A Story of the Planet Venus
Looking For The Planet Venus Prior to 1200 BC
by John M. Collins Sarnia, Ont., Canada 2021
Other Effects on Our Planet
The next portion of this story deals with examining a multitude of effects on the Earth. The author begins by recognising that many readers will be quite critical of the thoughts that are being put forward in this portion of this story. They will say that this is speculation, .. and it is.
Neither he nor anyone else today has witnessed a planetary encounter up close and made detailed notes of it. We have no real-life experience of such an event with its unbelievable global forces and speeds. Our observation of the Shoemaker-Levi Comet breaking into pieces and diving into Jupiter some years ago, was just a “teaser” that proved that such events were possible and could happen in our time. The Taiwanese/Chinese myth entitled "Fire & Water" gives seemingly eye witness details pertaining to the events of that 13,000 YA catastrophe(1) but not the severity caused by the pole movement. [See Appendix 2 - China]
Ice Age Megafauna
An observation, made regarding the 13,000 YA event, is that North America appears to have been swept clear of most fauna. Some researchers explain the disappearance of ice age animals, as "the Clovis people killed them off before themselves vanishing". Or was it an unknown disease? Or perhaps the dating methods for that period are skewed! Or the weather warmed faster than they could adapt. Similarly there are "blank" areas in much of Europe and other parts of the world. The absence of fossils and remains, dated to that period and immed-iately following, is ignored by researchers! The author attributes their disappearance to the worldwide Flood.
A recent paper(2) discusses the end of the woolly mammoths on Wrangel Island north of the Bering Sea. Those authors claim that the animals died out from gene degradation caused by interbreeding in a small population. They fail to question why the population became so small. The author of this Venus Story believes that the Venus Comet, having caused the world-wide Flood including the Beringia Sea basin, forced surviving animal life in this area to move to the highest elevations to find safety and edible vegetation.
Crustal movement eventually carried Wrangel Is. from a latitude like 500 North to today's 710 North. This resulted in less sunlight, a greatly reduced grassy area as sea level rose 90 m, a shorter growing season and salt water soaked soils. Those conditions would dictate the extinction of the beasts by starvation and fresh water dehydration. In addition the "woolly coats" which we use to define them, would have to come from a variance in their genes. The very inadequate gene patterns mentioned in the above reference would be consistent with a species under-going a substantial change in a period of severe stress. Should the trapped animals try walking across sea-ice to the closest land, they might starve or freeze before getting there, or break through the ice and drown. Today's researchers will find no trace of most of them.
Water on the Move
The author's view is that that the Flood was a result of both the close proximity of the mass of the planet Venus and the torquing of the planet during the “Dance of the Dynamos” causing very high tides of salt water, driven by its inertia, to rise out of the ocean basins and run across the land. People in some areas were on higher ground or had the means to float on its surface. Large numbers of animals and people in the path of the water, would have been killed. The water would tumble their bodies mercilessly as the torrents ran back to the ocean basins. In the Yukon and Alaska, some mammoth bodies did not reach the sea. They were rapidly buried and then preserved in frozen "muck", a mixture of water, dirt, rocks and large trees. They were discovered by recent gold mining operations washing away the muck. The excellent preservation of their bodies and even the food in their mouths and stomachs, required very rapid freezing.
How do you completely flash-freeze a mammoth?
Was that part of our planet exposed to the airless, deep cold of outer space? Animal life forms would be asphyxiated, and along with plant life, be deep-frozen instantly. The presence of man and beast, and their food chain, was also wiped out in the central part of North America and most of the lower-elevation part of the continent in that calamity.
It has been noted that the earliest arriving North American Native Civilizations, travelled the width and breadth of the continent, populating it as they went.(3) Some of them settled east of the Appalachian Mountains. This area would extend from the ice-capped glacier likely in the area of New Brunswick, Canada, south to Florida, USA. That area would have included a portion of the large, now submerged continental shelf out to the Grand Banks of Newfound-land, and along the coast. Their descendants know of legends of the Flood "involving the other side of the mountains". Some carried the stories with them as they later moved westward as the food chain was re-established.
