A Story of the Planet Venus
Looking For The Planet Venus Prior to 1200 BC
by John M. Collins Sarnia, Ont., Canada 2021
Appendix 11
What Happened 13,000 Years Ago?
Time Definition
Before the Encounter
Planetary Data
During the Encounter
Fuel, Oxygen and Ignition
Second and Simultaneous Event
Third and Also Simultaneous Event
And Afterwards
This book on the history of the planet Venus, focuses the reader on the events related to that planet in Comet form. The book tells of the Comet and its impact on the histories and mythologies of many civilisations on Earth for over 45,000 years. Without a doubt the Venus Comet has been the single MAJOR cause of the many disasters related to our civilisations. People have used descriptive stories to try to convey and explain what had happened. The overall picture was beyond the comprehension of the story-tellers.
While it is evident that the Comet and its orbit were known and studied and respected from much earlier, its "catastrophic" encounter with our planet 13,000 years ago, is well worth studying on its own. Multiple stories in Appendix 2 - Serpent and Dragon Lore tells us that at least some of the survivors received a warning to prepare for a flood and destruction. Others may have been told but the warning was not captured in the later memories. Similarly we lack the stories of those who did not survive. So what do we know (or think we know!) of that day when "All Hell Literally Broke Loose" ?
In trying to write the events of that day, the author has assessed the mentions of it in the histories. He tried to understand what some descriptions of it could possibly mean or convey to a person with no knowledge of the skies. Could meanings change with time and beliefs and story-telling?
He also used his knowledge of planetary motions, inadequate as it is, and his beliefs, on which planet was moving where. Physical details on sizes, speeds, masses and distances, he drew from standard online sources. [See next page]
In this book, the author defines TIME in Earth Days, being the time it takes for the Earth to complete one revolution on its polar (celestial) axis. This value remains unchanging due to the inertia of the planet. The number of those Days in a Year varies according to the size of our planet's orbit around the Sun
Before the Encounter
As discussed in the Venus Story, the author came to understand that the Venus Comet was comprised of the planet Venus enwrapped in and travelling with, a huge cloud of gases and debris. It moved in a highly elliptical orbit, with our Sun at one of its foci (focal points). This meant that it made a pass around the Sun and then went away out in our Solar System before the attraction of the Sun brought it back. From examination of the Greenland Ice Data, the author determined that one orbit of the Comet took exactly seven years of 360 Earth Days each to complete: a total of 2520 Earth Days. That pattern held steady from before 50,000 Years Ago to 3200 Years Ago as found in the NOAA Data. (Alley, R.B. 2004. “GISP2 Ice Core Temperature and Accumulation Data.” IGBP PAGES/World Data Center for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series #2004-013. NOAA/NGDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA)
Dimensions, Speeds and Masses of the Planets Involved
Earth Moon Venus
Diameter km 12,756 3476 12,100
Distance from Earth km -- 384,000 --
Mass 1020kg 59,736 735 48,685
Orbit Velocity, ave. kph 107,244 3600 126,108
Rotational Velocity kph 1674 -- 6.5
Earth Altitudes km max.
Oxygen Atmosphere 100 0 0
Atomic Oxygen Atmosphere 1000 0 0
Twice in each pass around the Sun, the Venus Comet and Earth would pass through each other's orbits. This suggests that a near-miss or a collision by those bodies might be possible if the timing matched. Additionally the Venus Comet with its greater velocity would come inside of the orbit of the Earth (between the Earth and the Sun) and might pass our body while they both circled the Sun. The determining factor for a pass would be where the Earth was on its orbit when the Comet came within Earth's orbit. If the Comet overtook and passed the Earth, we likely would suffer damage as they came closer to one another.
Today the planets Earth and Venus are considered to essentially be moving on the same plane relative to the Sun with no chance of a collision.
The author sought to find proof of such a Comet-to-Planet pass and how it might be physically possible, if at all. It was there, in the many tales and descriptions so often referred to as "myths". People likely would not see that event more than once in their lifetimes. They would, no doubt, have heard about it frequently from their story-tellers.
