A Story of the Planet Venus
Looking For The Planet Venus Prior to 1200 BC
by John M. Collins Sarnia, Ont., Canada 2021
Appendix 13
Sphinx, Pyramids & Other Alignments
Details and Dating
Setting the Site in Egypt
Do the Sphinx and Those Three Pyramids
have a Purpose in Common ?
- Facing the Destroyer ?
- Kolbrin Excerpt
- Physical Details of Sphinx
- Other Details of Sphinx
- Later Sphinx Identification
The All-Powerful God/Goddess in the Sky
- Why Were the Egyptian Pyramids Built ?
- Looking Elsewhere
Other African Sites
- Nubia
- Algeria
- Kenya
- Zimbabwe
- Canary Islands
- Cape Verde Islands
- South Africa
Pyramids in the Americas
- North America
- United States
- Meso-America
- Mexico
- El Salvador
- Honduras
- Nicaragua
- South America
- Ecuador
- Venezuela/Columbia
- Peru
- Bolivia
- Chile
- Argentina
- Brazil
Asia and Pacific
- Iran
- Oman
- Afghanistan
- Pakistan
- Nepal
- China
- Japan
- Indonesia
- Australia
- New Caledonia
- England
- Wales
- Scotland
- Ireland
- France
- Spain
- Portugal
- Germany
- Italy
- Bosnia
- Romania
- Greece
- Armenia
- Azerbaijan
- Turkey
A Lot of Questions ...... Few Answers.
A Speculation on the Pyramids and the Sphinx.
When I began this book on how the planet Venus and its forms, movements, actions and timings over the millennia were involved, the Egyptian Pyramids and the Sphinx, to the best of my knowledge, had no known or particular connection with that planet. They were all interesting, old, and had quite a bit of wild myth hung on them. Their creation was an Egyptian fact, but seemingly it was very long ago by unknown people using unknown methods and for unknown reasons. The planet Venus was not mentioned.
Later my attention was directed to papers known as "The Kolbrin"(1), as a source of information on long ago events. I was cautioned that the source of these papers, while seemingly quite old, was really unknown, and that major researchers disparaged everything about them. The papers did however speak in some detail about those old times. I found that the negative comments focused on two opinions:
"It would have been impossible for the writer to have known THAT." and "They have no proof."
In no case did the researchers say what proof they wished to have. None demonstrated how a statement was incorrect, such as being physically impossible. The source identified "men of long ago" as having "built the Guardian", ie the Sphinx. It was said to have guarded against "the Destroyer" which just happens to be one of the names by which the Venus Comet was known.
From my business background dealing with technical problems and issues, I was quite aware of the old adage that "The louder the screams that something is wrong, usually the weaker the case supporting the screamer." I came to believe that this was the case with many combative viewpoints in ancient history and archeology, particularly if it meant that the published positions of some researchers were being challenged.
These thoughts, however, necessitated that I "advance with caution", testing each piece of information against the criteria of
> was it physically possible?
> what set of events could cause it to exist?
> how might other viewers/writers and their translators describe it?
> identify those other viewers, and learn their stories and timing.
In this Appendix, I discuss the links that I have found between the Venus Comet, and the three major pyramids, and the Sphinx that exist on the Giza plateau overlooking west Cairo, Egypt. These links indicate a long time of concern about that object in the sky, and very likely its worship. Whether the erection of those structures took place before or after the global devastation of 13,000 years ago, was unclear. The three pyramids have been given seemingly firm dates around 2500 BCE, by others, while the Sphinx was said to be "much older".
They certainly were the centre of religion in Egypt until about 1200 BCE. This Venus Story shows that the Venus Comet was somehow jostled out of its orbit, and had an encounter in our sky with the planet we know as Mars, at the time of the battle for Troy in 1184 BCE. It ceased to be a great threat. See Appendices 1 & 2 Dates of Events and Dragon Lore - Greece.
While learning about the Egyptian pyramids, I came to recognise that pyramid-type structures, shapes and arrangements occurred in numerous places elsewhere in the world. Surprisingly the orientations of many of them were identical to the Giza structures as discussed below. People the world over were interested in the same thing! BUT why was that shape chosen by so many and for what basic purpose? As discussed below, it is part of a lesson in practical Geometry.
Setting the Site in Egypt
The Giza Plateau in north Egypt, forms the western boundary of what was at a very early date, the edge of the Mediterranean Sea where the Nile River emptied into it. Over many millennium, the silt carried northward by that river progressively filled a large area with a delta. Today that fertile area provides much of the food for Egypt. However the delta, being close to sea level, is water-soaked, and is not suitable as a foundation for huge stone structures. They would be liable to sink into it or tip over. The some-what elevated, solid rock plateau would be what was required. It's all-around visibility of the sky could have been an major asset.
At some time, a person or people decided to erect three pyramids which stand today. In addition, an outcrop of the plateau rock was sculpted into an animal-like form. We use the Ptolemaic name assigned to it ... the Sphinx. I learned early on that amazingly the east and west sides of the largest pyramid aligned perfectly with our current north celestial pole. I have since learned that all three pyramids were built to that polar alignment ..... as was the Sphinx!
I have not mis-spoken ! The Sphinx is exactly set on the East-West alignment that goes with the afore-mentioned North-South alignment of the Pyramids. The latitude of 290 58' 31.5" North passes between the paws, along the middle of the body, and across the tail location on the animal. I realised that I could restate the alignment of the Pyramids as "having their North and South sides exactly matching the true East - West direction of the Sphinx".
Additionally, the Khufu Pyramid, the biggest, is known to have it's so-called King's Chamber and its sarcophagus aligned East-West. The Khafre Pyramid “burial chamber” also aligns East-West. The Menkaure Pyramid has a large East-West chamber that was well finished, and then abandoned. A much smaller, less ornate "burial" chamber was created below and to the side on a North-South alignment. The reader must keep in mind that the “declared purposes” of these chambers is the opinion of people in the last 300 years. The builders did not put labels on them.
Do the Sphinx and those three Pyramids have a purpose in-common?
Looking at an aerial view of those three pyramids, I was put in mind of a military presentation of long ago depicting three high ranking individuals (facing East) lined up on an offset line according to their "privileges" or importance, as if they were "backing up the Guardian" and helping to defend the kingdom. The centre-line of the Sphinx passes 1.5 seconds of latitude south of the middle pyramid, that of Khafre, .... A distance of 100 metres, a fraction of the 10,000,000 metres distance on the surface of the Earth, from the North Pole to the Equator.
Egyptian researchers insist that the three "important people" from North to South were Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure, the second, fourth and fifth pharaohs of the 4th Dynasty (ca 2575 BCE) of the Old Kingdom. Each is said to have "built" his pyramid. Some researchers just credit them as having "refurbished the exteriors" with a new limestone cladding, and then getting the credit. The Pyramids are positioned as behind and therefore "inferior" to the Sphinx. The logic of this arrangement definitely indicates their erection after the Sphinx was in position. The exact positioning strongly suggests that a plan was created and carried out, but by whom and when?
The name of Pharaoh Khafre (above) has been presented as the builder of the Sphinx in addition to the second Pyramid. However a stela at Giza, the so-called Inventory Stela, refers to the Pharaoh Khufu as having seen the Sphinx. Since Khufu preceded Khafre, the obvious implication is that Khafre couldn't have built the Sphinx.