Plains tribes in the centre of the continent, have no memories of the Flood unless they have "borrowed" them from others. Some tribes in the western mountains have very localised stories of the original Flood, an example of which is provided below. Some others recount that their ancestors frantically climbed higher and higher in the mountains to escape the water. Those that couldn't climb high enough or fast enough, did not get to tell their stories.
The following quote on the remembrances of native North American people of the west coast is very interesting in the parallels to details that I have developed in this work. These memories seem to have been passed along as personal narratives of the event.
"It was said that the end came without warning.
Once, long ago, as the people slept, the sun came out at night. It shot flaming arrows across the heavens which burst into thousands of fragments which fell to the earth. The people were startled out of their sleep by a rumbling and quaking of the earth. The skies above them were on fire. The waters of the lakes and oceans rose. Soon the waves became mountains of water that rose against the shores. The sun was blotted out and darkness covered the great green land and water. Terrified, the people ran to the hills to get away from the pounding water. For days the earth rumbled and quaked. Torrents of rain began coming down so fierce that water sprouted up out of the ground everywhere, overflowing the creeks and rivers. The people who knew where there was a cave high up on the mountain fled to it and saved themselves, all of those who stayed behind were drowned. It rained for a long, long time until all the valleys and low-lands became one churning sea, only the tops of the highest mountains remained uncovered, where the people stood huddled together listening to the wails below as countless bodies were tossed upon the angry waves, and then sank to their graves in the unknown depths.
Then a rain of ashes began to fall…”
– Reminisces from Native American Flood Myths, recorded by Ella E. Clark (Indian Legends of the Pacific Northwest).
The author has come to strongly suspect that Central North America was destroyed by water rushing northward out of the Gulf of Mexico as perhaps as well as flooding from the Arctic Ocean along the east side of the Rockies to the middle of the continent, but this is not proven. He thinks that between those mountains and the Laurentian Ice Cap, a North-South channel was melted out by that time.
When trying to visualise what it must have been like, the Reader must "Think Big, Very Big". This was not a three-day rain that backed up the sewers; it was "The FLOOD" ! The Earth being flipped end for end, ensured that the oceans would go wild! A very interesting reference to those events was found in native lore in Central America that mentions both the Flood and the polar movement. (See Appendix 2 - Serpent & Dragon Lore - Nicaraguan)
The following brief statement, attributed to native people in North America but without a source, is intriguing.
"It is said that very long ago, a man saw a wall of water as high as the sky, coming from the north."
Take time to visualise that scene. The story implies an eye-witness who survived the event and told it to another. Coming "out of the north" might be out of the Arctic Ocean, and would be consistent with the premise of a warmer Arctic Ocean existing prior to the 13,000 YA catastrophe, and then the Polar Shift, as discussed in this Venus Story. (See Appendix 2 - Serpent & Dragon Lore - North America Legends - Pima of southwest Arizona, USA)
Flood Effects
The Flood could also have streamed through the West Coast mountains onto the plains and to have poured in from the south and west. When all of this started, it must be remembered that sea level was 100 metres below what it is today.
All of that water returned to the ocean. It would carve rivers westward through the mountains. It would establish the paths of the Mississippi River and its tributaries into the Gulf of Mexico. The Columbia, Rio Grande, Sacramento, Fraser, Mississippi and Colorado river systems should each be reevaluated for this deluge. The last four formed huge deltas.
The Colorado River appears to have filled in the north end of the Gulf of California, isolating the Salton Sea, which is now below sea level. Contrary to the views of most geologists, the author suspects that much of the incredible carving of the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon dates to this time period. Dating the break-away events of the rocks, is a non-starter. The Columbia carved its own path plus the Snake River chasms and the Scablands. In addition, it gouged the continental shelf off Astoria, OR. The Fraser likewise carved its path through the Rockies. The strong-flowing waters would tear huge chunks of rock apart and smash them into bits and pieces, and sand.
