A Story of the Planet Venus
Looking For The Planet Venus Prior to 1200 BC
by John M. Collins Sarnia, Ont., Canada 2021
It Was a Very Bad Time for a Long Time
The author is confident that the events of 13,000 YA were much more catastrophic than would result from an impact of a smaller comet, meteorite or asteroid into water or even the ice of an icecap. The events that did occur were retained in the memories of the survivors and passed on to descendants by stories. Further visits by the Venus Comet had continued and with it, repeated descriptions of fire and destruction coming from the sky plus some flooding. These visits kept reinforcing the original story and likely adding to it. What ever it was, all were agreed that it came at the Earth from the sky. Are the stars and planets really gods and super beings? Do they interact with each other and with people on Earth? Why do they attack us? Did we do something bad? Are we being punished?
Repeats of the events ceased about 1150 BCE (3200 YA). Listeners no longer experienced events first-hand. Story-tellers, having been told that this was the history of their people, ended up with what became foolish-sounding descriptions of unexplainable events in the skies. Appendix 2 - Serpent & Dragon Lore captures the myths of many cultures and tries to make sense of them. How would you, as an observer, understand and describe what had happened and what you had seen or been told about?
Words fail you!
At this point, the author refers you, the reader, to his Appendix 1 - Dates of Temperature Drops in Greenland Ice Data and Noted Mentions of Destructions. It is a chronological listing of interactions between the Venus Comet and the Earth between 50,000 YA and 2000 YA. It documents multiple destructions around the Earth, particularly in a band between 500 N and 400 S. Few reports have been found of events outside of that span of latitude, possibly because the details have been difficult to find and to examine. Artifacts may not have survived the climate or even been recognised.
Appendix 1 includes the results of the author's assessment of the cycles of dates of close encounters between the Earth and the Venus Comet. He indicates whether damage seems to have occurred. A graph of those dates after the Younger Dryas event concluded, is provided at the end of that Appendix.
This author believes that descriptions of the actions of the Venus Comet were far outside the acceptable limits imagination used by most of his readers. He felt he needed to support and explain those descriptions at every opportunity. To that end he traced the yearly actions of that body, and tabulated them in that Appendix 1. When looked at as a "detailed story", it may well seem boring, but it does define the visit every seven years of that Comet cycling around the Sun on a long elliptical orbit. The events studied took place between 24,000 and 2700 years ago; a span of over 21,000 years of our history. On a personal basis, OUR ANCESTORS lived through it. It is a part of our individual Family Histories !!
As the author came to realise time and time again, famous and the not so well-known Earthly events and catastrophes fitted into that matrix. Sun reversals (the Sun rises in the West) and calendar reinventions (How many days in the year this time?), mentioned in histories, were obvious. Wild statements, like "Athena leaping out of the head of Zeus", made sense.
Homer's description in Greek, of Athena throwing a spear into Ares in the skies above Troy, has been verified, but as flying in the reverse direction. We remember that Homer supported his Greeks. Its description has been recognised in three Asian, three African, one European and at least seven North American, one Central American and one South American culture. That point is particularly mind-boggling when you consider that the view likely lasted less than a minute! That is the estimated time that it took the bolt of energy to travel between Ares and Athena. Here on Earth, nearly everybody between the Mississippi River eastward to east Iran, must have been watching the sky and fearing what was going to happen next! Viewers elsewhere on Earth would soon come to realise that things had changed !!
Most of the Earth and Venus Comet encounters were not as traumatic as the early ones mentioned here ..... but for the average Earthling, they could be awesome as well as deadly. For the vast majority of encounters, they were a singular pass that affected only a portion of the Earth THAT TIME ! The Comet did not circle all around the Earth while interacting with it nor did it actually impact us. It was more like a single "sweep" or "brush" as it passed on its way around the Sun. Some people would be subjected to it's Tidal Wave or it's debris. Whether or not you were affected by it depended on how closely it brushed by your home that time. If you suffered, then the guy on the other side of the Earth was rejoicing at being missed! The 2293 BCE entry from Bolivia (see Appendix 1 on Dated Events of the Comet) demonstrates those thoughts.