The debate gets interesting when weathering patterns are considered. Egypt is now a dry, arid region but is considered to have been deluged by storms and flooding more than 8,000 years ago. It was noted that the weathering patterns of the Sphinx were significantly different on its flanks as opposed to its upper regions. The rock of its upper layers clearly shows a certain, predictable, sand-blasting pattern. The weathering pattern on its sides, one that, by virtue of melting patterns and downward fissures seen on the statue, seems to establish rain patterns on the Sphinx. This suggests that the lower portion of the Sphinx became entombed in wind-blown sand and thereby protected from much sand erosion after having earlier suffered water erosion. If this is true, it means that the Sphinx is much older than the previously mentioned dating. Based on the water erosion, Dr. Robert Schoch proposed that the monument dates back to the epoch of 7000 to 5000 BCE.
Facing the Attacking Venus Comet, "The Destroyer" ?
In the Kolbrin, mention is made that the Sphinx at one time was named "Rakima" and that it watched for the "Destroyer" (ie. the Venus Comet) that "attacked the Earth" from the East. The Sphinx was sometimes called the "Guardian".
The following undated excerpt from the Kolbrin describes a view to the East. It says:
The Destroyer appeared at first light :
Then, with the dawning, men saw an awesome sight.
There, riding on a great black rolling cloud came the Destroyer …
at the rosy dawning of a newborn day …
at the night end of the sky roof,
appeared the dread figure."
Physical Details of the Sphinx
The whole structure shows obvious signs that it has been modified and rebuilt multiple times. Currently the body is thought to be a lion and to be facing the constellation of Leo. Some researchers point to brick modifications and claim that the original animal represented Anubis, the God of the Dead, with his lean dog-like body and head. The head of the Sphinx with its over-sized head-dress akin to that of an early Pharaoh, contrasts with it's smaller-proportioned face.
As for the human face on it, Amenemhat II (ca. 1919–1884 BCE), the fourth ruler in the 12th Dynasty at the beginning of the Middle Kingdom, claimed that he repaired it and had his face put on it. A recovered image with his name on it, shows a resemblance. Amenemhat's father and grandfather did much to restore the worship practices of the end of the 11th dynasty/ Old Kingdom, after they had been destroyed in the devastating 2174 BCE Venus Comet encounter with the Earth. His face then becomes one of those facing the "Destroyer".
The name "Sphinx" is from the Ptolemaic (Greek) times ca 300 BCE. It would not have been used by Egyptian pharaohs and commoners much before Cleopatra. This author searched for other possible names for that edifice without success. He particularly looked for names that suggested a "watcher" or "protector".
The apparent replacement face on the Sphinx suggests the possibility that a large rock associated with the Venus Comet of 2174 BCE, struck the head of the Sphinx and destroyed the original face. To the Earth-bound viewer, the Comet came from the East. Any such rock traveling with it would strike from the East, the direction that the Sphinx watches steadfastly. As can been seen today, the North, West and South sides of it's head, escaped damage.
The Kolbrin reference to the Comet cloud as "black" indicates that it was still too far away from the Earth's oxygen-rich atmosphere to be ignited by red-hot rocks. This might have been a view a week before it reached the Earth. A fiery destructive encounter with the Earth likely lasted no more than one day as the Venus Comet closely overtook and passed the Earth on its Sun side.
The Sphinx is known to have some internal cavities which have been explored. Details seem to have been withheld. If there was an easterly observation point on the face, it has been lost. An old drawing (below) shows a cavity in the top of the head, with a man standing in it, chest high. Photographs indicate that there are also chambers below ground level accessed from the north side. Whether these are waterworn pits or man-made is not known.
Vivant Denon’s sketch of the sphinx in 1798 depicts a man being pulled out of a hole in the sphinx’s head (public domain)
Today the enclosure walls behind the Sphinx appear to have been substantially water eroded; the rump of the animal was repaired by the above mentioned bricks. The last known wet period in that area is thought to have been prior to 5000 BCE. These changes and repairs indicate that the Sphinx, "the Guardian" or "Watcher", remained an important part of Egyptian worship for a long time.
Other Details on the Sphinx
The Venus Comet in Egyptian worship at the time of Pharaoh Queen Hatshepsut, was named Apep (A-peep) and described as the Serpent or Destroyer. (See Appendix 2 - Serpent & Dragon Lore - Egypt) This author has found that while it was feared by the people, he did not find any indication that their worship was directed to it. Generally they directed their worship to the main god Ra and his associates, particularly to be protected from Apep.
The Comet would have been visible in the skies regularly every seven years as it made its orbit around the Sun but not necessarily close to the Earth. A variation from the timing that was expected, would indicate that something had interfered with its orbit. Its deadly visits occurred every seventh seven-year interval when the Earth on its orbit that year was overtaken and passed by the Comet. In some instances it was after a sixth, or eighth or ninth seven-year interval. For most people a damaging visit, was likely a once-in-a-lifetime event. Keeping track of the Comet's anticipated movements resulted in the development of Astronomy all over the World. There is evidence that astronomical knowledge was shared. Between times, the usual requests to the gods were for good crops and prosperous, safe lives.
The Author is confident that the Sphinx does not represent the Venus Comet. That it was originally the Egyptian god Anubis, seems much more likely. Anubis watched eternally for the Destroyer who brought death. It was his "duty" to judge the dead.
Later Sphinx Identification
Various identifications of the Sphinx, through many different ages and beliefs, have included an assortment of (translated) names such as - Father, Terror, the Horizon, Horus, Atum, as well as a protective underworld deity and a star-clustered hybrid beast. Such names have undergone ancient revisions of history and translations. Most Egyptians apparently considered the Sphinx to be protecting the Earth against "The Destroyer" which is mentioned frequently in the Kolbrin. That source states ‘It was the men of Zaidor (Poseidon ?) who built the Great Guardian (the Sphinx), which ever watches, looking towards the awakening place of God (the East). The day He comes not its voice will be heard.’
"The men of Zaidor" are explained by the Kolbrin, as the earliest people who came to Egypt with knowledge and civilisation after a catastrophe. As discussed a few pages on, this author suspects that it was the first FLIP of the Polar Axis. This implies that the Sphinx dates back close to but after that date, and in some manner is thought to oversee the Earth and its people. "Zaidor" is thought by some to possibly be equivalent to the Greek "Poseidon", a very ancient all-powerful God. The "Men of Zaidor", would be adherents of that god and perhaps attendants to the Sphinx (the Guardian).
Assuming that the ancients did not have any "automatic sensing and sounding device", then perhaps knowing when to expect the appearance of the Destroyer, they might have observers stationed on top of or inside the head of the "Guardian". These people would know where in the sky to watch, and they would have the descriptions from before on what it would look like. When the Destroyer is first seen, at the time expected, perhaps they waved a flag or simply climbed back down and advised the leaders "Its coming." This confirmation would be passed along. It could be expected to take perhaps a month or even three or more before it got close. Time to complete their preparations. Astronomers would work to figure out the timings and the exact orbital path relative to the Earth.
However if the Destroyer is not visible for many days after its expected appearance, they might begin blowing horns and initiating a celebration. The jubilation, celebration and sounds of horns would be overwhelming. This message would be passed on joyfully.
Or perhaps the last sentence of the above quote was a caution that just when you think its NOT coming that time, that’s when “you will hear its voice”. You will hear its roar as it closes in on the Earth.
