A Story of the Planet Venus
Looking For The Planet Venus Prior to 1200 BC
by John M. Collins Sarnia, Ont., Canada 2021
Are We Missing Something?
While assessing ideas on the events of long ago, the author's attention was drawn to the ice age icecaps that previously covered our world in part. This work was set aside to study them. He was puzzled as to why mapmakers’ depictions of the maximum icecaps in North America, Greenland, British Isles and Scandinavia were well off-centre of the North Pole.
Their maps, we are told, are based on observed glacial effects on the planet. These particular ice age observations include scouring, moraines, eskers and drumlins. Interestingly these maps do not indicate ice age glaciers along the Arctic Ocean shore from Northwest Russia eastward to Yukon, Canada. Some map makers have assumed that glaciers must have been there but ice age markings were not found in that area. He also realised that the current mass of ice at the South Pole, as shown by its area and thickness, is well off-centre of that pole. The reader is directed to my separate study in Appendix 3 - Ice Age Puzzle? In it is shown that the centres of those two polar ice caps are diametrically opposite each other and 25 degrees off today's poles. This finding challenged his understanding of events.
The author has no knowledge of a process that will create icecaps 25 degrees off the poles, AND diametrically located. The poles, being the coldest spots, should be where ice accumulation is maximised. He was then forced to consider the idea that the Earth had shifted on its pole of rotation AFTER the glaciers were in place. He believes that the pole of rotation itself and the Earth's core would retain their spacial attitude.
This forces the conclusion that the mantle of the Earth had slipped 25 degrees across the core of our planet! Such an event would require huge forces that could only come from the interaction of the masses of two Earth-sized objects. Chunks of ice and asteroids and dust coming through the sky might kill people and make pock marks on the Earth, but otherwise would not be relevant. If these planet-sized bodies did not actually collide, as discussed above, then their orbits and rotations must some how have been altered.
Spinning in space, Earth and Venus are de-facto dynamos and each will behave as such if any THING or FORCE external disturbs it. If disturbed, their rotational momentum will suddenly alter their orientations in space and their orbits, causing devastation on both bodies to anything that can come loose. The most obvious thing on Earth to come loose would be water which would rise out of its ocean basins, lakes and puddles. There would be a wall of sea water perhaps 10 kilometres high racing across the land at as much as 500 km/h at the equator. Salty sea water would also be thrown into the very turbulent air to later fall as a seemingly endless rain. Our gaseous atmosphere is more mobile than water, with the result that super-hurricanes and gigantic typhoons would sweep over both land and seas.
A "deduction" by the author, based on the apparent excellent astronomy skills of long ago, says that the people with those skills knew that the Comet was going to come very close to the Earth and severely affect the tides. Their message to the Noahs of the world was go high or get a boat.
These two bodies would also interact through gravitational, magnetic and likely electrical forces. A current gravitational effect of which we are all aware, is the motion of the tides in the ocean. The mass of the moon (384,000 km away) draws our seas toward itself, as our planet revolves daily. The strength of this attraction depends on the mass of each of the moon and the Earth, as well as the distance between them as measured between their centres. In the case of the Venus Comet coming close to the Earth, the planet itself is 12,100 km in diameter, is 63 times more massive than the moon, and comes within 20,000 km of the Earth.
Venus, with a mass nearly equal to that of the Earth, and coming so near our planet, would draw our seas into a huge bulge form of a tide. As the Earth rotated in the course of a day, with the Venus Comet on it’s sun side, that tidal bulge would move across the sea, AND across low level land forms. No wonder civilisations worldwide still remember the FLOOD ! The shorter the Venus Comet to Earth distance, the markedly stronger the attraction. The gravitational forces would pull them towards each other.
The diameter of the Comet is unknown. Based on it being described as "fiery", we know that a portion of the Comet must have passed into and reacted with oxygen in Earth's atmosphere. Oxygen is primarily found in the closest level of air to the ground, the first 100 km of air, and marginally found in atomic form up to 1000 km altitude. The International Space Station is placed about 400 km altitude. The author visualises the Comet, being perhaps 20,000 km wide, consuming a swath of air/Oxygen through the full depth of our atmosphere at that location, leaving that volume of space Oxygen-free and open to the vacuum of space. As the Comet leaves, Earth’s atmosphere would rapidly close around the hole. The author then wonders if this fiery event might have severely diminished the oxygen content of the air that some people and animals breathed. Did some of them suffocate and then freeze? Woolly mammoths have been found in Alaska, US, perfectly preserved with undigested food in their stomachs, seemingly having been preserved by very quick freezing.
