A Story of the Planet Venus
Looking For The Planet Venus Prior to 1200 BC
by John M. Collins Sarnia, Ont., Canada 2021
The Venus Comet
Star Gazing.
We must also recognise that until about 1500 CE, it is believed that most people thought of the heavens as being Earth-centred. All the stars, planets and even the Sun, were thought to move around the Earth. The Christian Church of Rome declared it was so and persecuted those who disagreed with it. Their understanding of celestial motions had to have a much different complexity than ours. Astronomers had earlier formed the opinion that the Earth revolved around the Sun but spoke softly in order to keep their jobs and heads. "The Pope goes around the Sun; The Sun does not go around the Pope."
As much as 3000 years earlier, some astronomers knew that the Sun was the centre of our solar system and its planets. In either case they were required to spot that pin prick of light (the Venus Comet returning to the Sun) as soon as possible, determine its orbital path, calculate its timing, and announce if and when it might threaten the Earth and to what degree. Undoubtedly they would be counting the numbers of days since the previous event and would have a specific number in mind as to when it likely would be visible. Without telescopes, this would be a task that would test astronomers of today.
The author believes sky maps were created to help monitor the Venus Comet. The ancients came to recognise that they could associate its date of return and position in the sky with the positions of the four then-known planets (Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) amongst the known stars. When a specific pattern of planets and stars appeared, trouble was on its way. In time the map became more and more complex. After the Comet had “ceased”, the maps were used to provide personal prophesies and then were known as the Zodiac. [See Appendix 6 - Creation of the Zodiac and the Cochna Stone in Appendix 13 - Sphinx, Pyramids and Other Alignments - Scotland]
Creating Observatories
Creating an observatory would be a first step once someone with astronomy skills was found. It undoubtedly was first made with wood which is more easily handled but would be damaged by weathering. Stone would be used as they gained confidence in their results and wanted a permanent marker. A Primary Requirement was laying out the DUE EAST line of sight of the day, as it was from that direction that the Destroyer (the Venus Comet) came.
Sites with wide-open vistas (like Stonehenge) appear to have been the likely earliest ones chosen. They erected uprights that would be arranged so that viewing from specific locations provided lines of sight to specific sky locations due East ... on specific dates! Undoubtedly there were modifications as directions became more exact.
Other people chose actual mountains whose peaks they could view from a distance on a due East direction based on the then current celestial North Pole position. Sighting on that alignment from a distance and looking close to the mountain peak, allowed the observer to focus on a small spot in the sky and to note the earliest appearance of the return of the dreaded Venus Comet, or “Serpent” as some called it, in the eastern sky.
Where those vistas did not exist, the people constructed "mountains" to allow their obser-vations of specific points in the sky to be possible. Today we call some of these "mountains" pyramids, and find them worldwide. The pyramids of Egypt with their pointed tops allowed precise location of a particular spot in the sky when viewed from a specific locations on the ground to the West of them. The Sphinx faces due East as are the alignments of the North and South sides of the three large Pyramids. It was known in old Egyptian records as “The Watcher”. See Appendix 13 - Sphinx, Pyramids and Other Alignments.
Multiple observatories appear to have been created independently by peoples isolated from one another. It would take centuries or more for observers to learn the skills, and become knowledgeable about the new sky Then they had to pass it on to their juniors. Tracing the Venus Comet, and learning its orbit and its timing was the defining task. If you were an astronomer, you knew that you were really on a moving platform tracking an object that is moving independently across the sky. If either the Earth or the Comet varied its orbit, you would have to start over.
One early discovery after the 13k YA event, would be that "the Sun no longer circled the Earth" in a year of 290 days. The moon still circled the Earth 12 times per year but not at the old rate of 10 months of 24 days plus 2 months of 25 days. These ancient values are shown on the Calendar Gate at Tiahuanaco, Bolivia(1), a monolithic structure that is believed to pre-date the 13k YA event. That shorter year indicates that people counted numerically greater numbers of years in a lifetime. [Age 80 today would have been age 101 back then.] The closer proximity to the sun in those days, likely made the general climate somewhat warmer and perhaps wetter.