This author believes that given the multiple story-tellings and translations overtime, the identities of the initial "He" and the ownership of the "Its" words may have become confused or lost.
By the time of the New Kingdom (after ca 1600 BCE), the Egyptian name for the Sphinx was "Harmachis" meaning "Horus on the Horizon". Their belief was that their primary god Horus was watching for something that would come from the East. Horus would protect them. The standard message seems to have become that the Sphinx welcomed Ra, their Sun god, each morning. Ra was simply carrying out his assigned daily task. These would be the beliefs about the time of the Biblical Exodus (1446 BCE).
The All-Powerful God/Goddess in the Sky
This author has come to believe that the people in many cultures, worshipped the Venus Comet as a feared God/Goddess. They were prepared to affirm their adherence to it at the earliest opportunity in the hopes of avoiding its "wrath". This would likely include providing offerings to it and beseeching it to not punish them. The worship of Ishtar by the Assyrians and others, was worship of the Venus Comet with requests for it to attack their enemies.
After the events of 1184 BCE which were visible from Troy (See Appendix 2 - Serpent & Dragon Lore - Greece), fear of the Venus Comet declined. Today, even Christianity with its message of "forgiveness", still has some followers who fear punishment by their God for their actions and thoughts. This is may be a holdover of the fear surrounding the Comet.
Robert Schoch notes that for centuries, starting in the period of the New Kingdom and throughout Roman times, the Great Sphinx of Giza was considered to have been built before the Pyramids. Oral traditions of villagers who live in the Giza area date the Sphinx to 5000 BCE, well before Khafre's time. This would be following the last “flip” of the Earth in 4878 BCE, as previously discussed. The author has no information to refute that time and as discussed above, is confident that the Sphinx was in position before the Pyramids.
Why were the Egyptian Pyramids Built ?
None of the above discussions provides an answer to that question. Below are questions and thoughts for which the author has not found answers. He is not satisfied with the idea that the Pyramids were just to showcase an individual's ego. Who was expected to come and be impressed? The bumpkins living near it who didn't understand it and got nothing from it?
The Sphinx may have been the Watcher, but what function or task did the Pyramids have? Sounding an Alarm ? First line of Defence ? Place of Refuge ? Royal Greeters ? Storage ? The author believes that the primary need of the ancients was to determine if the Venus Comet was going to come by again and damage them. He believes that the purpose of the Sphinx and the Pyramids was to enable them to make that determination.
The Pyramids on the Giza Plateau basically had an unlimited view of the eastern horizon from where the Destroyer was expected to appear. The author suspects that ideas on Comet viewing and the calculations of its path would be traded around the globe. They were too important not to be shared. It would become known that observers who could find a mountain peak or even a good hill near which the Destroyer seemed to appear in the sky, had the advantage of an earlier start on their observations and calculations. They erected man-made mountains so that their observer at a fixed spot, would see the peak next to the point in the sky where the Destroyer was expected to appear. These pyramids were not used as elevated observation places. Viewing was done from ground level. This author, while not an astronomer, suggests the following astronomical idea, assuming that the ancients kept an accurate count of the number of days since the previous engagement between the Comet and the Earth.
By standing at a "specific spot" westward of a pyramid, and sighting at it's peak, they could focus their attention closely on a very small portion of the sky at a specific time. Might that be the spot where they could expect to first see the "Destroyer"? Might the other two pyramids and other defined sites on the ground, help track it on some later days, allowing the assessment of its orbit? They would also allow multiple observers to watch at the same time and give their opinions. Identifying those "specific spots" today, after the construction/destruction of that area in the last 3000 years and more, is likely impossible.
Such an application for the pyramids would be consistent with an original outer design of a smooth sloping exterior rather than leaving it with a step-like slope. They had no need to venture to the top. The work done by the pharaohs Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure appears to have been a re-cladding with a smooth white limestone exterior. The use of heavy stone construction to create a very stable form of marker, can be explained by wanting it to withstand the forces of the Venus Comet twisting and altering our planet. It would have minimal obstruction to a wall of water. The pyramids were built to last forever.
Were the interiors of pyramids, thought of as a safe shelter for the pharaoh, or just for his body? Having a place for servants, officials, food and water does not seem to have been included. As long as the body was preserved, the "Gods" could look after the Pharaoh for an eternity. Did it house a library of all the Pharaoh's knowledge to educate future generations? That the builders also made them useful inside as well as outside, is to be expected.
The best known story about Khufu and his pyramid can be found in the book Hitat (completely: al-Mawāʿiẓ wa-’l-iʿtibār fī ḏikr al-ḫiṭaṭ wa-’l-ʾāṯār), written in 1430 by Muhammad al-Maqrizi (1364-1442). This book contains several collected theories and myths about Khufu, especially about the Great Pyramid. Though King Khufu himself is seldom mentioned, many Arab writers are convinced that the Great Pyramid (and the others, too) were built by the god Hermes, the protector of heralds (known as Idris by the Arabs).(2)
Al-Maqrizi notes(3), that Khufu was named Saurid, Salhuk and/or Sarjak by the biblical Amalekites. Then he writes, that Khufu built the pyramids after repeating nightmares, in which the earth turned upside-down, the stars fell down and people were screaming in terror. Another nightmare showed the stars falling down from heaven and kidnapping humans, then putting these beneath two large mountains. King Khufu then received a warning from his prophets about a devastating deluge, that would come and destroy Egypt. To protect his treasures and books of wisdom, Khufu built the three pyramids of Giza.
Taken together, these details suggest some knowledge of the Venus Comet catastrophe of 13kYA and/or perhaps a later similar event. The last event with “stars falling down from Heaven” was likely the last Flip of the Polar Axis in 4876 BCE. It likely included substantial flooding by the “tidal effect” of the Venus Comet. The reader should note that the actual writing of the Hitat story is dated to 1430 CE ! From where might these ideas have been derived? Al-Maqrizi seems to have had access to old stories either in written form or passed on in oral story-telling
While dealing with these known Egyptian pyramids, the author’s attention was piqued by a recent article indicating that a much older “pyramid” that had been demolished before 1737 CE and another by 1759.(4) He found that the westerly wall of a structure outline on the ground at 29º 58’ 15.5” N, 31º 07’ 31.5” E exactly matched the alignment with the pre-13k YA North Pole. Its corner matched the alignment of the peaks of the Khufu and Khafre Pyramids, and the west end of the 200m long x 10m wide stone causeway, “Wall of the Crow”, that leads from the Nile River south of the Sphinx. These details match the description given in Frederik Ludvig Nord’s account in his book “Voyage d’Egypte et de Nubie” (Travels in Egypt and Nubia) in 1737. Norden describes the mysterious pyramid as being made of “stone more black than the common granite” (see picture above). This author suspects that these buildings, having long ago become irrelevant, may have been in ruins at the above date and their stones were salvaged for building in Cairo. The site remained vacant.
This use of sight-lines to the East, was very important. The author noted that the direct approach to the Giza pyramid site from the city of Giza by the Nile River is the Al-Haram, a road running due East-West by the Intermediary North Pole alignment. It turns at the embankment, climbs the slope and goes straight to the Khufu Pyramid.
