A Story of the Planet Venus
Looking For The Planet Venus Prior to 1200 BC
by John M. Collins Sarnia, Ont., Canada 2021
Final Words
Researching for this book began as a means to try to answer some passing questions; More as curiosity to be chased down, rather than a Research Project. Unsurprisingly, each answer found spawned more questions. Before long I realised that I was digging into history details beyond those I had been taught, and seeing connections that astounded me. I came to recognise that the mythologies that abound, were worth serious thought.
They were not just fantastic creations of the mind, but many were serious attempts to convey information usually of a historic nature. The problem faced by the storyteller was to pass on something that he recognised was considered "unusual" or "strange" or even "impossible". He gave his audience what he had been told and perhaps used similes or word-pictures to try to explain the ideas as he thought he understood them.
I came to believe that the storyteller was certain that there had been something real that happened. His problem was in discussing and explaining it for dummies like me !!
Strangely, while I was checking out research findings by others, it seemed that nobody else seemed to have made the connections I was finding. This required finding multiple proofs from multiple sources. One of my approaches was to assess if a so-called "unbelievable" event was physically possible. What conditions have to exist for it to be possible? If it happened, “What sort of outcomes” should be evident? How might others describe it? In other words "Give it the Doubt" and try to prove it wrong.
Homer's description of the battle of Troy in his “Iliad”, tells of the Greek goddess Athena directing a spear to wound the opposing god, Ares. Homer was telling of events about 350 years earlier, when a "thunderbolt", a huge bolt of energy, passed between those two planets over Earth during that battle. This event was reported by multiple cultures from present day North-West India westward to about the Mississippi River in the United States, and remains in their histories today. The flash of lightning probably took less than a minute to travel that distance. All but the Greeks say it travelled from Ares (Mars) to the Venus Comet. This means that people across about 1620 of latitude were watching that show in the sky.
The stories in myths need to be re-evaluated for their core content. We need to question what the story teller was trying to describe. It was NOT MYTH to him; it was FACT. Setting "myths" aside as "strange religious beliefs" is a failure by the researcher to do a critical assessment.
In addition, we need to greatly enlarge our views of the science, mathematics and astronomy skills of old. They seemingly did not get passed along but had to be reinvented in the millen-nia that followed the devastations. We need to enlarge our ideas on how different life on Earth may have been in the past. Much more work is needed to identify additional events in the pattern of destruction. How did people plan for and cope with the after-effects? If this idea of "known cycles of destruction by Venus imbedded in the data trapped in the ice" is correct, then perhaps we have a
"Time Measuring Methodology Applicable for the Period 48,000 - 1200 BCE"
As researchers and their kin, who are prepared to "think outside the box defined by others in the past", and to follow their own leads and instincts, the author is confident that more evidence will be found to enlighten us on just what happened before, during and after that 13,000 years ago event. His thoughts posted in this work and its Appendices may have errors. If they spark others to find the correct details, then he is pleased.
Our Understanding
How the Survivors Interpreted these Events
How They Successfully Managed
to Re-create
Their Own New Civilizations,
Really our Personal History,
We are Descendants of those Survivors.
Now I direct your attention to
Dates of Temperature Drops in Greenland Ice-Freezing Temperatures Data
and Noted Mentions of Destructions
It is a chronological tabulation of likely Venus Comet interactions with Planet Earth from 50,000 years ago to 1184 BCE and beyond.
Descriptions of the Venus comet by Various Cultures
As you read, keep these writings at hand and refer to them frequently. Try to visualise the Events described, with you being in the middle of them!
The other Appendices can be checked out as they are referenced in the main story or as stand-alone topics.
Enjoy !