The author does not know those rotational rates immediately after the events of 13,003 YA when the much colder Younger Dryas period began. The Earth had moved away from the Sun to a larger orbit, seemingly greater than today's 365.24+ days, and in addition, would have been wrapped in a dense cloud of space debris. The author's view of events in the Younger Dryas Period are tabulated in Appendix 1 - Dated Events.
By about 5000 BCE, the Sun "was circling us" in 360 days(2), and the moon used 30 of those days to circle the Earth, and did so 12 times in the year. These latter values imply that the Earth/Luna combination found a position of synchronism with the attractive forces of the Sun and other planets. This calendar remained in general use on and off for at least 3300 years. It was so simple to use that it was regarded as perfect and therefore "sacred". It is still used by Judaism and Islam, to set sacred dates.
Building Anew
The well-known structure at Stonehenge in south England and its structure at Woodhenge, were in place before the 13k YA catastrophe. Both sites underwent alignment modifications then and again after the 6493 BCE polar “flip”(3). The earliest bluestones(4) appear to have been created in 3400 BCE and likely erected somewhere else. They were moved to Stonehenge about 2900 BCE, after the destruction of 3007 BCE. That event, "called the 4.9k YA event", destroyed the "calibration" of the then existing calendars.
Similar structures built of stone, and proven to be of these dates, are not known but perhaps provided other stones incorporated at Stonehenge and elsewhere. The standing "T" shaped stones found at Gobekli Tepe have a likeness to the "double T" trilithons at Stonehenge. Reuse of stone megaliths would account for the "lack" of earlier similar arrangements.
Later Earth orbit changes occurred at 2587 BCE, 2174 BCE and 1663 BCE (see Appendix 1 - Dated Events). They were followed in 1348 BCE by a severe cooling without a calendar change. We know of Stonehenge and other such locations when their usefulness ceased and nobody bothered to pull them down and reuse the stones.
The End of the Venus Comet
The beginning of the end for the Venus Comet appears to have happened after the 1250 BCE encounter with the Earth. The cause of the change in the orbiting of the Comet has not been determined. It became apparent in a very slight encounter, off-cycle in 1217 BCE. This followed a further 23 years later in 1194 BCE when more severe damage was caused. (See Appendix 1 - Dated Events) This was the last time that the Venus Comet is known to have directly interacted with our Planet.
Homer's "Iliad", the story of the last year of the Trojan War (1184 BCE), has a description of their goddess Athena, the Greek name of the Venus Comet, throwing a spear into Ares, the planet we know as Mars. Ares at that time was a minor god, “inconsequential” at best. The spear was a huge interplanetary bolt of electricity which all other viewers stated went from Ares to Athena! Eight additional worldwide mythologies also described the flash in the sky. Those sources ranged from Pakistan westward to the Mississippi River in the USA, 160 degrees of longitude. See this date in Appendix 1 - Dates of Events and details on the countries noted in Appendix 2 - Serpents and Dragon Lore.
The Comet ceased to threaten the Earth after its 1184 BCE encounter with Mars. It apparently was visible to all and was likely remaining in the inner solar system. The Earth was "dusted" a few times as suggested by several instances of cooling of the Greenland ice-freezing temperatures. Civilisations around the world celebrated the demise of the Comet in their story telling and designated the planet Mars as their God of War. (See Appendix 2 - Serpent & Dragon Lore - Greece & other countries)
The author believes that the Greek myth on the “birth of Athena”, their Goddess of War, refers to Venus being transformed from a Comet to a planet likely about 800 BCE. (See Appendix 2 - Serpent & Dragon Lore - Greece and also Serpent Mounds) To the best of my knowledge, Earth's movements were last altered in 687 BCE when the planet Mars interfered with Earth(5) and our year lengthened to its current value.
Why was the Venus Comet Described as "Fiery"?