Some other cultures with their easterly view out over a wide body of water, could have erected two upright poles, perhaps 10 metres apart in line instead of a miniature mountain. Marks in the poles would provide guidance on the elevation and direction of sight lines from viewing positions a little ways further inland.
Looking Elsewhere
With these ideas on the Egyptian pyramids, this author went looking for other cultures that also watched for the Venus Comet. He searched for pyramids and associated "remote markers" all over our planet. He found pyramids that marked a point in the sky as in Egypt, pyramids that elevated the viewer to see over obstacles, and specific observation points that focused on a distant object that narrowed your attention to a point in the sky. From his "discoveries" tabulated below, the readers will note that watching for the Comet was done around the world. Undoubtedly there were many other sites that he did not discover.
In each case he tested the easterly direction of the remote marker from the viewing position against the true North direction of each of the three "known" North Pole locations. An exact fit over a long distance on Google Earth, indicated the period when that viewing location was established. These are dated - Pre-13k YA (bef. 11,053 BCE), - Intermediary period (6493 - 5744 BCE), and - the Present position (Post 4876 BCE). The author has not been able to identify the pole positions in the two intervals (11,053 - 6493 BCE) and (5744 - 4876 BCE). By his thinking, these would be the times when the Earth was inverted from what it is now, and the Sun rose in the West.
We are obviously dealing with the work of very skilled astronomers ! Close doesn't count!
The Longitude and Latitude details given below are the present locations of the sites.
In a search like this, the Author is certain that there are many more observation sites that he has missed. Until the “taming” of the Venus Comet at the time of the Battle of Troy in 1184 BCE, its repetitive attacks on the Earth were the Time Posts of the Ages. Fear of them was world-wide. Recognising the Comet as early as possible and then trying to make effective preparations, would be a reality. Would it be another World Flood? Another great city destroyed? Or do we get spared?
Other Possible African Sites Noted
Nubia, (17º 00’ N, 33º 45’ E) The well known multiple sites of pyramids in this country do not align with any of the old North Pole locations, nor do they appear to focus on any other specific location. Their alignments seem to be random.
Algeria, South Sahara (23º 40’ 45” N, 4º 05’ 50” E). Possible viewing location in an oasis today. Remote marker is the peak of Mt. Ekker (24º 03’ 25 N, 24º 03’ 30”) 104km due East on pre-13k YA North Pole.
Kenya, Arusha Nat’l Pk. (3º 19’ 28” S, 36º 47’ 27” E). Likely viewing location beside Mt. Meru. Remote marker is cone of Mt. Kilimanjaro (3º 03’ 52” S, 37º 21’ 30” E) 68km due East on pre-13k YA North Pole.
Zimbabwe, Great Zimbabwe high point (20º 16' 03" S, 30º 56' 01" E) Observations were made from across the valley. The observation line from a clearing at (20º 16' 10.1" S, 30º 55' 38.6" E) above today's Tourist Information Centre, to the stone platform at the high point, is a due East direction of 700m based on the pre-13k YA North Pole alignment.
Canary Islands, Tenerife Pyramid (28º 19' 15.2" N, 16º 24' 49" W) Due East 5km on pre-13k YA alignment in a cleared area at the coast (28º 20' 16" N, 16º 22' 00" W), there appears to be a remote marker. It has a platform 44m x 22m with an 18m circular area centred on it.
Cape Verde Islands, Ilha Brava, Nova Sintra (14º 50’ N, 24º 42’ W). Due East 41km on pre-13k YA alignment is the remote marker Pico do Fogo (14º 57’ N, 24º 20’ W) on Ilha do Fogo.
South Africa, Tulloch Mohr Nature Reserve, (mountain ridge 25º 34’ 18” S, 30º 32’ 11” E) 250 km e. of Johannesburg. Viewing position has a wall dug on two sides and a flat area extended. One wall and its opposite edge are aligned with the pre-13k YA North Pole. A remote marker would have fitted in a cleared area on a ridge 5km due East on that alignment. It may have had a post erected. Arrangements of stones marking directions for the “Adam’s Calendar”, are to the southwest, but have no identified alignment.
Pyramids in the Americas
The author found pyramids in the Americas at locations in North, Meso- and South America (see following). He did note earth works at several locations but without much elevation nor with a means of identifying a specific direction.
North America Observation Sites
United States, New Mexico, Chaco Canyon (36º 03’ N, 107º 58’ W). Structures along this canyon are found with alignments that match two different North Poles indicating that building likely was not done until after about 6500 BCE and was still being done after about 4800 BCE. The author does not imply that the site was occupied all that time.
The following sites are aligned as follows
* no sites aligned with the pre-13kYA (11,053 BCE) Pole.
* the location of the Pole between 11,053 - 6493 BCE is not known.
* the Intermediate Pole 6493 - 5744 BCE location aligned with: Pueblo del Arroya and a squared area to the north of Yellow House; Casa Chiquito and a squared area to the north of the Pueblo del Arroya site.
* the location of the Pole between 5744 - 4876 BCE is not known.
* the current Pole dating from 4876 BCE aligned with: Pueblo Bonito; Hungo Pavi.
A site at Chetro Ketl does not align with any known Pole position.
United States, Illinois, East St. Louis, Cahokia Mounds (38º 39’ 15” N, 90º 03’ 45” W). The few mounds that remain are aligned with the present North Pole dating them to post-5000 BCE.
Meso-America Observation Sites
Many of the pyramids built in Meso-America have been dated by others to the 3000 BCE - 500 CE period. Without exception, an obvious reason for these elevated platforms, was to enable sightings of the horizon above the forest canopy or beyond distant obstructions. This author strongly suspects that much older dates apply as their East and West sides are consistent with the North Pole position of pre-13k YA in some cases, and the Intermediary North Pole 6493-5744 BCE position in many others. Details are discussed below.
A person climbing their steps, approaches from the West in all those locations indicating that the viewer is facing due East by those base alignments when they reach the top and look to the horizon. The viewer is looking for the Destroyer as described above!! The author suspects that these astronomers very likely had designated, or even erected, some object in the distance that provided their true East alignment remote marker of that time. If they used a distant mountain peak, then they deliberately chose the specific viewing location to provide the accurate direction of view.
Mexico, Vera Cruz State, El Tajin site (20º 26’ 43” N, 97º 22’ 40” W). Most southerly structure on that site and looks to be the oldest and most in need of repair. It is the only one that aligns with the Intermediary North Pole. None of the rest align with either the pre-13k YA Pole or the current one. The remote marker may have been a hill about 25km off on its East alignment.
Mexico, Teotihuacan northwest of Mexico City - Due East of the Pyramid of the Sun (19º 41' 32" N, 98º 50' 33" W) on the Intermediary Polar setting of (70º N, 55’ 30” W), and 154km away, was the peak of the volcano Serdan Oriental on the current 19º 18' N, 97º 28' W coordinates. This pyramid appears to have been deliberately re-erected on the same site in the period 6593-5744 BCE to utilise the due East sight-line of that date to that peak as a remote marker. It apparently incorporated the previous pyramid and/or its ruins, destroyed in the 13k YA (11,003 BCE) catastrophe and remembered by a corner of its base.
- That earlier pyramid was aligned with the pre-13k YA due East sightline on its separate remote marker, now known as the active volcano Zitlatepetl or Pico de Orizaba (190 02' N, 970 16' W). It is the highest in Mexico at 5636m altitude and was 180km away.