The Mississippi/ Missouri/ Ohio/ Tennessee river systems made wide trenches in which they now just meander through the centre of the continent. It is not by chance that the Mississippi River follows the Madrid Fault southward into the Gulf of Mexico. Much of the land that is present-day Louisiana, including well north of the coastline to the east and west of the state's boundaries, is part of its delta extending far into the Gulf. Unlike the others, the Sacramento left its detritus inland from the Pacific coast, between present day Antioch and Stockton, CA suggesting that it debouched into a basin of water. The Rio Grande, dividing Texas and Mexico, owns substantial rock cuts along its path. All of these "carvings" would be a dramatic, forceful, tearing away of the rocky layers rather than a gentle erosion over millions of years.
The St. Lawrence River Valley, on the east side of the continent, follows an ancient continental collision joint. During the ice age, its valley was blocked with ice to the sea. At the time of the 13k YA catastrophe, the author suspects that a huge inland sea flooded the area of Lake Ontario and north of the Niagara escarpment. Drainage of that water is thought to have been via Lake Champlain and the Hudson River, and also along the face of the glacier to the Atlantic Ocean. Once the level of Lake Ontario was lowered below the Niagara Escarpment, the continuing flow of the Flood waters and ice melting, cut into that Escarpment. Multiple ancient beach levels are noticeable when driving northward on Yonge St. in Toronto, ON., Canada. Estimates of the time needed to carve the Niagara River Gorge back to the present location of its Falls, while wildly variant, point to 10,000 - 15,000 years having elapsed.
Looking at the huge deltas associated with large rivers like the Amazon, and La Platte in South America; the Nile, Congo, Niger and Zambezi in Africa; and the Indus, Ganges, Mekong, Sittang in south Asia may provide interesting results. In other parts of the world, this degree of destruction seems not to have been documented. Possible causes are that perhaps it didn't occur in those areas, ..... or there was no one left to tell the story.
Chinese mythology attributes the creation of both the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers to massive floods of water coming eastward across the country and destroying earlier civilizations(4).
The gravitational effects of the Venus Comet on the seas would cause large transgressions of salt water onto the land as well as torrents raging between oceanic basins. Coastal areas would have severe flooding worldwide as the water surged one way and then rebounded back and forth several times. Areas soaked with sea water would be unproductive for more than a year, leaving many to starve. People and places in coastal areas would be largely wiped out. The Atlantis story fits this pattern. Earlier locations remained submerged when the sea level rose an estimated 25 m, and later on to present levels 100 m above the estimated values of 13,000 YA. Identification and examination of a particular spot is unlikely.
These same water movements would very likely smash the ice shelves between Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Scotland and Norway, as well as those encircling Antarctica. The gravitational effect on the Laurentide Ice Cap is uncertain. Was it strong enough to break some of the ice allowing the seawater that came ashore to carry ice back into the ocean? This would cause some immediate increase in sea level when the ice floated freely.
How far inland might the displaced waters of the oceans go? Recent work has been appearing on the Ponto-Caspian Basin or Lake which is believed to have been a very large salt-water sea within Eurasia that formed as a result of the Venus Comet encounter with our Earth. It encompassed the Black, Caspian and Aral Seas of eastern Europe and western Asia along with a large area of land(5). Depths of water, based on "shore-lines" varying from 25 to 225 metres above sea level (m.a.s.l.), suggest massive quantities being retained. Some authors focus on drainage patterns rather than the depths. Various reports all tell that the water is distinctly salty with similar salts to sea water diluted to about 1/3 the concentration, by rainfall. The dry ground of the basin today is saltier than normal. The salt contamination of the Ponto-Caspian steppes may have convinced the Yamana people of that area to move to greener fields in Europe and southwest Asia and south to today’s Mesopotamia.