In reading various articles on the Venus Comet, it is repeatedly referred to as "fiery". Being an engineer with a background in chemistry, I was puzzled as to how that could be. When the Comet was out in space, it was traveling in a vacuum with no oxygen to support a fire. Only if it came very close to our planet, might it react with the oxygen in our atmosphere. Secondly, what was the fuel for that fire? I did not think it could be thermonuclear like the Sun as Venus lacked the necessary mass for reaction, and measurement of its properties has not revealed radioactivity.
Examination of descriptions of the Venus Comet as tabulated in Appendix 2 - Serpent & Dragon Lore, indicate that it was fiery or red when close to the Earth, and dark or unspecified (not note-worthy?) when afar in the sky. This suggests that combustion was occurring when Venus and its comet body brushed into the atmosphere of our planet. The friction with the air would heat it. Solid materials in the comet stream such as rocks (meteorites), when flying through Earth's atmosphere, would glow hot, setting it afire. Items on the ground would also be ignited by the fire. But what was the Comet fuel?
The Bible describes an event (Exodus 16: ) that most people consider either untrue or "miraculous". During their years in the wilderness, the Israelites are said to have eaten "manna" gathered each morning from the ground and on plants. It appeared during the night. The excess disappeared during the day. They gathered a double portion on the sixth day to feed them as well on the seventh day, the Sabbath, their holy day. It is described as "white, like coriander seed, and tasted like a wafer made with honey." If they gathered and stored extra, it spoiled: "... will stink and contain maggots."
From a chemistry point of view, we seem to be looking at a light material with an evaporation/condensing point of about 5-150 C and a molecular weight of perhaps 65-90 gm/mol. Its vapour could be quite flammable. As for its taste and nourishment, I have no information, but it fed the Israelites for 40 years. Such materials based on simple carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, are commonly identified in today's safety instructions as life-threatening if ingested or breathed in. This suggests that manna has a more complex molecular composition making it edible. Its supply ceased about 9 years before the next encounter with the Venus Comet. The area where the people ate it, and for some distance around that area, is today known for the extraction of a heavier hydrocarbon material that we call crude oil. Did the "manna" material decompose into a part of what we today call "oil"? I must list the composition of "manna" as unknown.
Describing a Venus Comet Pass
A common expression in the stories of multiple cultures, states that the Venus Comet or what ever they called it, "disappeared into its home in the sea". Later in their story, after a number of years, it reappeared and did nasty things again. This is thought to be the opinion of the "common people" rather than the astronomers. The Venus Comet's effect on the well-being of cultures world-wide prompted people of all levels of knowledge, to keep track of it whenever it was visible.
The ancients who survived the 13k YA event, did not know where it went between its "attacks on the Earth". The ocean was the only thing that they thought was "big enough to hide it". Knowledgeable viewers became aware that their understanding depended on where the Earth was in its yearly pass around the Sun relative to the position of the Venus Comet on it's seven year approach to and pass around the Sun. The astronomers needed to determine
1) How closely will Earth and the Comet approach each other at both crossings of their orbits? What are the dates?
2) Will the Comet overtake and pass the Earth as they circle the Sun? On what date would that happen?
As it was entering Earth's vicinity approximately every seven years, the astronomers would have a very definite point to watch for it amongst the starts. It was gained from prior observ-ations and likely did not vary if at all. If, from the average viewer's position, it was first seen over an ocean, it could be said to "obviously have left its home". It would appear as a growing dot in the sky that in a few days would be lost in the glare of the sunrise. It would loom larger and larger, becoming observable in daytime in spite of the brightness of the Sun. Eventually it might obscure the Sun, Moon, other planets and the stars.
When visualising these scenarios, the reader must realise that the Comet's orbit brought it between the Earth and the Sun, and inside the orbit of the Moon. The author suspects that the Moon's cratered appearance may be due in part to pummellings it received from the Venus Comet debris on repeat visits for over 50,000 years. Moon samples should be examined for excess Platinum as discussed in Appendix 5 - Venus & Platinum.