For those who lived through these events, finding and consuming any food would have been their only task. Later they tried to share the basic knowledge of what happened and what to do, with people dropped into to a "survivalist stone age culture". In a parallel with today's cultures, its like users of cell phones and computer tablets having to learn to make stone cutting tools, and Google is down permanently. In today's terminology, our electronics, no longer having relevance to the the children of our survivors, eventually would become myth. When the Venus Comet ceased to threaten us, the reason and then the ability to create megalithic structures with massive "sculpted" stones, was likely lost along with other skills.
Records are found in Sumerian, Egyptian, Avestan, Indian, Chinese, Japanese and Israelite records as early as writing is known to exist, about 6,000 YA(1),(2). Earlier documents, that are known and could have similar entries, have remained undecipherable. Later cultures such as Assyrian, Babylonian, Greek, Roman, Vedic, Tamil and pre-Mayan, as well as those in Africa, Asia and the Americas, have stories and myths that were handed on by previous generations.
The views and beliefs of these cultures are documented and discussed in Appendix 2 - Serpent & Dragon Lore, Descriptions of the Venus Comet by Various Cultures. It is recommended that you keep it handy as you read this story, and use it to supplement your comprehension of how peoples understood what was happening to them.
The Destroying God Was Tamed / Killed
About 1250 BCE (see date in Appendix 1), the orbit of the Venus Comet seems to have been perturbed. It had two "off-schedule" encounters with the Earth. These were followed by an encounter with the planet Mars in which the Earth was not harmed. This latter event was witnessed during the final year of the Trojan War (about 1184 BCE), and described by Homer about 350 years later. A "Thunderbolt" of energy passed between the Venus Comet and Mars, an event witnessed in the sky by the Greeks and the Trojans as well as by peoples in Mesopotamia and from northwest India westward through Europe to the Mississippi Valley in North America. The Olmec in eastern Mexico, the Guarani in central South America and the Yoruba in West Central Africa, also saw it. These locations cover the 1620 of Longitude(3) from which one could view that portion of the sky at that moment !
The Venus Comet was diverted from its elongated Sun orbit and seems to have wandered in the inner Solar System. About 800-780 BCE it came near Jupiter. Its "cloak" was captured by that large planet, leaving the planet Venus stripped. To the Greeks of the day, their war god-dess Athena had been seen going close to their chief god Zeus (Jupiter). Then she appeared from behind or beside Zeus in “bright shining armour”. She flew free from Zeus and having been transformed (reborn?), was renamed Aphrodite. Hesiod, the Greek poet, may have witnessed the event for he recorded the details in verse.(4) His predecessor Homer, the classical story teller, must have died before that time, or he certainly would have included it in one of his stories.
The Venus Comet ceased to exist !
It was no longer feared, and the megalithic structures on our planet lost their original relevance. Interestingly, the Greeks formalised their celebrations in 776 BCE with games honouring Zeus (for “disarming” Athena). The games were held at a location they called Olympia in the western Peloponnese. These continued until about 390 CE. Today's Olympic Games were revived in 1896 CE in Athens.
Conversely, about the same time (1184-1100 BCE), the planet Mars became identified and "exalted" as the new God of War by nations all around the world. Civilisations came to worship Mars or its equivalent, and honoured it for having “tamed” the greatly feared and deadly Venus Comet. It depended on your point of view!
Mars is believed to have roamed the inner Solar System. Astronomers have identified an interaction by it with Venus about 700 BCE that directed Mars to an engagement with the Earth in 687 BCE.(5) As expected by it’s much lesser mass, Mars likely was damaged much more than the Earth, as we are learning from our exploration of Mars. However it did force our planet into a somewhat bigger obit, and our year to the present 365.24+ days. In the process, the 185,000 man Assyrian army of King Sennacherib was destroyed outside of Jerusalem, as told in Assyrian records and confirmed in Jewish writings. (See Appendix 2 - Serpent and Dragon Lore - Biblical Details "The Assyrians (King Sennacherib) and the Angel of the Lord".)
In the process, we on Earth acquired a bright, new planet, Venus, that we adored as our Morning and Evening Star.
(1) Bible: Book of Exodus
(2) “The Great Exodus Coverup” by John M. Collins, 2018
(3) See Venus Story Appendix 2 - Serpent & Dragon Lore in the named cultures
(4) See Appendix 2 Serpent & Dragon Lore, Greece - Classical Period.
(5) Bible 2 Kings 19: 29-36; 2 Chronicles 32: 16-21