The various Flood stories include details on the movement of water. It not only flooded across the land as never before seen, but rained from the sky seemingly continuously. Depending on the particular story, heavy rain fell for from five days to forty days. I suspect that the tumbling of our planet in the “Dynamo Dance” resulted in masses of sea water being repeatedly thrown into the skies, and further thrown around in the wildly disturbed atmosphere that blanketed the Earth. As the tumbling of the planet eased and then ceased, that water would fall as unbelievable downpours. Later story-tellers could not explain the source of all that water or to where it disappeared! It came from the oceans and eventually returned there.
Many of the ancient cultures discussed in Appendix 2 - Serpent & Dragon Lore have a strong, destructive Goddess of War who surprisingly also has the title "Goddess of Primeval or Salt Water". Very few of these cultures lived in any proximity to sea coasts! The people of Sumer, who are believed to have originated in the Ponto-Caspian Basin before moving south to Mesopotamia, are one of them. This titling implies that those cultures had a defining event that involved "salt water" or they have accepted such a "deity" from another culture.
Shifted Ice Caps?
Ice Age accumulations over the previous thousands of years appear to have been centred around an older pole of rotation which was determined by the author to be located at today's 65° 30' N, 51°W and 65° 30' S, 129° E. Ice core results at the Vostok Station in Antarctica show an accumulation for at least the previous 500,000 years. [See Appendix 3 - Ice Age Puzzle]
During the catastrophe of 13k YA the Earth is thought to have been altered in two ways:
> The entire Earth "flipped" end for end on its Polar Axis ! The morning Sun then rose in what had previously been referred to as "the West". The author believes that Earth's inertial forces would likely result this being an exact flip of 180 degrees. The actual axis of rotation of the Earth would have retained its orientation in space. Those Celestial Poles pointed at the same places in the sky as today, when precession is taken into account.
> Earth's crust is believed to have slid enmass over the core of the planet ! This changed the locations of the North and South Poles on the surface of the Earth, to new locations. Crustal change and damage is evident on the Pacific Coast of the Americas and in an increase in the elevation of the Himalaya Mountains. The author suspects, but cannot prove, that there was crustal damage to the island chains of the East Indies resulting in much more frequent earthquakes in that area today. Other locations may be possible.
The combined effects of these two movements of the Earth would be devastating on lands, people and other creatures. The water in the oceans would rise up and wash across much of the land. Whole areas of the Earth's surface would be wiped clean of inhabitants and vegetation. In addition those areas would be salt-water soaked, preventing their use by man or animal for at least a few years. That implies starvation and further mass deaths. The remaining Civilisation would be comprised of those who by fore-knowledge, good luck or location, managed "to stay dry" and had the ability to grow and hunt their own food. Those that we today might call "city folk" or "highly educated" or "leaders of the people" probably were decimated. Even if they survived the water, their food chain likely would be broken as they likely did not gather their own food. Much knowledge would be lost with them.
This pole shift had the effect of altering the climate in many areas: warming in Australia, New Zealand, North Africa, Europe and northeast North America; cooling in northwest North America, southern South America, South Africa, India, China, Japan, Siberia, Alaska, UK, and Scandinavia.
A study on the domestication of chickens in China(6) declares ".. while the earliest chicken bones were unearthed in northern China, most researchers insisted that chickens were exclusively domesticated in a warm climate, ie. in South and Southeast Asia. However, massive environmental changes are well documented for the North China Plain during the past 10,000 years, including changes in temperature, humidity, climate, and hydrogeological conditions, with corresponding changes in flora and fauna. Abundant remains of tropical animal and plant species excavated at the Cishan and Nanzhuangtou sites testify that the North China Plain was warmer and more humid, with much larger forest cover during the early Holocene." (ie. before 13,000 YA). That area was about the then 150 North Latitude which would make it much warmer. In addition the Earth had a smaller orbit closer to the Sun.
- Africa was not likely much changed in temperature. Most of its pre-13k YA mass was north of the then equator. However its climate was and is very dependent on equatorial winds, resulting in some changes in rainfall and warmth.