On its pass around the Sun, the Venus Comet was moving faster than the Earth, ie. it over-takes the Earth. The author estimated that the planet Venus part of the Comet, likely spent about 12-16 hours interacting with the Earth before contact was broken. The massive Comet cloud with its debris and electrical charge, would extend well before the planet "head" and a huge distance behind as a "tail." This is consistent with a damaging East to West path(6) of the huge Venus Comet around a portion of our planet. Very few signs of likely damage have been found outside of 500 North to 400 South Latitudes. People on the opposite side of our globe might have escaped the damage, that time. Some might have known what happened when they saw the darkened skies. This sort of thing occurred only once in most peoples' lifetime but would be remembered in stories. Later it became the basis of their mythology.
When the Venus Comet had passed the Earth, the sky likely remained darkened by portions of the Comet's cloud that got left behind. Survivors would be busy picking up the pieces of their lives instead of writing "descriptions" for posterity. Observers not injured by the events would try to determine if the Comet had truly left. The skies may not have cleared enough to let them track the departing Comet. If it was seen to disappear over an ocean, they assumed it to have made its home there. It would not be seen again for six years. Damaging events usually were 42 to 63 years apart as described in this "Venus Story".
The author has found two major descriptions of such an event in the Bible. The Flood Story is the 13k YA Catastrophe. I'll let your imagination visualise that severe one at ground level. The well-known account called "The Exodus" is the only detailed eye-witness account known to the author. His work on this Venus Story, concludes that it was a "mild" event showing a minimal effect in the NOAA Greenland Ice-Freezing temperature data.7
Where Is the Venus Comet Today?
What happened to the Venus Comet? Its not in our skies now! Did it fly out of our solar system, never to return? Did it break up, disintegrate, become inconsequential? Is it hiding somewhere, somehow? Did it change its form so that we no longer recognise it? Solving those questions forms the rest of the story. And yes the Venus Comet did change its form to what we now recognise as the bright, white, planet Venus in our night sky. That change is documented in the mythologies of Greece and Japan. (See Appendix 2 - Serpents and Dragon Lore) It seems to have taken place about 800 BCE.
When the threat from the sky ceased, the stories told over the millennia of the terrible Comet and the never-ending time of FEAR, lost their impact. They became relegated to myths. Nothing like it had ever taken place in the history of the audience. It was too wild and strange to be believed! Opinions were introduced to try to explain the crazy details to the people. That "The Gods got angry and punished the people" was more easily understood and could be incorporated into their beliefs.
As we do today with old structures, the stone arrangements may well have been repurposed after their original usefulness in tracking the Venus Comet was lost. The sites could have remained as focal points for gatherings. They may have been used for special events, with a religious or seasonal significance, that had no connection to the original purpose. For example, holding celebrations at Stonehenge in England to re-enact the supposed Druidic worship of 2,000 years ago. Remains of structures, and peoples and animals buried on the site might well have a very wide spread of dates and locations with no obvious connections between them. This would result in valid questions of who was where and when and why. Nobody dismantled the huge stone structures unless they wanted building materials and were willing to handle the big pieces. Many sites were cleared of smaller stones.
The astronomy skills of the ancients if not lost, became a fringe in the business of Astrology. Practitioners of that vocation continued to declare the positions of the planets in the sky to be a guide to the well-being of individuals. They no longer focused on the Venus Comet as it had ceased to threaten the Earth and its people. Instead they invented various interpretations for every configuration that they could find. Their wild prognostications grew by leaps and bounds until they were making daily "predictions" on personal affairs like romance, politics and war! About 500 years ago, instruments of greater complexity began to be used to study the sky. After having our previous astronomy skills destroyed, we seem to have come full circle. Again we look for objects in space that could do us harm.
As for the planet Venus, it continued to circle the Sun between the Earth and Mercury, taking 224 Earth Days to do so. To viewers on Earth, it appears either just after sunset in the western sky or just before sunrise in the eastern sky. Interestingly in Jan. 2020 an asteroid, now named 2020 AV2, was discovered orbiting the Sun just inside the orbit of Venus.(7) The asteroid spans about 1 to 3 kilometres and has an elongated orbit tilted about 15 degrees relative to the plane of our solar system. During its 151 day orbit around the sun, it always travels interior to Venus. At its closest approach to the sun, it comes very close to the orbit of Mercury. How long it has been there is unknown, but this author doubts that it preceded the installation of Venus next to it. Might it have been travelling with the Venus Comet?
