A Story of the Planet Venus
Looking For The Planet Venus Prior to 1200 BC
by John M. Collins Sarnia, Ont., Canada 2021
The Venus Comet
Trying to Describe it
The available records indicate that for thousands of years, people had a continuing fascin-ation with the movements in the heavens. [See Appendix 2 - Serpent & Dragon Lore] The author suspects that an object revisited Earth, possibly on a predictable basis. It terrified humanity. It threatened the Earth or at times actually damaged it. Some times, it just came close enough to be seen by everyone, reminding them that it was still a danger in the skies. Knowing where it was in the heavens, where it was going to reappear and when, and how closely it might threaten the Earth, would always be of great interest and concern.
The Kolbrin [an ancient and disputed document] says the Destroyer appeared at first light
‘Then, with the dawning, men saw an awesome sight. There, riding on a great black rolling cloud came the Destroyer … at ‘the rosy dawning of a newborn day… at the night end of the sky roof, appeared the dread figure’.
Each generation heard and retold the stories of the original encounter and any “hits or near misses” that followed. In Greek mythology, we have what may be a form of an "eye-witness" account of such an encounter. The Venus Comet, having been confounded with the sun as its orbit went around it, caused viewers to believe that the Sun was coming directly at them and then destroyed them. In time these details were put into story fashion and the characters given names. [See Appendix 2 - Serpent & Dragon Lore - Greece - Phaethon, son of Helios, tries to drive his father's chariot, the Sun.]
Examination of the Greenland ice data suggests various periods of 91 years to as little as 42 years between interactions of the Venus Comet with the Earth. (We must NOT assume that these years all had the same number of days in them!) Most people would not experience a Venus Comet encounter more than once in their lifetime. They may have seen it in the sky, safely away from the Earth, as often as every seven years. Those passings would reinforce their “stories”. [See Appendix 4 - Reading the Ice] Astronomers had to pass on their know-ledge to the next generations to absorb, if learning the motions of the Venus Comet was to occur. We are not aware of when writing skills became known. We do know that they were known in perhaps the last 3500 years of its wild orbiting.
The basic story remained fresh for thousands of years as long as that object remained in the skies and threatened the world. It repeatedly renewed the Fears of the People. Venus Comet Ancient Drawings
By now the reader may have been trying to visualise what the Venus Comet looked like. To assist, the author provides pictures from an article that he came across. It mentions three stones, each with an engraving on it of a large comet(1). They were discovered in interior Morocco near “Ida Oukazou village west of the High Atlas, in Essaouira province”. They show "on-the-scene" pictures of the Venus Comet created by an eye-witness. Each drawing shows a circular shape with three or four "tails" behind it.
The first one has a single person standing or running with the comet overhead.
The second one shows the sun shining with the comet nearby. At the top side is a person with a horse and a horned cattle. Below the man are two vertical lines of symbols which might be a written language. The symbols are non-pictorial.
The third one has two people holding pointed objects as if on the defensive. The comet is overhead.
These pictures have been intentionally oriented here so that the individual(s) are shown upright to match how a person would see the scene. The author was struck by the realistic drawings of the people and animals, particularly how well their proportions were retained on their bodies and relative to the animals. No details of features or adornment are used, indicating that the person or their position, is irrelevant. The skill of the artist gives you, the viewer, confidence on how the Comet appeared to people. It was a massive object coming at them! Based on the similarity of how the people were depicted, the images are thought to be the work of one person. No dating of these stones was given.
Orbit of Venus
Accepting that the Earth was orbiting the Sun as it does now, the author believes that the Venus Comet, on each of its orbits, passed around the Sun in the same direction as the Earth and between Earth and the planet Mercury. This detail is consistent with the obits of the Earth and Venus today. The fact that the Comet retained its very regular orbit of seven Earth years of 360 days each, indicates that each of its interactions with the Earth lasted only part of an Earth-day or two. Its orbit or speed did not change. The Mayan Books of Chilam Balam distinguish time as a succession of haabs (years of current 365.24+ days), tuns (360-day periods) and kʼatuns (20 x 360-day periods).(2),(3) The reader is asked to note the 360 day time periods in the previous sentence.
The Comet seems to have come very close to the Earth, between it and the Sun. Traveling faster than the Earth, as Venus does today, the lengthy Comet is thought to have caught up to our planet and passed us. Sometimes Earth and the Comet would be on distinctly different parts of their Sun orbits and have no interactions. The sheer size of the Comet combined with the speeds of the Earth and Comet, indicates multiple hours were required for it to pass and interact with the Earth.
The Venus planet portion of the Comet, would have been rotating clockwise on its polar axis, and Earth counter-clockwise on its axis as they do now. This pattern suggests that the "closest-approach position" on the Earth may have created a line of destruction that likely moved in a westward direction, but not necessarily equatorially. Its speed is unknown as were the sizes of its destructive areas. Ground movements, tides of sea water over-flowing, high winds and "blowtorch" fires likely occurred, destroying everything in their paths. These became the ingredients in the myths of our forebears.