- The author, in determining the likely arrangement of the Earth's Latitudes prior to 13k YA (see Appendix 8 - Pre-13k YA Latitudes), found frequent indication of buildings and land area boundaries oriented to the pre-13k YA North Pole. He indicates those locations in the tables of that Appendix with single asterisks (*). He used Google Earth and his technique was to drop a due-south line from his determined old North Pole location of 650 30' N, 510 W and to look for matches with that line. They were frequently found on ocean shores where a river entered the sea, ie. sheltered from the waves and had an available source of fresh water. Finding coastal places is very dependent on the flooding as sea level rose from the LGM level of 125m below today to pre-Flood level of 100m below today. Other places would be found inland from there as a communities grew. In India, the area of Gujarat south of the Gulf of Kutch, was widely settled. The northerly portion has no indications. The holy site of Islam, the Kaaba in Mecca, Arabia, has that orientation with its own entrance facing due south by this old orientation of the North Pole. It existed long before Mohammad's time and was rededicated by him to the "only God".
In Greek mythology, the flood of 13k YA is known as the Ogygian Flood, named, it is said for the King of ancient Athens, Ogyges. Additionally it is referred to as the Flood of Atlantis. It is remembered as an event by cultures around the world.
- A possible site for Plato's Atlantis, [see reference 3 at beginning] was as a port on the huge delta of the Guadalquivir River on the west coast of Iberia, north of Cadiz, Spain. Being at sea level, ocean-going vessels could reach and unload in the city centre via the canals that are described. The Lisbon, Portugal earthquake fault line, now well off-shore, seems to have passed nearby. Much of the western part of that delta would be liquified in the shaking of the earthquake. It would slide beneath the rising waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Structures would simply sink into it. No evidence on the land nearby has been identified other than the rich Rio Tinto mountains and their mines. Those very old mines still have working properties and reclaimed areas aligned to the pre-13k YA North Pole.(7) These alignments confirm that mining was in operation at the time of the global catastrophe of that date. If, as the author suspects, the power known as Atlantis was established a short distance to the south in that delta, then these mines would have provided its wealth and its power. Mud flows on the bottom of the Golfo de Cadiz spread a long way from today’s shore. They may represent the collapsed earlier delta. Other thoughts of the author are given in Appendix 1 - Dated Events 11,053 BCE.
A totally different set of ideas on the possible location of of Atlantis, was developed by the author, and is presented here. He posits a central marine city might have been on the coast of west Africa at a location known today as Guinea-Bissau (100 51' 5" N, 150 11' 5" W). It too is in the mouth of a river with multiple islands on a shallow delta on the continental shelf. Many buildings, properties and roads in that area today, align with that 13k YA North Pole. Additionally, the author measured that it rests exactly on the 300 N latitude as measured from that older polar centre. Very interestingly that latitude line of that time also passed exactly through the large pyramids of Egypt and the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. [See Appendix 8 - Pre-13k YA Latitudes - 300 N] It is "outside the Pillars of Hercules" and neither Plato nor Solon provided any details that conflict with it. The author does not know of seismic issues there, but it would have suffered from the surging tide of sea water driven by the “Flip” of our planet at that date. That location today has the advantage of being the closest point of Africa to the Americas, and very close to the departure point of the strong prevailing winds across the Atlantic Ocean to the Caribbean Islands. This has long been a natural sailing passage. The author is not aware of anyone else’s examination of that location.
- In concert with this location, we have details based on DNA work, of African people of the Mandinka culture from that area, who are associated with the Olmec culture in the Vera Cruz area of Mexico. They are depicted in Maya artwork as wealthy, sea-going, black skinned merchants with West African features. They are interacting with Maya-featured people. The Mandinka inhabited western Africa south of the Sahara Desert including Guinea-Bissau mentioned above, and still do. (See Appendix 2 - Serpent & Dragon Lore - Olmec)
These same locations are consistent with Hopi mythology in Appendix 2 - Serpent & Dragon Lore - North American - Hopi.
