A Story of the Planet Venus
Looking For The Planet Venus Prior to 1200 BC
by John M. Collins Sarnia, Ont., Canada 2021
13,000 Years Ago
For many years, my interest has been drawn to articles on the so-called "collision" between Earth and something from space about 13,000 years ago (YA). Compounding the difficulty in determining what came flying in, is the lack of discovery of any apparent impact site. This suggests that the impact was into an ocean (70% of the planet surface is water-covered) or into a then-existing ice age icecap on Antarctica, northern Europe, or North America.
If we consider the diagram of the distribution of nano-diamonds associated with the event (1) we observe it shows a localised pattern in the Middle East with a widening spread moving westward. It covers most of Europe, the Mediterranean Sea, the North African coastline, and most of North and Central America to the shore of the Pacific Ocean. Conversely the pattern could be said originate over the western Pacific Ocean, broaden when crossing North America and taper back over the Middle East. The authors of the referenced article date the event to 12,800 +/- 150 years cal BP (calendar years Before Present). They do not identify these nano-diamonds elsewhere in Africa, South America, Asia, Australia or on Pacific islands. Recently a new paper (2) by Mario Pino et al shows nano-diamonds in southern Chile as well, suggesting that the distribution pattern is more widespread.
These nano-diamonds are considered by those authors to have been formed from Earth-derived carbon that has been subjected to the very intense temperatures associated with Earth impact conditions. Natural combustion processes like a forest fire are not hot enough. The high temperatures mentioned are caused by something passing very rapidly through the Earth's oxygen-rich atmosphere. In the study by Kinzie et al, the nano-diamonds are found in a thin layer of carbon buried under about 50cm of soil, indicating that the carbonaceous materials (plants and creatures) were torn from the surface of our planet into the maelstrom above and carbonised and then melted, before failing back to the surface.
The articles make no definitive identification of their 12,800 cal BP object although a very large comet was suspected by many. Other suggestions were a meteorite, an asteroid or even "aliens". This author's impression is that there was a much larger set of forces involved in this event than would be created by any of those threats plunging into an ocean or expending it’s force on a continental glacier.
This event, while horrific, DID NOT involve a physical collision of the Comet with the Earth. There is no Earth scar of a planet-with-planet sideswipe, let alone a "bull's eye" hit. The Earth collision that ended the reign of the dinosaurs much earlier, involved a smallish asteroid object that punched a large hole. Its concussion combined with the water and debris emitted, wiped out plants and animals worldwide.
The 13k YA cal BP (11,053 BCE) event was a close pass-by of something very large that caused damage by its gravitational pull shifting the surface of the Earth and its seas. The worldwide Flood occurred when the seas were pulled from their basins by the gravity attraction of the passing Comet, as a HUGE tide, and propelled skyward by the twisting of the Earth. This caused salty sea water to soak parts of the land by flooding and rain before the Earth’s gravity pulled it back into those basins. Millions would have been drowned. Only the lower elevations on the surface of the planet got temporarily submerged by rushing sea water. Those areas, however, would be sweep clear of people, animals, structures and have most of their vegetation destroyed. Any survivors in those saltwater soaked areas likely succumbed to starvation as their food chain had been destroyed.
Additionally the passage of the Comet through our Oxygen-containing atmosphere, set fire to combustibles in the Comet which in turn “rained fire” on the surface of the Earth. Peoples, animals, plants and structures not in the path of the Comet, did survive. Recovery took place in a matter of centuries rather than in tens of millions of years.
Researchers have looked for mentions or even suggestions of this event in old records. The Atlantis story , describes a cataclysm that included an earthquake, and (3) a city/country being engulfed by a mass of water. A dominant civilisation (Atlantis) was destroyed, and very likely other sites of which we know nothing. A later rise of 100m in sea level removed them from our view. See also Appendix 1 - Dated Events - 11,053 BCE.
The Flood story, found in some 500 versions worldwide, described a cataclysm of long ago. In those stories, people were told to use a boat to float safely on the water, or to climb a "mountain", or to excavate underground shelters in higher elevation locations. All the Flood survivors were told early enough so that they were able to accomplish those tasks. The person who gave them the warning, was later considered to be a "god". Their stories, taken at face value, suggested an aspect of history discussed about 8 pages below in “Ancient Astronomy”. Storytellers describing them to generations long after the events, were unable to provide believable supporting details. As a result the stories became entertaining tales or myths that were claimed to be a history of the people.
This book on the Venus Story examines the records of Earth events from 25k YA (23,000 BCE) to 2550 YA (600 BCE). It demonstrates the involvement of the planet Venus in comet form as damaging the Earth multiple times, and its influence on human affairs. The report of the NOAA Greenland GISP2 Ice Core Temperature and Accumulation Data (4) provided an accurate calendar. This author found that the results and conclusions of research work done by many archeologists, fitted closely with the ice data, usually well within the variability of their determinations.
The author challenges his readers and critics to find pre-1200 BCE data proving that the planet Venus by any name, was then in its current orbit around the Sun.
So far in this story, I have not mentioned the "name" of the Comet. As might be expected, various peoples and civilisations over the course of 10,000 years, had their specific names for it. Appendix 2 to this story entitled "Serpent & Dragon Lore - Descriptions of the Venus Comet by Various Cultures" describes over 70 of them. For the balance of this story, I will refer to it as
the Venus Comet
based on the final position of the planet in our lives.
(1) “Nanodiamond-Rich Layer across Three Continents Consistent with Major Cosmic Impact at 12,800 Cal BP" Charles R. Kinzie et al. The Journal of Geology, Vol. 122, No. 5 (September 2014), pp. 475-506. Published by: The University of Chicago Press DOI: 10.1086/677046 https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/677046
(2) Mario Pino et al, "Sedimentary record from Patagonia, southern Chile supports cosmic-impact triggering of biomass burning, climate change, and megafaunal extinctions at 12.8 kYA" Scientific Reports (2019). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-38089-y : https://phys.org/news/2019-03-geologic-evidence-theory-major-cosmic.html#jCp
(3) Based on Plato's writings:
- A description of Atlantis was said to have been inscribed on a monument in the Temple of Sais on the Canopic branch of the Nile River delta. Sais was deemed to be the burial location of the high Egyptian god Osiris. About 600-590 BCE, Solon of Greece was shown that monument by an old Egyptian priest who stated the hieroglyphic inscription to be very old. They copied it, had it translated into then current script Egyptian, and Solon later wrote its translation into Greek.
- It described a catastrophe said to have occurred 9000 years earlier than the inscription. How exact that number of years was, is open to challenge.
- Using the date of 10,950 BCE for the catastrophe (per current Gobekli Tepe information) then the Atlantis inscription was made 10,950 - 9000 = ca 1950 BCE.
- The Pharaoh in 1950 BCE, depending on which Kings' List is used, was either: Amenemhat I, first in the Middle Kingdom (12th Dynasty) or his son Senusret I, second in that dynasty. Both rebuilt and refurbished old Egyptian shrines destroyed in the collapse of the Old Kingdom in 2174 BCE, and promoted their history. The third pharaoh, Amenemhat II is said to have repaired the Sphinx and put his face on it.
(4) Alley, R.B.. 2004. GISP2 Ice Core Temperature and Accumulation Data. Last update 3/2004. IGBP PAGES/ World Data Center for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series #2004-013. NOAA/NGDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA.