A Story of the Planet Venus
Looking For The Planet Venus Prior to 1200 BC
by John M. Collins Sarnia, Ont., Canada 2021
Findings in the Ice
In addition to deriving the temperatures at which the ice varves froze, the examination of those 13,003 years BP ice cores brought forth several other interesting details which are documented in two technical papers(1),(2). The ratio of the metals Platinum to Iridium (Pt/Ir) in globular particles was found to be several orders of magnitude greater than it is in the mantle of the Earth. This suggests that some of the debris in the Comet was of an unknown extra-terrestrial source. A severe spike in sulphate ion (SO4-) emissions pointed to great Earthly magma emissions and fires, and perhaps the rending of the Great Rift that runs northward from central Africa, through the Red Sea to the Dead Sea and the Jordan Valley. The atmo-sphere of the Comet also may have contained sulphates. Thirdly, there was the appearance of massive ammonium ion (NH4+) emissions indicative of widespread, very high temperature combustion of plant and animal matter. (See Appendix 5 - Venus & Platinum - abstracts)
The authors of those papers, not recognising that all of these emissions were the result of the same event that took place in no more than a day, assigned slightly different dates to them based on the difficulty of sampling and then discerning the material in a specific varve. The Pt work published dates of 12,888 and ~12,800 BP; the SO4- work 12,982, 12,817 and 12,782 BP; the NH4+ work 12,857 BP. These dates are all consistent with the NOAA data, within their variabilities as published in those papers. This author will adhere to the 13,003 cal. BP (11,053 BCE) date for the event based on the discussion above.
Regarding my above statement ".... same event that took place in no more than a day .....", I feel an explanation may be order. As mentioned elsewhere, I have shown that the Venus Comet had an orbit that took seven (7) Earth years of 360 days each to complete. This orbital frequency has been found to have been constant from before 50,000 years ago to approximately 1200 BCE (3150 years ago). If some event disrupted that orbital pattern, I consider it to be highly unlikely that it would be re-established exactly the same. Variations in timings of the interactions between the Earth and the Comet, were due solely to changes in the Earth's orbit. This, in turn, kept changing the number of Earth days (revolutions on its axis) in an Earth year (one rotation around the Sun).(3)
Beginning with the NOAA data of about 19,000 years BP and working forward in time, he noted that incremental ice-freezing temperature changes varied up and down about 0.2-0.4°C per time interval analysed. Starting with the 13,003 BP entry [11,053 BCE] (ice-freezing temperature -41.05°C), seven consecutive temperature values show drops, bottoming out with the 12,705 BP entry [10,755 BCE] of -50.13°C. In 309 years, the period 11,064 to 10,755 BCE, the ice-freezing temperature dropped 9.06°C. He uses these dates with an average +/- 12 years variability.
The author considers 11,053 BCE (13,003 YA), which was followed by the first increment of that large temperature drop, to be the date of the initial interaction between the Comet and the Earth. It is within the determination reported in the Göbekli Tepe work, and the nano-diamond work described above, and likely within the variability of the start of the discontinuity period in the Natufian culture (see above) as well. He considers that by the second date of 10,755 BCE mentioned above, the Earth was already in a new orbit, farther from the Sun. The resultant reduction in the solar radiation intensity reaching Earth's surface had allowed the surface to cool to a new and much colder ice-freezing temperature range. As the cloud particles settled out, more sunlight would hit the Earth. Temperature values would gradually rise slightly. The “otherwise unexplained” cold Younger Dryas period was occurring.
Looking further forward in time to the 11,535 BP entry [9,585 BCE], the ice-freezing temper-ature, which had been rising slowly in the past 1200 years, reached -35.88°C. It then dropped 3.54°C in 136 years, 11,535 to 11,399 cal. BP [9,585 to 9,449 BCE] and then began to rise again. At the 9,585 BCE date something, likely the Comet, had interacted with Earth again. This time we began moving nearer the Sun. However the Earth was again re-enveloped by the cloud of particles, masking and chilling it. The warming did not restart until the cloud began to thin out. The Younger Dryas period began to end.
This second event (9,585 BCE +/- 17 yrs) matches the estimated covering date for Göbekli Tepe, the vacating of the Hasankeyf Mound and the end of the Natufian culture, all previously described. The author strongly suspects that this second approach of the Comet was recog-nised by the builders of Göbekli Tepe. They chose a site amidst mountains so as to divert another possible Flood and shield it. They covered the site to protect it further from the destruction of the waters. In 9449 BCE, the Earth began rewarming again as it moved closer and closer to the Sun and received more intense solar radiation. In 8161 BCE we apparently had a minor interaction with the Comet indicating that there was more trouble to come. We had been fitted into a smaller, more stable orbit of unknown size around the Sun.
Later Earth-orbit changing events of the Comet have been identified. They are discussed in Appendix 1 - Dated Events. At all of those dates, there are temperature drops in the Green-land ice-freezing temperature data. There are many other distinct drops over the next 9,000 years which the author believes to be related to less-traumatic close encounters by the Comet with Earth. Some of these may have altered the Earth's orbit and thereby the number of days in an Earth year. In that Appendix, the author identifies many of them with known events in our ancient history.
The Ice Record shows that the Earth suffered a double strike in the 11,100 - 9,400 BCE period. A MEMORY was created that has remained with the people in various ways. It forms the principal part of the worldwide mythology in most of our cultures. We are aware of it even though our personal memories get scrambled from time to time. Appendix 5 - Venus & Platinum Appendix 1 - Dated Events
(1) Petaev M.I. et al. Large Pt anomaly in the Greenland ice core points to a cataclysm at the onset of Younger Dryas, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 110, 12917–12920 (2013). See Appendix 5 for abstract.
(2) Moore, C. R. et al. Widespread platinum anomaly documented at the Younger Dryas onset in North American sedimentary sequences. Sci. Rep. 7, 44031; doi: 10.1038/; (2017). See Appendix 5 for abstract.
(3) The basic definition of a "year" is one complete orbit by the Earth around the Sun. In that time period the Earth makes multiple revolutions on its polar axis, each being called a "day". The author uses the term “Earth Day” with 360 of them in a “standard” year, when comparing orbital durations.