Other Visits by the Venus Comet?
Having mentioned that perhaps the Venus Comet did revisit the Earth, the author looked for instances of other encounters of the nasty kind. He sought the stories and date estimates of records that have survived, have been located and are readable. He also watched for archeological data on very old ruins. In each case, he compared the dates given by their authors to the Greenland ice core data, allowing that the ice core data is more precise than the dates of the ruins and very likely more accurate. Most of the sharp downturns in temperature are believed to be related to heavy dusting and darkening caused by material in the comet blanketing the Earth during a close encounter. A few, that seem to coincide with major volcanic explosions, have also been identified.
When discussing these thoughts with others, the author became aware that there was great confusion over the term "dusting" as causing cooling and even how dark the skies might be. What might it have been like for Joe or Jane Average huddling in a cave? Looking out his window one summer's evening at the setting sun, the author noted that its rays were being greatly softened by thick clouds. He could look straight at the red ball which was the size of the end of his small finger at arm's length. The surrounding sky was "half-lit" so that visibility on the ground was not a problem. He could not sense heat coming from the sun. Would the dusting by the Venus Comet have been something like this? Would crops grow in those conditions?
He turned his attention to an actual case; the records made in 1816 CE, known as the "Year Without A Summer" and colloquially as "Eighteen Hundred and Froze To Death"(8). Mount Tambora, on Sunda Island in today's Indonesia, exploded in April 1815 in an estimated VEI 7 force event(9). Its ash circled the northern hemisphere for several years. Descriptions of the 1816 effects are known from western Europe, North America, China, Japan, India, and North Africa. Other areas are not known due to a lack of records.
The fog reddened and dimmed the sunlight, such that sunspots were visible to the naked eye. Neither wind nor rainfall dispersed the "fog". It has been characterized as a "strato-spheric sulphate aerosol veil". Snow fell in mid-summer, severe frosts destroyed most crops. Rivers and lakes froze. Expected rainfalls such as monsoons failed or were delayed. Famine occurred in all those areas accentuating the increase in deaths due to "mal aise" and “mal aria". Having said that, its effect in the Greenland ice-freezing temperature data (135 yrs BP) is so "mild" as to be indiscernible. The interested reader is encouraged to research further details on the internet. These events, while related to a volcano, will serve as a proxy to describe "very mild" events by the Venus Comet. Events that are deemed to be "severe", are left to the reader's imagination. The effect on people and wildlife, -AND-their food chains, would be the critical detail in their survival.
(1) “Tiahuanaco and the Deluge”, Theory Workshop by Helmut Zettl Catastrophism and Ancient History, Vol. VI
Part 2 July 1984, A Journal Of Interdisciplinary Study, Marvin Arnold Luckerman, Executive Editor
(2) A presentation by Dr. Bill Pezzaglia entitled "Ecliptic and Annual Motion" Osher Topic 01 dated Feb 26, 2007. Information on his slide Solar Calendars 1 no. 35. Caution: No supporting data or information provided. Found at http://www.clifford.org/drbill/osher/presentations/02Ecliptic.pdf
(3) See Appendix 13 - Sphinx, Pyramids and Other Alignments - England
(4) "Startling New Evidence Suggests Stonehenge was First Built in Wales then Transported and Reconstructed 500 Years Later in England" by April Holloway 7 December 2015 Ancient Origins website.
(5) See Appendix 2 - Serpent & Dragon Lore - Bible History - Events in the Time of Mars’ Destructions
(6) The Biblical Exodus story mentions storms from the east. Locusts (Ex. 10: 13), Red Sea waters (Ex. 14: 21)
(7) Whitney Clavin (626) 395‑1944 wclavin@caltech.edu Downloaded 2020-05-17
(8) Wikipedia "Year Without A Summer" Noted 2018-03-27
(9) VEI 7 force event Volcanic Explosion Intensity estimated on a logarithmic scale. 8 is maximum.