Perhaps the known electromagnetic forces acting at a closer range, were repulsing the two planets so they did not collide. Venus seems to have not actually impacted the surface of our planet, but passed very close to it. An electrical discharge between them might well have occurred. Crustal deformation caused by the attractions would be guaranteed. The less massive planet (Venus) would suffer greater damage than the larger one. Movements on Earth would have a catastrophic effect on the human and animal populations as well as their environments! This would be unlike anything seen previously or since.
A fiery Earth / Venus encounter was indicative of a VERY CLOSE CALL !
Changes in Your Life
For a survivor, having picked himself or herself up off the ground, the damage to and change of everything previously known, would be mind-blowing. As the period we know as the Younger Dryas began, the new orbit of the Earth placed it farther away from the Sun and much colder. With the shift in the crust of our planet relative to the pole of rotation, the amount of sunlight warming most areas of the planet changed. Finding family, food and fresh water would be your goals. Shelter and heating became imperative for life. You altered your views on what you could eat and how to find it. Much of the plant life, and the animals that depended upon it, likely failed where the ground had been soaked with the salty water. Starvation of many people and perhaps whole tribes and cultures may have occurred, along with the destruction of many species.
What remained of the Bering Strait crossing became unusable due to vegetation destruction caused by salt water. Until plants grew extensively again, and in a much colder environment, herbivores, carnivores and people would have nothing much to eat in that area. The move-ment of peoples to the Americas may not have resumed until perhaps 9,000 BCE.
Later on, people erected markers and noted them with their sky sightings related to the visits by that "thing in the sky". Undoubtedly wood was used as it was more easily handled. Stone may have been chosen when you were more certain of your readings and wanted a longer-lasting record. Cultures also constructed burial mounds oriented to their view of the sky.
A paper(1) discussing royal burial mounds in China, reports a "recent" mound and its associated buildings that are all aligned with the current polar co-ordinates. This is from the Qin dynasty that began ca 300 BCE and its succeeding dynasty, the Western Han. The paper compares a second and older mound of a definitely different period which, with its buildings, are all aligned 8 to 12 degrees to the west of today's north pole by reference to Google Earth views. It is stated that neither mound has been excavated at all, and the earlier one may go back for millennia.
The earlier mound, oriented northwestward, is consistent with the position of the original North Pole prior to the 13,000 YA catastrophe as discussed in Appendix 3 - Ice Age Puzzle. Its location was derived by this author as today's 65° 30' N, 51° W. Chinese mounds at Xian, Shaanxi province at today's 34° 26' 05" N, 108° 52' 40" E have their sides lined up with that previous pole. Lines drawn from Xian mounds to the old and current North Poles have an angle of about 8-12 degrees between them with the old pole being to the west of the new one. These measurements and the direction, match the angle and direction measured on the ground at Xian. Additionally the author, using Google Earth, has found old ruins and property bounds in the Xian area that reflect the same old North Pole. We cannot assume that this positioning indicates that any mound was build before the calamity of 13k YA. It was simply the orientation used by the builder whenever the job was done.
When the pole was relocated 13,000 years ago, the survivors continued to build at the original site and to align to that same line of direction. Perhaps being oriented to the old pole was "sacred" and had to be adhered to. Much later the Qin emperor came to power, and we know that he wanted to change most everything. He chose the same site but built according to the then actual polar alignment.
The deposit of nano-diamonds and their black mat have previously been discussed above and now must be fitted into our understanding relative to the flood of water, both of which appear to have a similar dates. That deposit, where it appears, is very precise with no sign of having been disturbed after being laid down. The carbon-bearing material on the ground got caught up in the intense firestorm. Apparently there has never been a later current of water that passed over it. This suggests that the world-wide flood simply missed that spot.
(1) Giulio Magli "Royal mausoleums of the western Han and of the Song Chinese dynasties: A satellite imagery analysis" in Archaeological Research in Asia, Publisher: Elsevier September 2018