Mexico, Puebla, Great Pyramid of Cholula, also known as Tlachihualtepetl, (19º 03' 27" N, 98º 18' 07" W), is a massive pyramidal hill composed of multiple pyramids built over top of one another and topped with a Christian cathedral at the crest. Most of this arrangement is thought to have been built after the last "flip" of the polar axis of rotation about 5000 BCE when our present Earth co-ordinates were established. Earlier orientations of the site are buried but do seem to be close to the obvious orientations of today..
- Using a different line of thought, the author considers the most likely eastern peak that could have been a remote marker, to be 5636m high Pico de Orizaba, also known as Zitlaltepetl, a volcano (19º 01' 46.5" N, 97º 16' 05" W). It is 109km away on today's due east direction from the above cathedral. This implies that the site was chosen after the above mentioned last "flip" of the poles, ie. after 5000 BCE.
Mexico, Campeche, Calakmul - Two sites, Xpuhil (18º 30' 38" N, 89º 24' 23" W) and Becan (18º 30' 59" N, 89º 27' 58" W) are 6km apart on the East alignment of the Xpuhil site alignment with the Intermediary North Pole. Extension of that East alignment further east by 4km crosses the bared centre of a dirt mound in an area of flat land. This arrangement might have been useable for early viewing of the approach of the Venus Comet if the vegetation was cut low enough. Neither of these sites has been restored and no history of these sites is known.
Mexico, Cancun - Three “Zona Arqueologica” sites on the bay side of the outer bar of the beach (21º 04' 30" N, 86º 46' 40" W) are oriented to that Intermediate Polar setting with their Eastern view of the horizon out over the ocean. Stone poles erected safely back from the coast could have been their remote markers.
Mexico, Tabaco, Comalcalco (18º 16' 49" N, 93º 12' 06" W) is a step pyramid oriented to the Intermediary North Pole. A remote marker has not been determined. It is recognised that the El Pilar site in northwest Belize (17º 14' 53" N, 89º 08' 38" W) is 445km away on the due east (Intermediary North Pole) alignment. It is located on the border with Guatemala which has installed a pillar of some sort. While the El Pilar site is on somewhat elevated ground, viewing it at that distance is considered unlikely unless at one time it had a very tall pillar and an obvious top. It was a community and there were also many Mayan structures around it. Later the site is said to have held an army camp called El Pilar, but whether Mayan or Spanish is unknown. This author suspects that the Conquistadors may have destroyed the original pillar as a gathering place for the Maya.
El Salvador, Chalchuapa, El Tazumal pyramid site (13º 58' 46" N, 89º 40' 27" W) is oriented to the pre-13k YA North Pole site as shown by its steps. Its remote marker appears to have been volcano San Salvador (13º 44’ 15” N, 89º 17’ 45” W) 50km eastward from El Tazumal.
Honduras, Ruins of Copan (14º 50' 14"N, 89º 08' 30" W). Major pyramid oriented to Montana los Comayagua (14º 29' 43"N, 87º 30' 30" W) elev. 2400m,180km due East on the Intermediary North Pole, seems the likely remote marker.
Nicaragua, Piramides de Garrabo Grande (12º 01' 33" N, 84º 49' 18" W) Minor ruins near La Gateda with a view of an elevated area exactly due East on the Intermediary North Pole alignment. Significantly that hill, 10km away in the middle of nowhere, is labeled as Medio Mundo, which translates as "Middle (Centre) of the World" (12º 00' 11.3" N, 84º 43' 35" W). Other nearby hills are smaller and not labeled. The author suspects that the name of the hill has been carried forward for several thousand years as indicating an important place.
South American Observation Positions
Ecuador, Parque Arquelogico Cochasqui, (00º 03' 17" N, 78º 18' 20" W) - This location north of Quito is 35km from its likely remote marker 5790m high Volcan Cayambe (00 01' 30" N, 77 59' 24" W) on the present equator. The marker is due East on the Intermediary North Pole alignment.
Venezuela, Atures Rapids on Orinoco River (4º 58’ 30” N, 67º 49’ W) - Petroglyphs on islands are said to include a large one of a “horned serpent”, which is a frequent description of the Venus Comet.
Peru, Sito Arquelogico de Panamarca, Peru (9º 12' 22" S, 78º 22' 30" W) - This location on an island in a dried river, has a tall snowy range with five aligned peaks to its East by its Intermediary North Pole location. The most northerly peak Tocllaraju of 6034m (9º 20' 50" S, 77º 23' 49" W) is exactly on that due East alignment and 109km away. It fits the pattern as the remote marker.
Peru, Machu Picchu, (13º 09' 45" S, 72º 32' 45" W) - This remote location is renown for its complexity and the apparent difficulty in its creation. The viewing location is thought to have been at Huayna Picchu (13º 09’ 22.4” N, 72º 32’ 47.3” W) which is up-slope from Machu Picchu. The remote marker would then be restricted to the snow covered peak (13º 10’ 10” S, 72º 34’ 30” W) on the ridge 15km eastward on the Intermediary North Pole alignment.
Bolivia, Tiwanaku (16º 33' 20" S, 68º 40' 23" W) - There are very obvious remains of an elevated observation platform at the east side of the Tiwanaku site. It has an Intermediary North Polar alignment with the very prominent snow-covered mountain Illimani (16º 38' S, 67º 47' W)(6438m) 98km due East as its remote marker.
Chile, San Pedro de Atacama, Mirador Pukara de Quito (22º 53' 35" S, 68º 13' 15" W). Located in the Atacama Desert. It is a created plaza with gateway facing East. The strato-volcano Cerro Toro (elev. 5604m) is 46km due East on the Intermediary North Pole alignment at (22º 56' 05" S, 67º 46' 30" W). It would have been the remote marker for this site and is snow-covered most of the year. San Pedro has a large area filled with ruins, currently labelled as an old "fortress".
Argentina, Andes, Pucara (Fortress) de Tilcara (23º 35’ 09.5” S, 65º 24’ 13” W). Located in a N-S mountain valley with a view due East by pre-13k YA North Pole alignment through another mountain valley to a mountain peak 12km away. A monument located at the Fortress site is positioned at the crossing of those two views and is virtually on the equator of that pre-13k YA alignment.
Brazil, State of Santa Catarina, Jaguaruna, south Mound (28º 36' 27.5" S, 49º 01' 00" W) views a promontory into the South Atlantic Ocean (Farol Santa Marto (28º 36' 13" S, 48º 48' 48.5" W) that is 19km due East on the Intermediary North Pole setting. Whether the Mound is man-made or natural is unknown, as it has been noted but not researched. Some have dismissed it as a "garbage mound" (shell midden).
Asian and Pacific Observation Positions
Iran, Susa (Shusha) Ziggurat (3º 11' 18" N, 48º 15' 00" E) Its ruins are not much more than shadows on the ground, but the orientation of parts of its base can be ascertained. A remote marker, due east of the pre-13k YA North Pole alignment, could have been the snow-topped Mt. Damavand (35º 57'15" N, 52º 06" 35" E) 5609 m elev. and 550km away. It is the tallest volcano in Asia.
Oman, Jebel al Harim (25º 58’ 40” N, 56º 13’ 52” E) Mountain top was accessible but no nearby buildings or ruins were seen. The view due East on the then pre-13k YA North Pole alignment, showed a mountain range in Iran with a high peak, 122km away, as a potential remote marker.