Currently, a parallel situation to Atlantis is the seacoast city of New Orleans, LA, USA. It sits (floats?) on the huge water-soaked Mississippi delta. A major earthquake in the southern part of the Madrid fault, or a tsunami from a Gulf of Mexico fault (Hispaniola or Puerto Rico) would be deadly. Hurricanes repeatedly show the vulnerabilities of the city to severe flooding.
Black Sea Flood
Another event remembered in history and mythology is the Flooding of the Black Sea. It is remembered in Greek Mythology as the Flood of Dardanus. Specialists in mythology argue whether this was the Atlantis Flood or one of two others. This author believes that it best fits the Black Sea one. The Greek story says that the mountains of Thessaly were split. However that may be understood, it is apparent that there were tectonic forces at work in that area which may have extended to breakage of the land connection at the Bosphorus (Dardanelles) or deepening of the channel. See Appendix 1 - Dated Events 6493 BCE.
Crustal Movements and Mountains Springing Up
Referring again to the 13k YA event, we consider that with the twisting of the Earth and the pole shift, multiple volcanos likely erupted adding their ash and smoke to the skies. Did the Great Rift Valley that runs from central Africa north to the Red Sea and on to the Dead Sea and the Jordan River, fracture further? This might explain why the Dead Sea appears to be the remnant of a sizeable body of water that overflowed into the Red Sea. Were there sudden changes in the Mediterranean Basin? Might deep deposits of the Nile delta provide clues?
Some plates in the Earth's crust fractured and moved. On the west coast of Canada, the mountains were said to have dropped in height.(8) The coast of southern Peru and northern Chile thrust skyward to 3000m elevation to create the current coastal range of mountains including Lake Titicaca and the Atacama Desert.(9) The sea coast of southern Chile was subducted into the sea and had adjacent rising mountains(10). Archeological work in Tibet(11) suggests that there was uplift in the Himalayas.
Other locations remain to be examined for this time period. These identified events, noted above, coincided with the 13,000 YA catastrophe. They are indicative of a major planetary calamity, that decimated many civilizations of this world.
The author is certain that other events took place and will be identified when searched for. For example, was there a possible separation of Papua-New Guinea from the Indonesian chain of islands?This could account for the lack of a land bridge to Australia. Current logic (2020 CE) discounts this idea as it "does not know of any force great enough to cause such movement of the crust of the Earth in recent human times". This Venus Story does.
(1) "Fire & Water" downloaded from CHINESE FOLKTALE MYTHOLOGY 12 APRIL 2018 Discussed by Collins in Appendix 2.
(2) "Functional architecture of deleterious genetic variants in the genome of a Wrangel Island mammoth" by
Erin Fry, Sun K Kim, Sravanthi Chigurapti, Katelyn M Mika, Aakrosh Ratan, Alexander Dammermann, Brian J Mitchell, Webb Miller, Vincent J Lynch, and published in Genome Biology and Evolution, evz279, https://doi.org/10.1093/gbe/evz279 on 07 February 2020.
(3) See Appendix 7 - Coming to America - Long Before Columbus
(4) Ma, Z. B., Cheng, H., Tan, M., Edwards, R. L., Li, H. C., You, C. F., ... Kelly, M. J. (2012). "Timing and structure of the Younger Dryas event in northern China". Quaternary Science Reviews, 41, 83-93. DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2012.03.06
(5) "The Ice Age Rise and Fall of the Ponto Caspian" by Gallagher, R. On Scribd website on 2018-04-15
(6) "Early Holocene chicken domestication in northern China", Hai Xiang et al, PNAS December 9, 2014 111 (49) 17564-17569; https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1411882111
(7) Determined by author from Google Earth.
(8) Appendix 2 - Serpent & Dragon Lore - North America, Nuxalk Indians
(9) “Tiahuanaco and the Deluge”, Theory Workshop by Helmut Zettl Catastrophism and Ancient History, Vol. VI
Part 2 July 1984, A Journal Of Interdisciplinary Study, Marvin Arnold Luckerman, Executive Editor
(10) Appendix 2 - Serpent & Dragon Lore, Chile
(11) Appendix 1 - Dated Events, Pre 11,053 BCE Tibet