During the Encounter of the Comet with the Earth
The primary "proof" that the Comet came close to the Earth, is found in the repeated statements that the Venus Comet was "fiery" when it attacked our planet. When it was further away it was considered "threatening" or "worrisome" but not causing harm at that time. At those times, its appearance may be described as "serpentine" or perhaps "dragon-like", and its colouring as "dark with a white head or horns". The key point is that it was enveloped in fire when close, but not when some distance away.
For a fire to exist there must be a Fuel to burn, Oxygen to react with that Fuel, and a source of Ignition. For example a combustible vapour like natural gas + air (an Oxygen/Nitrogen mix) + a hot spark = fire. Looking for each of these ingredients, provides the following details:
> Fuel ... While we lack an analysis of the Comet cloud, we are told that many years later during the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt after another close encounter with the Venus Comet, the people daily gathered and then ate material that sublimed from the Comet. It was called Manna. It re-evaporated in the heat of the day. This suggests a composition of perhaps Hydrogen and Carbon, and likely some other elements. This material would likely be ignitable when in vapour form and mixed with enough Oxygen, and subjected to white-hot meteors plunging through it. The Exodus story describes the material as "a pillar of smoke by day and a pillar of fire by night". This residual cloud of material in the atmosphere of the Earth lasted over 40 years. It was replenished somewhat every seven years when our planet passed through the orbital pathway of the Venus Comet again. The Israelites gathered the manna for 40 years.
> Oxygen ... Our lower atmosphere, up to about 100km, is primarily a mixture of Nitrogen 79% and Oxygen 20% in molecular form. We call it "Air". For the next 900km in altitude, these gases are very rarefied and found in "atomic" form. The International Space Station is in this region at about 400km above the surface of the Earth. The Comet itself likely did not contain free Oxygen as the hot planet body of Venus would have reacted all the available Oxygen into carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide.
> Ignition ... Descriptions of the Comet passing the Earth, repeatedly mention stones and rocks flying out of the fiery skies and striking the Earth. As we know from having watched meteors streak across our night skies, these objects are being heated by friction with our atmosphere. They become so hot that they are incandescent. We usually see them passing through that rarified upper atmosphere. Occasionally a larger one survives to enter the lower atmosphere, and really "lights up the sky". Some times pieces of them reach the Earth's surface.
This author believes that these meteors ignited the Venus Comet, BUT only after the Comet was close enough to mix with Earth's atmosphere. To restate these details, the Comet cloud must have come within 1000km of our planet. It would completely fill the viewer's field of vision with a fiery sky. How close the planet Venus itself came to Earth is not known nor is the size of the enveloping Comet cloud.
Having the planet Venus and it's massive Comet cloak come so close to the Earth would be scary to say the least. That planet alone has a diameter of 12,100km, a little less than Earth. Might the Comet cloak then be 30,000km wide and many times that in length? That approach would have the centre of mass of Venus pass about 15,000km from the surface of Earth. This is a large distance in our usual mensuration but was "very close" in celestial terms. As stated above, it would be close enough to bring the flaming atmosphere of the Comet to the surface of the Earth. Our Moon, being 384,000km from Earth, had to have the Comet come inside its orbit around the Earth, in order to have the Comet enter our Oxygen atmosphere and be set ablaze. It is possible that the tail of the Venus Comet may have engulfed the Moon in passing.
There Was A Second and Simultaneous Event !!
A second startling event would be the gravitational effect of Venus on the Earth. We are aware of how the gravity of the moon is responsible for the present twice-daily tides on our planet. They are caused by the mass of the moon, 735x1020 kg, at a distance of 384,000km causing an average twice-daily world-wide changing of perhaps a metre in sea-level at coast-lines.
