[5] "How Did The Last Neanderthals Live?" BBC 2020-01-29 Melissa Hogenboom
[6] "Humans Made Tools Atop the Tibetan Plateau More than 30,000 Years Ago" TheScientist website Mar 1, 2019
[7] "Maps of Pleistocene sea levels in Southeast Asia: shorelines, river systems and time durations" Table1 - Harold K. Voris, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Illinois, USA Journal of Biogeography, 27, I 153-l I67
[8] Wikipedia “Amenemhat I” noted 2019-01-24
[9] Mario Pino et al, "Sedimentary record from Patagonia, southern Chile supports cosmic-impact triggering of biomass burning, climate change, and megafaunal extinctions at 12.8 kYA" Scientific Reports (2019). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-38089-y : https://phys.org/news/2019-03-geologic-evidence-theory-major-cosmic.html#jCp
[10] VolcanoDiscovery.com - Osorno noted 2019-03-23
[11] Wikipedia - Legend of Trentren Vilu and Caicai Vilu Noted 2018-12-05
[12] P.J. McDonnell, Los Angeles Times, Mexico Bureau chief, "Mexico City was once the realm of the mammoth" 2020-07-12
[13] "Eve of Naharon" Wikipedia , read 2020-02-04
[14] See Appendix 2 - Serpent & Dragon Lore - North American - Nuxalk (Bella Coola)
[15] Wikipedia "Prehistory of Iran" - Epipalaeolithic & Neolithic. Detail taken 2018-02-25
[16] "Neolithic of Cyrenaica (north-east Libya): New enlightenments from recent research". 20 Dec. 2015
Elodie De Faucamberge, Equipe Ethnologie prehistorique, UMR 7041 (ArScAn), Maison d'Archeologie et d'Ethnologie - Maison Rene Ginouves, 21 allee de l'Universite, 92 023, Nanterre Cedex, France
[17] "Neolithic Tibet, Yunnan and Mongolia" Neolithic Tibet, Facts and Details. Last updated November 2016
[18] Kurt H. Kjær1*, Nicolaj K. Larsen et al, A large impact crater beneath Hiawatha Glacier in northwest Greenland., Science Advances, Research Article, Geology, 14 Nov 2018: Vol. 4, no. 11,
[19] Graham Hancock, “Magicians of the Gods”, First US edition Nov. 2015 pg 5ff
[20] "11,300-year-old Neolithic-era temple unearthed in southeastern Turkey's Mardin" Daily Sabah, Istanbul 2019-10-29
[21] "Ancient Jericho (Tell Sultan)", http://ancientneareast.tripod.com/index.html, noted 2018-07-01
[22] "Ancient Jericho (Tell Sultan)", http://ancientneareast.tripod.com/index.html, noted 2018-07-01
[23] "Early millet use in northern China" Xiaoyan Yang et al; PNAS March 6, 2012 109 (10) 3726-3730; https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1115430109
[24] POSTGLACIAL project/University of York, George Dvorsky @Gizmodo.com, 2018-03-27
[25] "Maps of Pleistocene sea levels in Southeast Asia: shorelines, river systems and time durations" Table 1 - Harold K. Voris, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Illinois, USA Journal of Biogeography, 27, I 153-l I67
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[179] Encyclopaedia-Britannica - Hyksos
[180] Manetho's account, as recorded by Josephus, describes the appearance of the Hyksos in Egypt as an armed invasion by a horde of foreign barbarians who met little resistance, and who subdued the country by military force. He records that the Hyksos burnt their cities, destroyed temples, and led women and children into slavery.[36] Although the term Hyksos has been translated by some as "shepherd kings", more recent work says the denigration "barbarians" would more likely represent Egyptian views. They took up the worship of Apep, the Egyptian name for the Venus Comet, "who attacks the world", and also worshiped the Egyptian god Set.
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[4] Bamboo annals Xia chapter on Xia Jie under the name Gui (癸).
[5] Virginia.edu. "Virginia.edu contents of Bamboo annal." Xia chapter. Retrieved on 2010-10-03
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[195] Bible Amos 9: 7
[196] Ancient History Cyclopedia "Sea Peoples" by Joshua J. Mark, published 2009-09-02 Rameses II (1279-1213 BCE) defeated them in second year of his reign.
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[214] Ibid European - Basque; Asian - Pakistan
[215] Based on the accepted reign of David (1010-970 BCE). He followed Saul who was designated as the leader of Israel about 22 years before David (ca 1032 BCE). This Venus Comet event happened before Saul became king.
[216] "Megadrought may be behind fall of powerful ancient civilisation" pub Journal Science Technology. Posted in The Tribune of India Nov 16, 2019, 11:06 AM.
[217] Bible: Book of Leviticus Chap 25: 1-22
[218] Herodotus, Bk. ii, 142 (trans. A.D. Godley, 1921)
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