Afghanistan, Sialk (38º 38’ 05” N, 51º 24’ 15” E). Said to have been the site of a step pyramid ca 5000 YA. No structure remains. One squarish ground pattern has a side aligned with the pre-13k YA North Pole as do a few nearby property lines. No remote marker is obvious. Rest of area markings are at all angles indicating multiple revisions.
Pakistan, Indus Valley, Mohenjo Daro (27º 19’ 30” N, 68º 08’ 00” E). Buildings, ruins and properties do not align with any of the three North Poles, pre-13k YA, Intermediary or Current. Closest to Current. Random arrangement very common.
Nepal, Kathmandu (27º 42’ N, 85º 21’ E) Ancient city, often rebuilt. Mt. Everest (28º 00’ N, 86º 55’ E) 156km due East on the Intermediary North Pole alignment, may have been its remote marker.
China, Xian, Maoling, so-called White Pyramid (34º 20' 17" N, 108º 34' 07" E) was an Earthen mound with large flat top that was kept a white colour until after 1949. Currently is covered with green vegetation. Sides align with pre-13k YA North Pole. Remote marker appears to be Xingyanangou mountain (34º 27’ 30” N, 109º 51’ 45” E) 120km away on a true East alignment by that Pole.
China, Qinling District, Qinlingcun (34º 22' 59" N, 109º 15' 12" E) Large earthen mound with pointed top. Sides align with current North Pole indicating siting after 5000 BCE. A ridge in Huazho Dist (34º 23’ N, 109º 48’ E) 50km along the East alignment of that Pole may have been a remote marker.
Japan, Yonagoni Is., peak at (24º 27’ 16” N, 122º 57’ 54’ E) aligns due East by pre-13kYA North Pole with Ishigaki Mountain (24º 25’ 29” N, 124º 10’ 41” E) in Isomoto Ishigaki National Park 123km distant. The alignments of the massive stone structures submerged on the south coast of Yonagoni are unknown.
Japan, Pyramids at Mt. Ena, (35º 26’ 32.6” N, 137º 35’ 35.8” E) are on a ridge. Their due East alignments by both the pre-13k YA Pole and Intermediary Pole, have the highest point on Mt. Fuji 103km away at (35º 22’ 00” N, 138º 43’ 47”E) as their remote marker.
Indonesia, East Java, Gunung Padang, Megalithic Site (7º 00' 00" S, 107º 03' 22" E) is a high mound with columnar basalt scattered over it. No decision if it was naturally scattered or if it is the ruins of some construction. It is 885m elevation and 150km away from a potential remote marker, Mt. Cereme Volcano (6º 53' 43" S, 108º 24' 27" E) on the East alignment of the Intermediary North Pole.
Indonesia, East Java, Garut, Gunung Sadahurip (7º 10’ 47” N, 108º 02’ 39” E). A pyramid appearing mountain looks like that from three sides. The fourth side has multiple ridges running down the slope. No side comes close to aligning with any of the three known North Poles.
Australia, NSW, Brisbane Water Park, Kariang Mound east end (33º 26' 36" S, 151º 19' 20" E). It is thought by some to have historical connections. To this author, the Mound appears natural and the view to sea from it passes narrowly between two other hills. Copacabana Point (33º 29' 30" S, 151º 24' 30" E) is on the South Pacific Ocean 12km due East on the Intermediary North Pole setting. No created structures related to it were noted.
Australia, QSL, Gympie (26º 10’ 08” S, 152º 41’ 35” E). A pyramidal flat-topped stone mound with wide steps. A possible remote marker is an unnamed high hill at 26º 13’ 02” S, 152º 53’ 26” E on the due East alignment by the pre-13k YA North Pole.
New Caledonia Island, Les Grottes (Caves) de Koumac (20º 32’ 06.7” S, 164º 20’ 17” E). A squared platform aligned to the pre-13k YA North Pole with an obvious peak 7km away on due East alignment.
European Observation Positions
England, Amesbury, Stonehenge (51º 10' 45" N, 1º 49' 35" W). While there is no pyramid at this location, the positioning of some of the great stones of the henge, fits an alignment with the Intermediary North Pole, indicating its erection between 6000 - 5000 BCE. That polar alignment passes through the centre of the third mound from the west of the Cursus Barrows that are north of the Henge, then midway in the opening in the northwest of the circle, along the west sides of two trilithons and the ends of two more. It then passes midway between the two largest unconnected trilithons and exits the circle between two portal stones to the southeast. The lone flat stone to the east of the henge aligns with celestial East for the Intermediary North Pole, making it the necessary remote marker for sky watching. Stonehenge was an observatory for the Venus Comet.
- Assessing Stonehenge against the pre-13k YA alignments of the celestial North Pole and its due East component, shows that the North alignment to the centre of the henge passes through the Stonehenge Cursus currently to the northwest at (51 11' 06" N, 7 50' 08" W). The east alignment for that pole follows a faded ground marking and the edge of a wooded area beyond (51º 11' 05" N, 14º 07' 57" W). No remote marker was identified. These markings suggest that Stonehenge was created before 13k YA, and rebuilt after the 6493 BCE “flip’. It does not seem to have been further modified after the planet "flip" around 5000 BCE.
- Woodhenge (east of Stonehenge) (51º 11’ 21.8” N, 1º 47’ 08.8” W). Positioning of post-holes suggests a pre-13k YA erection. It is a simpler and earlier design than Stonehenge. The North Pole alignment enters the circles of post-holes at (51º 11’ 22.4” N, 1º 47’ 09.5” W) between the 10th -11th posts of the outer ring from the worn area on the north side. It passes through the centre and leaves aligned to three posts and between the 18th and 19th outer ring posts on the south side. The true West alignment of that Pole from the centre of the Woodhenge grazes the north side of the 4th pole south of the worn area.
England, Old Sarum Fortress (51º 05’ 35.6” N, 1º 48’ 17.2” W) site dated by others as ca.3000 BCE. Portway Road, which runs through Old Sarum Town, suggests an alignment through the site of the fort prior to its current form. It aligns as due East of a North Pole at 67º 30’ N, 510 W. The North and East lines cross at (51º 05’ 35.6” N, 1º 48’ 14” W) which might have been the centre of an earlier mound or an observation spot. This North Pole location may have existed between the third and fourth “flips” of the Earth, (5744-4876 BCE) and Portway Road indicates the earlier sighting direction to a Remote Marker. Might the traffic circle on entering Old Sarum have been its location,1.2km away? This use is conjecture.
Wales, Pembrokeshire, Waun Mawn Stones (51º 58’ 15.5” N, 4º 47’ 31.5” W) believed have been a ring of bluestones like Stonehenge. The Intermediary North Pole to the centre of the ring has a due East alignment centred in a then wide space between the stones on both East and West sides. No remote marker has been detected. Immediately above the circle, is an East-West line on the ground on that alignment.
Scotland, Orkney Islands, Skara Brae village (59º 02’ 56” N, 30º 20’ 28.7” W). Remote marker is hill (58 17’ 08” N, 3 00’ 12” W) due East 33km away by pre-13k YA North Pole.
Scotland, St. Kilda Islands, peak on Hirta Is. (57º 49’ 11” N, 8º 35’ 10” W). Remote marker 8km away on due East alignment by Intermediary North Pole at peak on Stac an Armin Is. north of Boreray Is. at (57º 52’ 46.6” N, 8º 29’ 47.9” W)
Scotland, West Dunbartonshire, Faifly, Auchnacraig, Cochno Farm (55º 56’ 20” N, 4º 23’ 30” W)
Cochno Stone with a sky star map indicative of astronomical observations regarding the Venus Comet. Original stone 13m x 7.9m, currently covered as a low mound for safe-keeping, is located at (55º 56’ 36.6” N, 4º 24’ 20.5” W) 690m to the NNE of estate Manor House at the back of the property. (See Venus Story. Pg 23) The Manor House, an old multiple dwelling and numerous property lines match the Intermediary North Pole location alignment. No remote marker has been determined.
Ireland, Armagh, Navan, Armagh Fort (54º 20’ 38” N, 6º 42’ 10” W) Alignments were found for sightings made from the pre-13k YA North Pole, and for the Intermediary North Pole. Both focus on a large circle centred at (54º 20’ 52” N, 6º 41’ 49.5” W) with two mounds in it. If an East alignment related to the Current Pole was created, it has not been found.
Alignment from pre-13k YA Pole: to a 90m diam. grassed circle centred at (54º 20’ 35.8” N, 6º 42’ 17.8” W). Its 700m East alignment is with the centre of the smaller circle mentioned above at (54º 20’ 52” N, 6º 41’ 49.5” W).
Alignment from Intermediary Pole: to a grassed area at a disturbed area on a a line at (54º 20’ 41.6” N, 6º 42’ 20.7” W). Its 637m East alignment is with the centre of larger mound mentioned above at (54º 20’ 52.8” N, 6º 41’ 53.7” W).
Ireland, Meath, Newgrange Tomb (53º 41’ 41” N, 6º 29’ 32” W). Entrance is due South of the tomb peak on pre-13k YA North Pole alignment. All the following measurements conform to the Intermediary North Pole alignment to the entrance that passes a little to the East of the tomb peak. The mound likely served as a raised viewing location. A Cursus circle (53º 41’ 44” N, 6º 28’ 22” W) is close to the tomb on the due East alignment to the Intermediary Pole. It was likely not high enough to be the viewing spot. That due East line by the Intermediary North Pole continues to the top of Clogherhead Peak (53 47’ 41.4” N, 6 13’ 24.2” W) as a Remote Marker 20km away. The details indicate that the tomb was originally constructed before 13k YA and was not altered when the North Pole moved. Sightings on the Venus Comet approaches at this site did not begin until sometime between 13k YA - 8.5k YA.
France, Nice, Pyramide de Falicon (43º 45' 00" N, 7º 15' 37" E) Piled stone structure with sides aligned with the Intermediary North Pole. It was built over a cave that descends with stairs and levels. No remote marker has been identified.
France, Marseille, location of the Basilique de Notre Dame de la Garde (43º 17’ 03’ N, 5º 22’ 16” E) . While no part of the church building itself has an old alignment, it was found that the carved rock wall to the East of the building beyond “Rue Fort du Sanctuaire” is aligned due North by the Intermediary North Pole as does the wall east of the “Terrain de Basket”. South of the “Coeur des Bois”, a portion of the edge aligns due E-W on that same Intermediary North Pole. Using the East alignment of that Pole suggests the Col des Escaoupes (43º 20’ 30” N, 5º 31’ 02” E) and 13km away, as a remote marker.
Spain, Cueca, Canete (40º 02' 21" N, 1º 38' 40" W) Base of old stone pyramid with side aligned with pre-13k YA North Pole. Remote marker is thought to be on an outcrop 108km due East by that pole, on an unnamed mountain at (40º 31' 15" N, 00º 32' 19" W).
Spain, Algeciras, Parque Centenario (36º 06’ 25.5” N, 5º 26’ 02” W). The north peak of the Rock of Gibraltar (Great Britain)(36º 08’ 37” N, 5º 20’ 36.7” W) due East 9km by pre-13k YA North Pole alignment, may have been used as its remote marker.
Spain, Cartagena (37º 36’ 10” N, 00º 59’ 10” W). West side of inner harbour has many streets and buildings aligned to pre-13k YA North Pole. To the North and East sides of the harbour, they align to Intermediary North Pole.
Portugal, Azores, Terceira Island (38º 40' N, 27º 10' W) Report(5) of an underwater pyramid approx. 90x90m and 60m high, off the se corner of the island. It is "faced by the cardinal spots". Alignments of the pre-13k YA and Intermediary North Poles at this site are not quite the current Pole alignment. Alignment of many properties use those old poles. These alignments indicate construction before and between those dates.
Germany, Lower Saxony, Kassel (51º 18’ 57” N, 9º 29” 52” E) Views due East of a pre-13k YA North Pole alignment, shows alignment with a very noticeable high hill with a high point at Brocken, Saxony-Anhalt (51º 47” 55” N, 10º 30’ 55” E).
Italy, Bomarzo (42º 28’ 52” N, 12º 15’ 50” E). Although called an “Etruscan Pyramid”, it does not have a pyramidal shape. It has been carved from volcanic rock with multiple elevated platforms. Some outlines suggest a possible alignment with either the pre-13k YA or Intermediary North Poles, but not likely the current one. This would suggest a date prior to 5000 BCE. No possible remote marker has been identified.
Italy, Roma, city street Via Giulia from Ponte Principe Amedeo Savoia Aosta (41º 54’ 00” N, 12º 27’ 54” E) southeast to Ponte Sisto (41º 53’ 34” N, 12º 28’ 16” E). This was the only location found with a 13k YA North Pole alignment. It is beside the Tiber River and creates a one block of buildings depth to the river. Suspect that this was in the oldest portion of Roma and this street is very old, the buildings having been replaced multiple times without having boundaries altered.
Italy, Sicily, Enna, Piramide Pietrapersiza. (37º 22’ 41.2” N, 14º 09’ 39” E) In very poor repair. Remote marker is Mt. Etna cone (37º 45’ 00” N, 15º 00’ 00” E) 84km East on pre-13k YA North Pole alignment. Adjacent stone structure appears to be separate alignment.
Bosnia, Visoki, (43º 58' 35" N, 18º 10' 35" E) nw of Sarajevo, has a vegetation-covered pyramid with sides aligned exactly on the current North Pole. Due West of the pyramid at 735m is a perfect circle on flat land lower than the base of the pyramid (43º 58' 32.3" N, 18º 10' 03.6" E). This pyramid may have been used in the same manner as the three pyramids on the Giza plateau in Egypt. The observer stands at the circle and uses the peak of the pyramid to track the Venus Comet in the sky. [Which see above in this Appendix.] These readings indicate that this pyramid was created to track the "Destroyer" after the Polar Flip in 4876 BCE, with our planet in a new orbit.
- The author also considered if the pyramid, being of dirt and/or rock might have been reworked from the material of a possible previous pyramidal structure on that site. That structure would have been aligned on the Intermediary North Pole (6493-5744 BCE). He determined that such an alteration was very probable.
- The builders were able to make large changes in the alignment of the viewer's field of vision with relatively minor changes in the shape of this pyramid, and the position of the viewer's observation circle. All the needed materials were at hand. This would have been the easiest and quickest way to get this Comet Sighting position back into action with the new alignments. The author cannot provide the exact previous locations of the peak on the top of the pyramid, and the observation point was likely in the same flat-land below.