The blasted-out "impact crater" of Lake Karakul in the Pamir range of Tajikistan is thought by the author to possibly relate to a "thunder bolt" from the Venus Comet. Alternatively the southwest-northeast arrangement of that crater could fit the trajectory of a large object traveling counter-clockwise as a part of the Venus Comet. Chinese mythology explains it differently. (see Appendix 2 Dragon Lore, early pages)
The discovery of nanodiamonds on the Catalina Islands off California(4), indicates that the Comet came by that location. From Karakul westward over Europe and the Americas to Catalina is 193 degrees of longitude and 12 hrs 45 min of Earth axial rotation time. The Venus Comet travelled beside the Earth for at least that long. Interaction between those two bodies may have begun and ended over the Pacific Ocean. The Comet itself would not have moved in a circle around the Earth. Some of its massive tail or "coma" likely was pulled into the Earth's atmosphere causing darkness and cooling.
The Venus Comet, being an object of the Solar System, would have had an orbit focused on our Sun. It would be a highly elliptical, seven (7) year orbit (360 Earth days per year) that carried it far out in our solar system to where the largest planets moved and then it returned to pass around the Sun. The turn around the Sun probably took about 113 Earth Days of running parallel to and inside of the orbit of the Earth. Depending on the Earth's position in its own orbit at the time, there could have been a few more days of possibly closer positioning, as the Venus Comet crossed the orbit of the Earth both as it entered and left its turn around the Sun.
The author discovered that major interactions with the Earth occurred at various timings, all of them multiples of 7 years. [42, 49, 56, 63, 70, 77, 84 and 91 years] Details on his discovery are discussed in Appendix 1 - Dated Events and Appendix 4 - Reading the Ice. The author recommends that his reader take time to read Appendix 4 to gain an insight on how the Venus Comet years differ from Earth years. That difference resulted in the varying effects experienced on the Earth. From the perspective of an observer on Earth, the Venus Comet came back to the Sun from somewhere in the cosmos every seven years! Sometimes the Earth was in the "right", or was it the WRONG position? - and the Comet interfered with the Earth. Other times there was no threat as we watched that large object pass safely through the sky off in the distance. It might even appear to go "behind" the Sun before returning to the more remote parts of our solar system.
When visualising those orbiting motions, you must recognise that nearly all the planets in our solar system rotate on the same plane. Today we think of them as in nearly concentric circles with no interference between them. The Venus Comet however, as it moved on its elongated/ elliptical orbit on that plane around the Sun, crossed the orbits of Earth, Mars, the asteroids, Jupiter, and possibly Saturn, Uranus and Neptune twice on each of its seven-year orbits. Variations in the number of years between the Earth and Venus Comet interactions related to changes in the size of the orbit of the Earth and how that affected their relative positions.
When Earth's orbit changed, the number of days in a year changed but a year was still one Earth orbit around the Sun. A day was still one revolution of our Polar Axis (dawn to dawn).The seven-year pattern of the Venus Comet can be seen from the Greenland ice data, to have gone on undisturbed from before 50,000 Years Ago until about 1200 BCE. That ice data indicated that the Earth was very frequently "dusted" in that period. The Venus Comet was in action at that earlier time span, but I have not done a study on the details. The regularity of this data confirms that the orbit of the Venus Comet was not conflicted earlier by any other object. The encounters by the Venus Comet with the Earth were not severe enough to alter the orbit of the Comet. The Earth continued to orbit the Sun, but the size of the Earth's orbit was changed a number of times.
In the last years of the Venus Comet, it closely paralleled the Earth's orbit every 49 years at the same time and place that our planet in its travels was then occupying. The ancients came to expect interaction and severe trouble, when that happened. This logic would hold in earlier years with Venus Comet/ Earth interactions mentioned above and in this reference.(5)
And we wondered at the ancients' fascination with the skies and the movements of the planets? Astronomy and Astrology began as means of predicting the timing and severity of the next encounter!
An Aside Regarding The Planet Uranus
In assessing the orbit of the Venus Comet, the author recognised the distinctive details associated with the planet Uranus. It is an ice giant rotating "on its side". Its pole of rotation is nearly on its plane of rotation around the Sun. It takes almost exactly 84 Earth Years (another multiple of 7) of the standardised 360 Earth days to circle the Sun. (The exact number of years is not settled.) Additionally Venus and Uranus are the only planets in our Solar System with clockwise axial rotations`. Examination by others suggests that at some time, Uranus has been damaged and perhaps torn apart by a massive collision. This author wondered if the Venus Comet originated in the suspected collision, and if its 7 year orbit was linked to the 84 year orbit of Uranus. Might the very hot temperature of Venus be an outcome? His lack of astronomy skills limits him to mentioning the idea as an aside. His additional thoughts are in Appendix 10 "Venus & Uranus?".
(1) Abderrahmane Ibhi/ MeteorNews 2018-11-18
(2) Paxton, Merideth (2001). 'Books of Chilam Balam', in: Oxford Encyclopedia of Mesoamerican Cultures Vol. 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
(3) Roys, Ralph L. (translator), The Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1967[1933].
(4) ibid Reference 1 of this document
(5) Astronomical Aspects of Mankind's Past and Present: Was the sudden Global Cooling and Drying in 2200 BC ("Paradise Lost") caused by cosmic impacts? Timo Niroma, Helsinki, Finland timo.niroma@pp.inet.fi