The planet Venus alone, would have been a mass of 48,685x1020 kg at a distance of 15,000km from the surface of the Earth, and (15,000 + 12,756/2) = 21,378km from the centre of the Earth. This is a mass of 66 times that of the Moon, acting at 1/12th the distance from Earth to Moon. The result would be a high mound of water drawn upwards from the seas. That mound would move around the Earth below the Venus Comet as the Comet came past our planet, and at the same time the Earth was rotating on its axis.
Not knowing the distance from which the Comet might influence the level of the oceans on Earth, the author suspects that the movement of the seas may have begun several days or more before the closest approach of the Venus Comet. It would be a huge growing tide moving around the Earth from East to West as we rotated. He declines to even guess at its height and mass. It would destroy coastal communities and many far inland when drawn ashore. Wave patterns during its building and fall, would add to the destruction. It's water being salty would ruin the soil for growing or gathering crops for multiple years. Human and animal life would be obliterated in many areas. Try to visualise it !!
Don't Stop Yet ! -- A Third and Also Simultaneous Event !!
In the midst of all this destruction, the conjunction of those two planets caused the Earth to invert on its polar axis of rotation! That axis retained the same alignment in space. However, the mantle of the Earth, that crust that we live on, broke loose from its core and slid sideways for an unknown distance. To Jane Average sitting beside her destroyed village, having somehow survived indescribable chaos, the biggest change was that Sunrise now took place in the direction she used to call West. All the stars in the sky were new; the old familiar ones were gone. Astronomers would have to rediscover the location of the North Pole.
People along the Pacific coasts of the Americas reported mountains sinking in British Columbia. In the south of Chile, they said seaward mountains sank and continental mountains rose. Mountains and volcanos are found to have risen 3000m in southern Peru and northern Chile. Mountain movement is thought to have occurred in the Himalayas and Pacific island chains but proof is lacking. (See Appendix 2. - Serpent & Dragon Lore)
And Afterwards
This reversal of poles and sunrise occurred three additional times, as discussed in the main Venus Story. The initial switch was
- 13,000 Years Ago, ie 11,053 BCE, from an East Rising Sun to a West Rising Sun,
- followed in 6493 BCE by another reversal back to an East Rising Sun,
- then in 5744 BCE to a third reversal to a West Rising Sun again,
- and finally in 4876 BCE a fourth reversal back to our current East Rising Sun.
In each case the inertia of the spinning Earth would result in its Polar Axis retaining it's position in space but after having reversed its North - South orientation.
The author believes that the first event was the world-remembered FLOOD. It seems to have been much more severe than later ones. He has not identified reports of later floods although he expects that they likely were significant. Being threatened with the possibility of another flood every 50 to 80 years or more, perhaps became "standard". Were descriptions of the later "floods" simply subsumed over time into the first one?
The author searched on Google Earth for indications of coastal communities of that 13,000 YA time frame. He identified building and property orientations to that long ago North Pole. Very few were found on the east coasts of the Americas but they were found well inland in Central and northern South America. Signs were also found on the Atlantic coast of Africa but only two on its Indian Ocean coast. India has them on its west coast but not east coast, as does Australia. They have not been found on the Asiatic coasts of the Pacific Ocean, nor on its islands. All of these observations are consistent with the flooding coming westward from the sea. The author is very cognisant of the 90m increase in sea-level since that date, due to the melting of the last Ice Age.
How would seacoast communities prepare for the event? The "easiest solution" would be to not live in a place that was flooded the last time. Those that had a need to be by the sea simply accepted the risk of being flooded, as they do today. Sea level rose 100m during those years to about 6000 Years Ago. Once the threat by the Venus Comet ceased about 3000 Years Ago, he expects that buildings to the waterline would become common. Very few of the ancient histories discuss sea coasts. Most deal with the land and who controlled it.
Examining the events of 13k YA in detail, has been a very interesting endeavour using not only historical information but also scientific information and my own beliefs on how people react. The mention of such events by Herodotus of Greece about 400 BCE was correct !
I have tried to visualise what being there might have been like, ... assuming of course, that I was not a casualty ! I recognise that I and everyone who reads these words, had ancestors who were present and did survive.