Romania, Sona (46º 14’ 40” N, 24º 00’ 35” E). “Mud” pyramid-shaped mounds of unknown origin appear to be aligned with the current North Pole or randomly but not with each other or either of the two earlier Poles.
Greece, Athens, Acropolis - Old Athena statue in the ruins (37º 58’ 18.5” N, 23º 43’ 32.5” E) aligns with pre-13k YA North Pole as do foundation blocks of old wall on NW of today’s ruins. A possible remote marker was a mountain top (38º 03’ 46” N, 23º 55’ 52” E) 20km away, due East of the above alignment of the statue base and quite visible from the Acropolis.
Armenia, Ancient Dvin (40º 00’ 27.5” N, 44º 35’ 00’8” E) Old Citadel base aligns with pre-13kYA North Pole. Remote marker was likely a mountain due East. A settlement of Late Bronze and Early Iron age period was discovered under the citadel of Dvin.(6)
Azerbaijan, Baku, Maiden Tower (40º 21’ 58.3” N, 49º 50’ 13.7” E) - There are multiple legends regarding its name, many telling of the fiery-haired virgin girl (the Venus Comet?) who saved Baku's people from slavery by defeating an enemy. The tower has a known history of fire altars inside on different levels during the Zoroastrian period. Estimated dates of construction and use extend from 1000 BCE to the Islamic era. This structure does not align with any of the three known North Poles and does not have any apparent remote marker,
Turkey, Troia (Troy old central buildings 40º 28’ 42” N, 27º 44’ 03” E) align with the Intermediary North Pole (6493-4876 BCE). A mountain at the west end of Bandirma Penin. in the Sea of Marmora at 40º 26’ 42” N, 27º 44’ 03” E may have been the remote marker due East 140km on the above alignment.
Turkey (Mountain of Nimrod) (37º 57' 50" N, 38º 44' 27" E), almost due north of the Gobekli Tepe site, has a 50m high mound built on top of a 2134m mountain including a well-built settlement, and a "temple" adjacent to it. An obvious path still climbs to a cleared spot at the top. Due East by the orientation of the Intermediate North Pole (6493-4876 BCE), is the year-round snow-covered Agri Dagi (White Mountain) volcano, 5137m high. Westerners call it Mt. Ararat. These two peaks are 520km apart and an observer on Nemrut Dagi is only able to sight the peak of Agri Dagi because his position is raised substantially, and the other peak is the highest in Europe and is snow-covered. This could have been a place used by the astronomer-priests to search for the Venus Comet. At a much later date, about 80 BCE, long after the Comet had disappeared, a king had his tomb built on the site(7).
Turkey, Lake Van area, island in Batmis Golu (Lake) to north (38º 53’ 54.5” N, 42º 40’ 21” E). With lower water levels in area known to have existed, the structure in Lake Van at Adilceviz(8) would have been useable and Batmis Lake, which was aligned with the Intermediary Pole, much lower. The eastern peak of Mt. Suphan (38º 55’ 30.3” N, 42º 48’ 38.8” E) was 13km away on the due East alignment of that Pole.
Lots of questions ....... Few answers.
Do you have other penetrating questions or perhaps some answers or even wild thoughts?
See next page !!
Suppose --- A Speculation
- A large planet, let's call it the Proto-Venus, smashed into the original planet Uranus of our Solar System. Where it originated is unknown. There is a brilliant explosion of light that bathed all parts of Earth. It is remembered as a nova dating from long, long ago.
- The remnants of that crash became drawn into two spacial bodies. Some pieces were heated up and became compacted as the planet Uranus. It is known today as a badly damaged planet. A much smaller portion in a huge cloud of debris, still glowing hot from the collision, flew away on its own orbit within the Solar System. We refer to it for now, as the Venus Comet. Left-over pieces perhaps trailed the Comet. Some may have eventually ended up as the Asteroid Belt.
- The new Venus in a Comet form began circling the Sun in a highly elliptical orbit that extended to the orbit of today's Uranus. It crossed the orbits of some of the other planets twice every seven years. Each time as it was drawn to the Sun and around it, the Comet with the planet Venus came very close to the Orbit of the Earth. Data from Greenland ice shows that it was already circling 50,000 Years Ago. It was tracked by viewers on Earth while it was closer than the orbit of Saturn. It remained within the Solar System and terrorised people on Earth.
- 13,000 Years Ago there was a catastrophe. Earth and the Venus Comet had a "very close encounter", likely as a result of the orbit of the Comet being altered a little elsewhere by another planet. The Earth was reversed on its polar axis causing the known stars to disappear. When the Comet was very close to the Earth's atmosphere, both caught fire across the sky. The mass of the Comet caused huge oceanic tides to surge across much of our lands.
- The Earth's population did recover, at least in part. It became quite skilled in mathematics, astronomy, construction in stone and metals, navigation, energy manipulation, agriculture and quite possibly other tasks of which we are not aware. They seem to have been able to rapidly communicate on a world-wide basis although no written language has been identified. They also appear to have sailed the oceans extensively, and there are mentions of them “traveling rapidly” from place to place, but not how they did it, nor how fast.
- They established a location on the Giza Plateau, Egypt from which to track the Venus Comet, and created the structure we call the Sphinx. They thought of it as a "Watcher" for the Comet. The Comet was described as the "Destroyer". The Watcher was said to indicate in some fashion when the Destroyer would NOT be coming Earthward. This implies that the lack of a sign indicated that the viewer should assume that the Comet was still expected to come. Human observers, skilled in observations of the skies, would have watched for appearances of the Comet at precalculated times as "expected events".
- The non-appearance of the Comet at that time and for a length of time afterwards, would be taken as indicating that the Comet had been diverted from its orbit. The Earth might no longer be threatened with a catastrophe. It would be cause for letting everyone know and having a huge (noisy?) celebration. If it appeared, they used their created structures that may have allowed them to make determinations of the Comet’s speed and orbit, and possible Earth effects. Other potential Watching locations, thought to have been staffed with human observers, have been identified world-wide.
(1) "The Kolbrin: On Who Built The Great Sphinx, And Why" by Yvonne Whiteman Published 10th March 2018
(2) Gerald Massey: "The natural genesis, or, second part of a book of the beginnings: containing an attempt to recover and reconstitute the lost origins of the myths and mysteries, types and symbols, religion and language, with Egypt for the mouthpiece and Africa as the birthplace." vol. 1. Black Classic Press, 1998, ISBN 1574780107, p.224-228.
(3) Stefan Eggers: Das Pyramidenkapitel in Al-Makrizi`s "Hitat". BoD, 2003, ISBN 3833011289, p. 13-20.
(4) Egypt Breakthrough: ‘Lost Fourth Pyramid of Giza Found’ After the Remarkable Discovery February 11,2020 Archeology World Team
(5) "Immense Underwater Pyramid In Portugal Could Be The Missing Link Of Atlantis", the lifehacker.org February 24, 2020
(6) Historum - “Undiscovered Ancient Pyramid in Armenia”, Artaxata Start date Nov 5, 2019
(7) "Pyramids in Turkey" on CrystalinkS website on 2020-11-26
(8) “Ancient Castle Discovered Beneath Turkey's Lake Van”. By Owen Jarus, 2017-11-28 (2 articles)